
Chapter Sixty eight

"So how's your night" Mandy smiled at me when I walked into her office. "Good" I tried to keep my face natural without revealing anything "Only good or...hot?  I turned to see her grinning.

" Tell me, gosh you're keeping me in suspense". She walked to where I was sitting to stare at me. "What are you doing?  I asked when she sniff the air around me. " Trying to perceive Andrew on you".  "Are you serious".  " yeah and I can, meaning that you Becca had a hot night of sex with him". "Oh! Stop it" I covered my face with my palm. "You're not going to gist me is that it". " you know you're the second version of Emily" "That shows how much you love me, so... tell me how was your night". " fine, my night was great I slept with him".

"Yay!! This calls for celebration, she reached for the drink in the cabinet and brought it to the table "at least it's a start of something"  "I hope so" I muttered taking a glass she handed me.

"Cheers to you and Andrew".  " Really? I'm not getting married" I frown my face. "I'm drinking to that no matter what you say" she gulped down her drink in one shot. "Now tell me how hot was he". "you're making this sound creepy"  "I don't think so" 

"Well... I enjoyed my night with him for year's I thought that I was okay but... Last night told me all that I wanted to know". " what? She asked  "I've been missing out a lot maybe I give a try to something new, I have avoided all of this because... I thrilled off. " of fear" she completed for me."

Yeah because of fear, I don't want to get hurt again or trust again". " you know the lessons on the world can't go sometimes without you experiencing something, no matter what you do in life something or somebody might hurt you or give you lessons you might never forget in life that doesn't mean you should stop loving or enjoying yourself because of it, this is what life is when you get hurt or down you need to heal and stand, don't shy away or hide from something because of your fear" 

"Thanks" I smiled now I was sure the kind of life I wanted. 

I looked ahead at the Calming wave, this was the place he has brought me to calm my mind and this was the place I would tell him my mind. 

"Becca! I heard his voice and turn to stand few feet away from him. "Glad you made it, I smiled". " What was so urgent that made you ask me to come here". "Nothing much, I just want to be here again...with you". Hus's eyes widen and he reached to take my hand in his. Without a word, we stare ahead at the calming waves.

" This is peace". He said finally I nodded still fixing my eyes on the wave. "Do you know how to swim".  " Ummm I turned to meet his gaze. "Never tried so I don't know". "Tell me your hobbies when you're still studying" I looked down at my finger why was he asking me and remembering that I was once wanted to be a doctor made emotions scream inside me. I took a deep breath remembering that I was making peace with my past. 

"Reading".  " and... ". Nothing" I said "why are you asking me?  " I just want to know the things you do apart from reading then. "I don't have a hobby then, all I think of is to read harder every minute to make my family proud and when I'm not reading I'm with my family or friend"

"Hmmm what do you do for yourself to make you happy" "The answer was still read" I shrugged that was when I realized that I've never done anything for myself I was always aiming to make my family proud but without knowing that I was losing myself? "When my family is happy I'm also happy". " it true but that doesn't mean you should lose yourself why doing that, you should have tried to have fun also for yourself".

 "Hmmm!  " Don't worry it's okay, then you never tried our new skills or anything just reading but now you should have or try to discover something you're good at apart from reading".

"I like the way that sounds" I know he smiled reaching in to kiss me, I savor in his taste lingering for a while not wanting to let go.

"Come, we walked to the mouth of the ocean. " can you swim," I asked in awe looking at the wide ocean. "You'll see for yourself" 

He starts unbuttoning his shirt and I stood and watch him shamelessly as he pulled off his shirt then trousers and left only in his blue boxers which made me smile and blush at the same time.

"Your turn" he watched me with a half-smile, I raised my eyebrow in question he nodded and motion me to start. Taking a deep breath, I tied my hair in a knot first before pulling off my blouse then my trousers I looked up and saw the cute smile on his face. "You're enjoying the view right". " very much".

"Naughty fellow" I muttered. "I heard that" he grinned reaching out for his hand for me to take. "This is going to be fun" he smiled at me.

He led me in into the water it was chilling at first but when we got deep that the water was up to our waist, our body got use to it.

He pulled me to his body, my body felt the heat even though it was cold. "Do you want to learn" I nodded staring at the water. "But I'm a little scared I admitted. " Then hold me" he whisper in my ear. I looked up at him through my lashes. He smiled and turn his back placing my hand on his his and her me while him tightly.

He spread himself in the water allowing himself to float and me on top of him. "Wow! He spread his arm moving his hands to the master the flow of the water. I did the same on his back, linking my hands in his to move with him. I felt something that I've never felt before, the feeling that brought a smile to my lips.