
Unforgiven: Fruitsbaskets + MHA x reader

"the hardest thing is not talking to someone you used to talk to everyday" a story where a fallen angel tries to get back home This is an original idea so please do not copy: Plot will be loosely based of Fruitesbaskets and My Hero Academia Includes; Female pronoun, swearing/ cursing, sensitive subjects (will be marked), and multiple love interests Disclaimer: I do not own these characters

moonlight_shawty05 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Chapter 4: The Entrance Exam

Chapter 4 : The entrance exam


I don't think I've ever had a proper sleep schedule, that isn't me just sounding depressed its actually a helpful discovery, thanks to my hospital shifts I can go days without sleeping or spend days sleeping. Obviously it's great, I don't even get tired.. meaning I can put more hours at the hospital or station earning more free time.. to spend sleeping, eating, inventing or SHOPPING!

At least I can say I'm not bored.

I usually take early morning to late morning shifts Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at the hospital or extra hours for emergency operations. However I do prefer my second job. That being a detective alongside Uncle Tsukauchi at the station, I mostly work from home from my bed, unless I'm dragged in for interrogations or just simple filing, then I use our joint office. The perks of having a joint office with Tsukauchi is that he always makes me jam on toast or buys me an iced coffee as an apology for making me come in.

Having two jobs does take up a lot of my time, but have nothing better to do it doesn't hurt. It also happens bring me a decent pay, which goes toward the pay of my other residences. One places in the centre of Tokyo, too which might I say has the best view over the city. I tend to stay there whilst I visit my friends, it doesn't hurt to have a house party or two in Tokyo, but dad doesn't have to know about that. I tend to stick along the lines of visiting my friends to watch them play volleyball, which I do however the after party is the best part.

My other yet smaller apartment is situated back home. My home i mean home, home. But keeping in mind the distance i like to keep between the estate and myself is more than enough. It may not be places in a lively place but sometimes the silence or close to feeds my need for a much needed break. It also happens to be near Kyo, allowing my self to keep an eye out for him, seems he's giving sensei a handful.

Since I have most afternoons off, Uncle robo and I catch up with the latest technology or I assist him with a new support item. Since the end of the year is approaching... Meaning the hero-license test is nearing and I'm almost 17, dad asks me to tutor some of the hero course students with their training or very simple math because they seem to understand me more somehow.


Early September

8:57 AM.. Day of entrance Exam

The worst part about this time of the year is that my home… *ahem* the school, holds an entrance exam for middle school students and each year I'm somehow dragged into presenting with Uncle Tashi, something about me being a strong image for the school... or as dad and mom would say… "a beautiful face to distract the applicants from life threatening tasks". That brings me to now... now being the moment, I almost got it by a fucking aeroplane a second ago!

"WATCH WHERE YOUR FUCKING GOING YOU IDIOT CAN'T YOU SEE I'M TRYING TO FLY" I'm aware they can't hear me but if they did boy would they get a handful. But I suppose instead of shouting at the plane I should probably be focusing on my landing because I'm still falling.

My wings are so lucky right now they are faster than Barbie, the only thing in this world that can claim my love, oh my beautiful barbie, however I can't stand the looks I get when I'm riding my motorcycle. If i wasn't as composed i would start throwing hands, oh not to mention the speeding tickets I get. Dad was not happy about that one.



7:00AM.. Day of Entrance Exam

The vibration from the notification coming from my phone was enough to wake me from my 3 day hibernation. Searching underneath my many pillows my hand refused to meet the electronic devise, now that pissed me off. Forcing my eyes to eyes to break open and my body to finally move accompanied by the beautiful melody of bones cracking from the slight moment, I continued my search. Under the pillows… no , in my bed sheets… no , bedside table… no.

Now I was angry, I swung my (big/small) ass feet over the side of my bed to gain a better view of the territory my phone has happened to lose itself in. After 5 minutes of moving my sheets and pillows once again, I still couldn't find the stupid thing. That was until Pépe had decided to move his phat juicy batty that covered the item. He sure does know how to ruffle my feathers in the morning.

When I say I thought I was blinded for a second I'm not lying.. why the hell was my phone screen so bright?

Tsukauchi : Goodmorning y/n, I was wondering if I could have your assistance on this new case. I'm aware of what today is but I promise I won't keep you in long. Sorry again but I've called in extra help.

"ARGH… NO NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOO" there is no other way for me to express how much i do NOT wnt to go into work today. My screams managing to wake other sleeping animal. If i can't sleep, neither can they

Okay see you in 20 minutes. I'll be flying so leave the balcony door open pls 😊

p.s you owe me food and coffee

I love being a detective… when I can work from home. I slip on my amazing fluffy sliders and begin to shuffle into my bathroom and turn on my shower. By the way I smell at the moment I'm surprised mom or dad didn't come up thinking my body was a rotting corpse. Just shows they know not to wake me.

RIP my pajamas, they are gonna have to be burned. At the simple thought my white flames danced across my hand which held the cloth soon consuming it with its beauty and rage, in a matter of seconds leaving my hand empty.

After my deep cleansing I half attempted to sort my hair which resulted in me leaving it as (your comfy hair style). The next step was easy, mascara, eyeliner and lip gloss, the 3 key ingredients to every bad bitch. Even though my eyes were going to be covered by my black bandage, okay maybe the eyeliner and mascara was a waste, besides the point, I can feel pretty without eyeliner and that's not my fault.

I glanced at the time on my phone and realised I was actually running on time for once. My outfit choice wasn't too bad either if I don't say so myself. A simple black turtleneck accompanied by my short beige blazer which came in a set with pencil skirt, who doesn't love a matching set. Now you might be thinking a pencil skirt.. while flying what a stupid idea, well no it isn't because I have small shorts on underneath hehe caught you lacking in 4k.

I grabbed my phone and summoned my feathery companions which held onto my back. Each step I took closer to the door of my bedroom terrace I could feel them warming my body. Sliding the door open my bandaged eyes and white feathers were met with lustful gold eyes and red feathers. (let's say he is 19).

"And why are you sitting on my favourite chair?" I questioned as I walked past him, making my way to the centre of my terrace.

Leaping from his spot and joining me he replied in a cocky tone

"Good morning to you too my dove" to which I acknowledge with a side glare before jumping into the air allowing my wings to support me.

"Awe don't be like that, you know you love flying with me", the chicken man came from being me and spoke again.

"Look birdbrain how many times do I have to tell you that I'm perfectly capable of flying myself to work, I don't need you to escort me, your not my boyfriend", my eyes remained on the view in front of me.

"I mean I could b-",

"no…do ever get bored of my rejection?" I cut him off knowing him all to well,

"you didn't even let me finish for starters, just give me one chance pleaaaasseee", he's determined but getting on my nerves now

"no" my monotone response will wishfully shut him up.

"please please please please pleaseeeeeeee y/n just one date pleaseeeeeeeee, we don't have to get chicken", oh god he's actually serious ..

"no" I still responded dipping out the sky to land.

"ask me again and I'll break my rule about hurting humans" I countered along with a sly smile after he landed besides me.

"fine, I'll ask your mom to make you go heheh" he muttered beneath his breath, does this dumbass think I'm deaf or something honestly.

"You can go away now, I'm at work" I said facing him.

"Did your boss not tell you.. I'm assisting you today with your work" a grin crept upon his beautiful face. But a smile disappeared from mine.

Turning my back to him I walked through the balcony door into my office. A lovely smell of jam on toast reached my nose. Maybe it won't be too bad.


Thank god, if I wrote anymore I think my hand would drop off. I've spent the last hour and half writing reports and trying to block out the chicken man sitting opposite my desk, does that thing ever stop talking.

*notification noise*

As i reach for my phone and over grown cocky chicken grabbed it faster. "First you sit on my favourite chair now your reading my notifications, give it here before I chop your hands off and feed them to some birds", my patience is begging to wear thin.

"oooo someone is in trouble", he responded with before I yanked my phone from his gloved hand. I continued to look at the notification,

'Why has Uncle Tashi and granny chiyo messaged me'

"OH SHI-", I ran to the balcony door, "I've got to leave sir, have chicken drum stick over there bring the rest of the files to my penthouse later I'm so sorry", I heard a small chuckle come from the red blob behind me as I leapt of the balcony for my wings to catch me.


And that is why I almost got hit by a plane..

Consumed by my own scolding my landing lacked delicacy, in other words I sorta landed on a kid. Shit. He looked fine, I only knocked him over he'll live

"WHAT THE FU-,", the angry boy looked back at me with a fierce glare. If looks could kill those red eyes wouldn't hesitate in fact them seem as if they would be responsible for mass genocide , or so I thought. As I looked down on the angry Pomeranian the look disappeared, softened even.

"my bad, almost got hit by a plane so the landing was rushed" I smiled at him and reached out my hand for him to grab only for it to be slapped away.. rude

Pomeranian's POV

30 seconds ago

That damn quirkless bastard, who does he think he is coming here and trying out. As any one yet alone a quirkless wannabe could beat me.

Lost in my own thought and anger I didn't see the person falling behind me, next thing I knew my face made harsh contact with he floor. And who ever did this is dead.

"WHAT THE FU-", wow she is.. beautiful, her h/c hair flowing in the wind, is this some kid of sick joke. The thing to which had caught my attention was her wings, they were pure white and grazed the floor due to their length. The light of day behind her made her seem as if she was glowing, which only emphasises how truly divine she looks, angelic even.

too distracted by her looks I failed to hear her words of apology. I don't think I've ever seen someone so entrancing. Wings are so rare. Wait a damn minute, she hasn't got a school uniform on.

Time seems to have slowed down in order for my dumbass to still be sitting on the floor like some kind of deku weakling. Her hand reached out towards me. They looked so soft and full of care.

But she was looking down on me.. as if I was some weak Deku.


I harshly slapped her hand away and picked myself up, I don't need help from any one

Y/n's POV

"just don't do it again you extra" patting himself off he turned back around and made his way into the school. Never in any of my lives has someone called me an extra he sure was interesting one to keep my eye on today.

Before I had the chance to make my way in side I had been interrupted by someone behind me. It sounded like someone was having a fan girl moment. How cute.. but they could keep their thoughts down a little.

Turning around I could see said fan girl.. I mean boy with bushy green hair to which matched is eyes, kinda lookin like a broccoli he must have the brain of one too because because why do I just know he's going to fall over, yep I better go do something.

Teleporting to the boy I grabbed him before his face became mushed by the ground. My hand grazed the back of his neck as i held his collar back.



Under attack








"You will be my successor"- all might

*end of flashes*

"sorry I used my quirk on you without your permission" a bubbly brunette spoke from in front of me.

"huh", my hand was no longer on the boy, instead he was staring at me in wonder and amazement. My thoughts had been distorted and my focus was lost, i need to get out of here.

"If your planning on taking the test I suggest you watch where your walking, if you fall again your going to lose more brain cells kid, anyways good luck you two I'm running late", a small giggle came from the brunette opposite me. Flashing a kind smile before leaving a cloud of black smoke behind I left before they could question or talk to me, that was exhausting.

Broccoli boy POV

'I'm not gonna let anyone get in my way!'


'I'm a failure.. sorry mom sorry all might. Why am I still falling- oh wait what.'

'Do my eyes deceive me or is that an angel holding the back of my collar'.

My eyes begin to focus on the young woman standing to the side of me I notice her eye bandage,

'how can see me. And she came out of no where. SHE HAS WINGS. Oh my al might I have so many questions.'

"sorry I used my quirk on you without your permission", agh another girl, my face is heating up. Get yourself together Izuku. Speak for the sake of All might .. SPEAK

The small brunette with what i presume a gravity quirk helps me stand up properly, the elder (taller/smaller) woman releasing me from her hand

"If your planning on taking the test I suggest you watch where your walking, if you fall again your going to lose more brain cells kid, anyways good luck you two I'm running late",

I must be stupid but she seems vaguely familiar. But before I have the chance to ask her or even thank her she's disappeared leaving a cloud of black smoke behind. Not to mention leaving me with that cute brunette.

"I don't want to be late so good luck", and before I knew it she was gone, but.



After leaving the broccoli and bubble girl behind y/n finally reached her destination. No matter how much she didn't want to be there it was an annual promise she had made many years ago to her uncle.

Of course, she had checked herself in the mirror, still looking like the bad B from this morning. No one could've guessed she had dodged a plane coming right at her less than 10 minutes ago. Before she knew it she had been called to the stage by her Uncle to play her role by his side as she had done previous years flashing her iconic heart-melting smile to the crowd ahead of her.

Each student girl or boy were caught off guard by the young woman which stood on stage in front of them, she couldn't be much older than themselves, yet she was looked so mature, dressed professionally yet her eyes being hidden from them.

Besides the pure white wings on her back that ruffled so gently as she glided across the open stage with such delicacy, their eyes were entranced by the beauty of her. But one or two student's hearts stopped beating momentarily as their eyes saw the familiar face.

"What's up U.A candidates…" the silence was more embarrassing. But y/n awkwardly smiled at her uncle to reassure him, attempting to wish herself out of existance.


"Today presenting with me is U.A very own.. Pro hero: Celeste, you may of witnessed her divinity at our local hospital or even police station but luckily for us this year she will assisting in our very own HEROICS CLASS",

WHAT THE FU-, I never. NEVER agreed to becoming an "assistant". NO NO NO NO.

"Celest do you have anything you want to say" unlce toshi passed me one of his many mic's , looking to the side of the stage my bandaged eyes met with my dad's, he is so dead when I get my hands on him and he knows it.

"Good morning Candidates" I started off "this years turnout is very impressive, today is going to be about those who are willing to sacrifice everything for another, a hero isn't someone who wears a fancy costume and gets paid well, in life it only takes 4 or maybe 5 moments to be a hero. Today will be that first moment, I hope you are able to prove that to yourself and not just us. So lets all go beyond…"

"PLUS ALTRA" the crowd joined in.

I handed the mic back to my uncle and began to make my way of the stage. As soon as I get out the spot light, my hands are going to be around Shota's soon to be dead neck. But for the moment I have to smile and wave. Smile and wave. Smile anddddd wavveeeeeeeeee.

The coast is clear..


Time skip presented to you by y/n threatening to cut up Shota's Limited rainbow edition sleeping bags. |0^0|

After I had finished beating my dad's ass Nezu accompanied me to the surveillance room to watch the examiners, he was apparently under the impression that I had been told before hand about the position I had been given. At least he apologised,*cough* screw you Shota *cough*.

"I'm so sorry y/n we all thought it was the right time, villain groups have been popping up all over the city and our students need the protection… please accept the offer, you would be with Aziawa's class so it's really just when he needs you" uncle mousy spoke to me in a soft tone.. he just looked too cute to deny. Damn it y/n you know it's going to mean more money, but less time.

ARGH , taking a deep breath awaiting for the worlds to spill out, my decision was made. "okay, but just know I still have to work the hospital and the police station so my hours will be all over the place.. Do I have to wear a uniform or something" I bloody hope not.

"That's great news y/n, and no of course not. You can wear whatever you would like", okay he is sooooo cute. His little face when he smiled, I picked up my uncle like the cuddle mouse toy he is and teleported to the surveillance room to save time.

I dropped Mr mousey of on his chair at the front, took one of his complementary cups of tea and took my place besides Granny Chiyo. I had to be comfortable of course, because the show is about to begin.

As the Exam went on, my eyes had become acquainted with the same couple of students to which I believe had extraordinary potential. Of course, I happen to see that airhead that I landed on from earlier, he had such raw power, with a slight attitude adjustment I'm sure he would become a great hero.

Another was a beautiful pink skinned girl with matching hair, she possessed a kind nature to which balanced out her quirk ability.

An interestingly familiar boy had caught my attention, I knew I had never met him… but his companion, well it had been a long time since I saw them.

And last but not least, the broccoli fan boy, at first, he was running around panicking however as we released our secret weapon. The 0 pointer, even if the monster was worth no points it would separate the "heroes" from the fakes among them. That's when I finally saw it, I saw uncle might within him, it was confirmed as I saw him jump and hit our weapon to save the same girl from before… now that is a hero.

Now it was Granny Chiyo and I's time to excuse ourselves to mend the broken.

A quick teleportation later

Granny was handing out her vitamin gummies while healing those with minor injuries. Meanwhile I had teleported towards the crippled green bush of a boy. "Well well well.. what did I tell you about losing your braincells." Plucking my feathers of my back, I wrapped them around the broken parts of his legs to heal him. "Here take my hand, it will help with the pain.. you did amazing by the way" the tired boy handed me his calloused hands.

Inhaling a deep breath and clearing my mind his pain left his body through his touch onto mine. I must admit it stung a little but it's better me than him. I took a small glance at his face as it began to relax, as if all his worries had been washed away. By the time granny had made her way to us my feathers had finished their jobs and flew back to the rest.

Half lidded the boy looked up to me "T-thank y-you", in response I nodded. The poor sod then fell asleep, I don't blame him. Taking his limp body into my arms I placed him onto the stretcher that followed granny.

I watched as she walked away meaning that everyone else was fine. Taking that as a clue to leave I teleported to the next battlefield for the same progress, just healing major injuries and taking away the pain of others. I must admit I knew I caught the eye of some people, their thoughts we all the same. Sadly I'm aware of the effects I have on humans so it's nothing new to me so I chose to ignore it and hope for the best.

As I had finally finished, I attempted to make my way back to the observation room, however my path way blocked by a muscular man. 'Oh how I wonder who it could be.' taking off my eye bandage since I didn't want to ruin it with the white liquid which I felt building up behind my eyes , that shadow finally spoke.

"tennin, I was wondering if-" the man questioned

'I'm going to regret this'

"uncle might… I already know", a small chuckle left the mans bleeding mouth. "stop pushing yourself, you're not fooling me" and with that he deflated.

"how did you know" he asked me,

"with 0 villain points, only a dumbass or a true hero would sacrifice himself like that. I saw your smile within him. So I'm guessing he's the reason you have been sneaking to the beach most days, because your far to lazy to clean that beach yourself" he laughed at my observation.

"If your wondering… I think he makes a great successor, you chose well Uncle" I could feel what he was about to ask me.

"would you… keep an eye out for him, for me" giving me a weak smile, I nodded my head at his requested. I owe him much more, babysitting a couple of 15 year olds won't be too hard..right

Skip a la skip

After my short talking with Uncle Might we had to go back to the surveillance room for our input on the candidates marking, meaning we had to count every single candidates villans points, re-watch all the footage so we could score them on their hero points. Not to mention record all of the video's separate for each applicant. I . AM . SO . TIRED.

I know I said I don't get tired, but I take back that statement.

It was finally time for me to go back to the top floor, get my comfy clothes on text my Tokyo friends and watch a movie or two, ooo I might even do a skincare night. There is no doubt that today won't cause a pimple. Yep that's right Fallen angels can have bad skin too.

Le time skip to our beautiful penthouse apartment

'Why do I even bother with keys they are so stupid',

so instead I teleported through my door. Why do I waste so much time doing normal human things. Removing my outside shoes I slip back into a spare pair of fluffy sliders.

I could so go for a bath right about now, so with that thought I walked up stairs, okay I didn't walk I teleported. N E WAYSSS, I had to drag my self into my closet to find my komono to wear while I run my bath. As much as I love this outfit, the feeling of having it off was so relaxing. I slipped into the silk easily, I decided that I didn't need my wings anymore as I had no need for them. I don't realise how heavy they are until I actually put them away.

Once I was finished in my closet I shuffled to my 'secret' stash of joints hidden in my room for special occasions, I don't need the judgement… I've had a long day especially after healing over 100 kids and taking their pain, after a while that shit hurts

My pinky finger set a light with a beautiful white flame at my command lighting to the end of my joint, I might be getting high on a Monday evening but it doesn't mean I'm not classy about it. Exciting my bedroom I continued my short journey across the hallway exhaling the smoke from my lungs to finally reach my destination.

When I tell you my mood went sour at the sight before me, it wouldn't even begin to cover it.


yep there he was the number 3 hero in MY bath, what a waste of bubbles and water.

"oh your back, I've been waiting a while so I decided to take a bath. Feel free to join" he smirked at me along with a wink.

"I said DROP off the work not, drop it off and wait for me then take a bath when you get bored" this was far too stressful, I took a long hit on my happy cancer stick.

"NOW…. GET OUT MY BATH!" I screamed at him but he only laughed in my face

"as you wish Dove" he stood himself up, exposing him self to me on purpose "oops, pass me a towel please babybird"


"anything for you my love", I responded walking past him to grab a towel.

I've seen it all before so it's noting new but now, I'm really pissed. His towel was perfectly placed next to his clothes, so I burned them all. I glided back into the bathroom, he still stood there proud and bare. I thought I could at least get some fun out of this situation.

As I reached his toned soapy body, I took the liberty of wrapping the towel around his waist for him. Standing there happy with how this is going, he began to trace the outline of my body with his fingers eventually reaching my face, slowly but eagerly he removed my eye bandage so he can look into my eyes in which he had not seen before. I allowed him. Our bodies were inches apart and I could feel his deep breaths hitting my neck as he placed a gentle kiss there, after the bandage was lifted. I took his face into my hand looking deep into his eyes absorbing everything there is to know about him, they say the eyes are the window to the soul. I wouldn't have made the saying if it weren't true. Slowly moving onto my tiptoes our lips met, the kiss was gentle and soft, but only momentary.. His hunger was controlled for he had imagined a scene like this many a time. Breaking from him I looked him in the eyes one last time while he smirked.

'what a shame'

"bye bye birdie", I quickly teleported his ass into the sky with me, then disappearing in less than a second and left him to fall. That will teach him to use my bath. I made sure to lock my terrace and front door do he couldn't get back in and shut the blinds.

After 5 long minutes I had prepared a clean bath for my self and found my joint, placing it between my lips once more I slid into the warm of my bath and chuckled at the birdbrain. Maybe I should give him a chance… NAH.

Narrator's POV

Even as Hawks fell through the sky in nothing but a towel, a smirk still remained plastered on his face from the thought of you kissing him. If there's something Hawks loves, it sure is a challenge. As he flew back home his lips still tingled from your touch, his view or your beautiful e/c eyes inches away from his own was burned into his brain, it was the first time he had seen your eyes. But now they were the thing he most admired about you.

"you sure are a sneaky one y/n but I will get that date." He spoke out loud to himself as he sped through the soft clouds of the evening.

Somewhere else

"thank you so much again for letting me stay here Shigure" said the kind girl as she placed food in front of 3 males to whom she will from now on be living with.

"well that's no problem at all, considering you already know our secret we all trust that you won't tell anyone" the eldest responded

"oh no no of course not, to be honest I always loved the story of the Zodiacs", her words were full of wonder and happiness.

"well as long as you don't get in my way I don't care what you do" a certain red head butted in.

"Do not speak to Miss Honda in such ways stupid cat" the rat boy spoke.


"oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to start anything"

Back with y/n

Y/n's POV

As lay there in my bath, my skin becoming acquainted with the heat. My two fingers holding my happy stick, filling my healthy lungs with it's Smaug, to which wouldn't harm me in any way. The burning sensation giving me more life, for it's what oxygen is to humans, a ticking time bomb, edging each and every person under its spell to there inevitable death.

Until a strange unfamiliar feeling intruded my body. A feeling that i had known once before a calling of some sort.

It must be that time already

"so the time has finally come huh… why do I already know he's being rude. Silly cat, I hope you haven't forgotten me. Perhaps it's time to meet Tohru Honda"