
Unforgiven: Fruitsbaskets + MHA x reader

"the hardest thing is not talking to someone you used to talk to everyday" a story where a fallen angel tries to get back home This is an original idea so please do not copy: Plot will be loosely based of Fruitesbaskets and My Hero Academia Includes; Female pronoun, swearing/ cursing, sensitive subjects (will be marked), and multiple love interests Disclaimer: I do not own these characters

moonlight_shawty05 · Cómic
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13 Chs

Prologue 4/5

Y/n's POV

In that moment I lost control, i wasn't focused. Everything i had tired to keep him from seeing has been uncovered... that single moment costed me a friend.

I could feel fear and hatred run through my body with an ounce of happiness left, images flooded my mind exposing my friend, his secrets shared with me. Not matter how much I tried to pull out of it the grasp was too strong... I shouldn't be seeing this.

Wherever I was it was cold and smelt of rotten flesh, in front of me was sat bakeneko, it didn't look like him or his cute cat form I had seen before, this thing... was different, at first glance it scared me but when I looked again, I could see a small, scared boy trembling from his own fear and humiliation. It was my friend... not my best friend.

I could feel my mind being plucked from the dark room, and there he was, the same boy his hair was no longer bright orange, but grey, along with the rest of the surrounding. I could feel my energy draining as my vision became blurred with red. I was happening and I couldn't do anything about it, my body was lifeless and unable to move my, crashing down into the grass until I was engulfed in darkness.


Narrator's POV

Her small frail body lay unconscious on the floor, by her side a ginger boy sat in astoundment before panicking as he saw the blood escaping her eyes. Her eyes, he saw how they went white before she fell. His own eyes couldn't leave the sight that lay before, it was familiar.

The view of white wings attached to his best friend.

Not knowing what to do or who to call, should he call someone. Question upon question ran through his head, attempting to weigh the pro's and con's as he began to running with the young girl in his arms. Tears slipping down his cheeks, whether it was from the fear of what would happen to his only friend or the burning he felt across his body from running.

The scared cat boy had finally reached the residence of the head, he searched for any sign of help until his eyes had set upon a woman exiting what he had supposed was y/n's room in anger.

The woman or so-called mother of Akito and y/n saw the boy holding her curse of a daughter in his arms, her body limp and wings exposed blood dripping from her face. The anger that filled her body had reached its limit. Not only had the child left her room without permission but she left the residence.

Nannies came running toward the boy yanking his friend out of his aching arms before whisking her away inside her room, he was left there frozen in fear of what would happen to his friend. All he could do is watch through a screen.


Y/n' POV

There it was again, the shouting and arguing along with the darkness of the bandage. I rose from my bed and that's when it hit me, the realisation that Kyo had seen everything. Minutes had passed and that thought remained in my head before a loud bang could be heard through the entire house followed by the harsh harassment of cold wind meeting my skin. 'My door'– *slap*

"You disgust me, not only did you expose your disgraceful self, but you were with him. I can smell that creature on your clothes, that stupid cat", her voice was venomous and stung more than the slap I earned.

It was her, my sister. The list of names that labelled her could reach the heavens and back but all I could do was sit and endure the pain she has and will conflict upon me. I had no choice, she is and will forever be superior, I will always remain as the dirt beneath her feet. At this point i could either beg for my life or hope this time she manages to kill me.

"Take of that foolish bandage and look at me when I'm talking to me you" I did what was ordered of me "there they are, those horrific eyes of yours. Do you have no soul freak, I can't stand seeing your face yet here I am, you should be thanking me for even acknowledging your existence... GO ON THEN? THANK ME YOUR WORTHLESS PIECE OF SH—" , "Thank you Akito, I apologise that you have to bare the sight of me please forgive me" I cut her off before receiving another hit to my face.

"I don't nor will I ever accept any apology of a monster, now turn around", the menacing tone of her voice had already told me what was to come, even so I still complied with her demand. "How about we halve the problem right now, perhaps then I might give you a second look".


Narrator's POV

Y/n sat there, unable to do anything or call out to anyone. No one could or would stop Akito, the poor child exposed her pure white wings to the real monster in the room.

A/N this next paragraph or two will be involving violence, screaming and blood (sorry guys)

Throughout the vacant home a mixture of screams and cries pierced the air, as the child was being ripped from her precious wings. Wicked laughs intruded the ears of the weak child, this pain was unlike any she had experienced before.


Y/n's POV

It's not the first time Akito has punished me, in fact i counted it about 6 maybe 7 times she has taken... no hacked my wings of. But this time, this time it was different. There was no mercy, not a single trace of guilt only anger and betrayal . That's what made it hurt more.

I feel the cold metal of metal against my back, tormenting me. I knew it was coming but I couldn't stop my body from shaking, I had to prepare my self for the pain. However Akito was too submerged in anger to give me the luxury. The sharp blade of the knife had already plunged into the right sight of my back digging at the root of my wing before exiting and repeating the process on my left. That wasn't the worst part.

The thick stickiness of my blood ran down my bare back, my wings hanging , still half attached. But soon enough the hands of my sister grasped the bones that was still halfway in my bag before tearing them from the nerves.

No matter how much I begged or screamed she didn't hear me, no one heard me or helped me. I was alone. The weight of my wings was no longer there, the cold air against my new wounds was pushing me over the edge. But my own anger and hatred toward my self overwhelmed me, a simple emotion that could trigger a truly monstrous part of me.

I had nothing else to lose.


Narrator's POV

One of the most simplest emotion could cloud someone's decisions or actions. Because at this point Y/n no longer cared if she destroyed the house or hurt her family by accident. One final scream of agony left the her mouth before the angered girl's body immersed in flames. Black and white colours danced around her kneeling body as white thick liquid ran out of her eyes.

A/N; I was listening to I'm yer dad by GRL wood-Daddy, so and the screaming in that kinda fits perfectly to how y/n is going to act.

Pain filled screams escaped the room after Akito had ran out, may she was right. Because that thing in her room was not human at this point.

y/n could see everything and everyone within the estate. She couldn't help but laugh at how weak she was at this moment in time. Akito was definitely the worst Head she had endured. At this point everything around the small body was on fire destroyed everything it touched with its beauty and rage, protecting it's owner. Slowly the open wounds and gashes on the girls back began to close, the blood dried painting her skin.

After the fire had healed y/n it began to die down, seeing back into the body of it's owner were is belonged. Her body once again lay limp on the floor in a puddle of her own blood. Waiting to be found or care for

20 minuets prior y/n's breakdown, a villainous smirk still remained plastered across Akito's blood stained face matching her clothes and sadly the floor of y/n's room. Nannies rushed into the room to be met with a vison that could never be forgotten.

The lifeless body centred in the room surrounded and painted in her own blood. It painted y/n's back decorated with the scars of here healed wounds. Spread beside her lay wings that had once been pure white now discoloured, appearing jut as lifeless as their owner.