
Unfree to Fly

"Quitta secretly has feelings for Ghaza, one of the students at her school who is famous for being a playboy. But when she finds out her mother set her up with Ghaza, Quitta chooses to hide her feelings from everyone. especially after her desire to become a chef was opposed by her mother. Meanwhile, Kevlar is trapped in a toxic relationship with Alea, the woman who has become his fiancé. When he finds out that Alea is having an affair, Kevlar plans to break up with her, but his parents instead urged him to immediately marry Alea. To cancel the plan, Kevlar tries to approach Quitta so his parents know that he is already in a relationship with another girl. But after knowing Quitta's true state, his feelings that were just playing turned into reality. While Ghaza who doesn't look sincere to Quitta buries the same feelings for the girl. And when he learns that Kevlar is trying to win Quitta's heart, Ghaza doesn't stand still."

Sari_Murniasih · Adolescente
Sin suficientes valoraciones
20 Chs

Fly 5

At exactly 5 o'clock, Kevlar came out of his office.

Several employees of the furniture gallery downstairs of his office smiled and nodded respectfully as Kevlar passed in front of them. Gallery closing hours are one hour different from the office, but some employees have started to clean up, and some are still serving clients who want to buy furniture or just have a look.

Kevlar got into his Range Rover and drove at a moderate speed. Regretfully he didn't ask Mr. Mur, the company driver, to drive his car because he had only been on the road for fifteen minutes, and he was already feeling unbearable sleepiness.

All because he stayed up late last night. Though there is nothing important to do. Even about the problem with Alea, which had preoccupied his mind for the past few days, he didn't worry about it anymore.

He freed his mind of all burdens and did whatever he wanted regardless of whether others would object or not.

Was feeling sleepy, his mind imagined a blue beach with beautiful white sand. He lay there, looking up at the blue sky with its white clouds. A beautiful girl was not far from him, wearing a two-piece bikini behind a thin sea-colored cloth. the girl lay with her eyes closed, making her unable to help but stroke her beautiful neck. The girl woke up and threw a kiss that landed on Kevlar's lips before he lost consciousness with sleep.

For a moment he saw between conscious and unconscious, a motorbike that was about to cross, passing right in front of the car he was driving.

"Bam !!"

The sound of the inevitable impact of a hard object brought his consciousness back. The drowsiness suddenly disappeared without a trace. Leaving dizzy and gasping for breath.

The streets weren't too busy, but the collision was inevitable because Kevlar wasn't focused due to sleepiness. Kevlar realized his negligence.

People outside began to approach and shout at him like a thief about to run away. Even though he was still here, and had no intention of leaving until he saw the condition of the victim he hit.

Kevlar got out of his car in horror. What if these people act anarchy by judging him and making him hurt or even lose his life.

"Patience, patience ... the victim was not seriously injured, the motorbike was also only slightly damaged!" said someone wise enough to keep the others from getting carried away by their emotions, who were already preparing to approach Kevlar.

Kevlar was just silent in shock, even his intention to see the victim was forgotten due to the large number of people crowding around him.

"Come on, quick responding, take her to the hospital!!" Say another with an emotion.

"Yes calm down, she must be taken to the hospital, please the others back first, make room for the victim!" continued the wise man earlier.

"Watch out the culprit ran away!!" said someone in the back row.

People not far from Kevlar prepared to hold him.

Moments later, a policeman called by a road user approached the crowd, and immediately took Kevlar into custody.

Kevlar heaved a sigh of relief.

"Are you the owner of this car? Let's take her to the hospital first. We'll take care of other things there too." He said to Kevlar who answered with a nod.

"Calm down everyone, we will immediately take the victim to the hospital, please everyone disperse." Said the middle-aged policeman, then asked several people to help the victim get into the Kevlar car.

"Wait sir, my condition is not fit, can you ask someone else to drive?" said Kevlar at the police officer.

His new state of drowsiness and shock made him unsure of driving a car.

"Let me drive." Snapped a man standing behind Kevlar.

A woman resident who lives not far from there was asked by the police to accompany the victim who was wearing a school uniform. While another was assigned to take the victim's motorbike to the nearest police station.

"How is it Miss, what's sick?" asked the woman who accompanied the victim.

"No ma'am, I'm fine." The girl replied, making Kevlar who was sitting in the front seat turn around to look at her.

Kevlar gasped, repeatedly making sure his eyes weren't mistaken.

That girl… was the same girl he had imagined!

"It doesn't hurt at first, but after a while, it will hurt. And how about your head, is it okay?" Continued the woman who looks around 40 years old.

"Yeah, it doesn't matter because I used a helmet."

"Thank God."

The girl just nodded in agreement.

The image of the tiny lips that kissed him again stopped in his mind. Kevlar was shocked, how could he think dirty in a situation like this.

Was looking at his face, and accidentally their eyes met.

Kevlar cursed in his heart, the meeting he had been waiting for for the past few days happened at the same time as an unpleasant tragedy. He just hoped this incident didn't leave a bad impression on the girl.

"But fortunately, the injuries were not serious, the motorbike can still be used again after being repaired. Last Sunday, my friend's son was riding a motorbike when he was going to college, and he collided with a truck and died. Then the truck driver who was trying to escape was almost killed by a mob." clearly the man who was driving the car, said sadly.

Quitta shuddered at the thought of the incident, he sympathized with the victim who died but did not agree that the perpetrator should be persecuted. After all, there is no accidental collision, even if there is it is called suicide.

Quitta's expression didn't go unnoticed by Kevlar who was watching her from the rearview mirror. A few minutes ago since he found out the girl he hit was Quitta, Kevlar couldn't take his eyes off her.

The plan that he had drawn up a few days ago was re-designed, he had to think carefully so that everything went well.

Arriving at a 24-hour clinic not far from the crash site, Kevlar's car was parked next to the security post not far from the lobby.

As soon as he got out of the car Kevlar rushed over to Quitta, ready to carry her into the treatment room. But the words of the police officers stopped his intentions.

"Please tell the nurse to bring the wheelchair here!" The police order was nodded by the man driving the car.

"No, I can still walk!" Quitta shouted.

"Don't force it, your leg should get treatment first and see how big the injury is."

"Come on, sit here." The police continued to invite Quitta when the wheelchair he asked for was in sight.

Quitta awkwardly sat himself down. Kevlar swiftly pushed the wheelchair into the clinic after making sure Quitta was comfortably seated.

The clinic staff immediately checked Quitta's condition and cleaned the wounds she suffered. After half an hour, they had done everything.

"Thankfully there were no serious injuries. Maybe later the elbow and the leg will be a little swollen, but it doesn't matter. Just rest for a few days, and it will return to normal. And because the wound is relatively light, there is no need for a CT Scan. In a few days the patient will return to walking with normal." obviously the female doctor who examined Quitta.

"Good, thanks a lot doc!"

"Okay, I'll excuse myself first. I hope the patient recovers quickly and can return to his usual activities."

"Yes, please doc!"

When finished, the police also invited two people who helped him to go home until there were only three of them with Kevlar and Quitta who still had to finish pending business.