
Unfolding Pages

As once said, "Life is like a book." With its many pages... Some filled with happiness, Ones filled with bitterness, Others that are burnt, And those... Who are dropped with no story left to be told. With many that close and open, I became somewhat of a guide for one of them...

JustAPhony · Real
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4 Chs

Page 3 Past &- [1]



The Library,


Looking above to the figure whose lap I was seated on,

"Mother, what does the human world look like?"

I asked them with visible eagerness that reflected within my eyes that shone brightly from the usual dark green, to a more vibrant one which clashed with the person in question who had purple eyes with a tint of blue.

"Mm, let me think..."

The figur- wait, no, She replied while closing Her eyes to ponder.

Appearance wise, She had considerably long green hair, a delicate beautiful face, a perfect figure, and as I've said before, purple eyes with a tint of blue well... for today. For clothing wise, She was wearing a long sleeved black sweater and a skirt of the same color that reached her ankles.

This person was the Goddess, Thesis. Who also is the Mother and Caregiver of all of the Editors.

She opened Her eyes most probably finished on wherever Her thoughts drifted away from what I asked.

Then looking at me with a smile,

"As you are still young, I know your curiosity won't be satisfied so easily... and as much as I want to show it to you, I wish for you to see everything with your own eyes. To feel, touch, and, hear everything. To be enamored by the beauty of life, yet accepting the fact that not everything can be considered to be pure as snow. So for now, let's go with this."

She said while nodding at the last part.

Confused with what She meant by "this." I was about to ask her but then-


Something suddenly went to us quickly in which I responded by closing my eyes and putting both of my hands to the front.

For the impact I expected...

it never came.

Visible confusion was on my face until realization dawned on me, I then looked at Mother Thesis' face to see Her with a playful smile.

I then glared at Her as if conveying how that prank or the teasing- well, whatever you call it was something I did not enjoy whatsoever.

She giggled and then said,

"Now, now, how about if you forgive Me, I'll read this to you,"

The book that was the thing moving quickly was now on my lap, and I looked at the front cover.

I now once again looked at Her for answers as the front was blank except for the fact the cover was green and had gold embroidery.

All She did was nudge me to continue staring at it as She then opened it and felt like I went somewhere else-


[Word Count: 416]

Yo, sorry for the very short chapter and for the lack of chapters...

Returning to school and the fact I was spending most of my free time on FGO trying to get Muramasa and failing miserably are probably the main reasons.

But man, like, 330 SQ worth of pulls chucked at the man and not even a single 4-Star Servant. Honestly disheartening...

Well anyway, have a great day/night. Phony out.