
Underground City - Part 1

King William knew Heero was not kidding with his words. And after he met a real dragon yesterday, he trusted Heero more than before.

He gestured to his knights with his left to not speak and said to Heero, "Good! What about Alexa? Can I bring her with me?"

Heero did not give an immediate answer. He looked at Alexa and in a split of seconds, his pupils turned purple. It was hardly noticed by the people around him.

"If you trust her then it's okay, he can join us to meet our shorty friends,"

He said a random blabber with a big smile plastered on his face. King William took that as a joke and smiled in return.

The three Guardian Knights who did not follow King William to the first dungeon wanted to say something. However, Guardian Knight Adrian stopped them with a gesture of his hand and a shook of his head. He was telling them to follow the King's will to not follow them.