
the camp

Benji's POV:

Usually I'm not the type to chase after anyone, but I couldn't stop myself from following Oliver after hearing that letter. My heart thought faster than my head this time, I chased Oliver throughout the school and into the spacious library room. There, I noticed his shiny eyes that sparkled under the dim light. Oliver's hair was slicked back and effortlessly straight, but looked very soft in comparison to what you'd think it would feel. My gaze had scanned every small detail of his aggravated expression before I sat down in the seat next to him. "Look, I apologize for getting you in trouble with that dumb letter," Oliver whispered in a barely audible tone to me. I couldn't bring myself to speak, so I just gave a weak smile in response. My emotions went crazy with confusion; feeling my heart wish for me to reciprocate Oliver's feelings, yet my brain stopped me from saying anything about it. Oliver looked into my eyes with an innocent glare, while he had one of his hands gently tuck a strand of hair behind my ear. It made me laugh like an idiot before pulling away and smiling as he smiled back at me.

Oliver's POV:

I felt completely lost in the mysterious gaze that Benji possessed, but I never really tried getting too close and risk losing the moment. Everything was perfect, until a small group of security guards came inside the library and carelessly pulled us apart from one another. They escorted us back to the gymnasium with the other two; cuffing us before our parents waved goodbye and left without a single word. All the innocent students had already left by now, so us four had been alone when we were taken outside the school and placed inside this huge black Limo like car. From then on, all of us were looking around to find any street names or ways of direction, but all we saw were trees from every direction on a withered road. The night sky didn't help with seeing the outside world either; desperately looking for some kind of peaceful place, Camron and Isla had immediately pointed to the sign that read *"RichMond conversion camp"* In big blocky letters.

Camron's POV:

Me and the other three had been shocked by how falsely happy the place had looked on the outside. Richmond had been bigger than even our high school, the place had buildings attached to it; like some weird college campus. To make matters worse, there were even flowers and chairs, alongside supplies for arts and crafts. It would seem like a daycare to anyone who never heard of what it was actually like to be sent there. I hear many stories about this place, so I think that it's going to be a nightmare for not just me, but everyone else as well.

3rd person POV:

The group of misunderstood young adults had been brought to a stop in front of the main buildings entrance, now they all get out and take in a breath of fresh air before walking into the building and being met with a front desk and a petite; lengthy man, holding out a clipboard for them to write their names on some kind of list.

Blake's POV:

"Me being one of the camp counselors here, I ask that you put your names on this list before we sort you into your rooms!" I say as I look at the new campers and see their hesitant movements. "Don't be afraid. This is only to cure you from the sin in your hearts! You guys will be out of here in no time, I'm sure of that." I see them all give weak smiles before writing all their names onto the sheet of paper.

Oliver POV:

Benji was the first one to write his name down on the paper, then Camron followed, then Isla. I was the last person to put my name down. I hated everything about this, going to a shitty place that will traumatize us for the rest of our lives made me so sick. After writing all of our names down the camp counselors took us to the dorm rooms. While walking down the quiet halls I felt so unsafe. It was as if nobody was in the building and that made chills go down my spine. "Don't worry, nothing will happen." Benji said as he wrapped his arm around me. For some reason when he did that, I felt like nothing was going to happen, I felt like all my problems were taken away from just a little touch. Regardless of what I wish I could say in the moment, I wouldn't wish to get caught and risk ending this feeling of safety. From the corner of my eye, I'd seen the counselor try matching up people to their roommates, but he seemed to be separating us all from each other. In a few long moments, Blake had turned around and sighed from relief. "I finally sorted out the whole room situation..!" The man spoke in a tired tone before giving each of us an escort to the selected rooms.

Benji's POV:

Me and the others had given a pretty friendly goodbye before one after another; we'd all been sent to our shared rooms. I was way down the hall, so I got to see everyone's rooms before I needed to leave and go to mine. The rooms had been mostly plain and un-decorated, but my room was a whole different situation. One side of the room has very weird stuff, like seashells, rocks, leaves on the wall, CD's on the other side of the wall and many other weird things. "What the heck is all of this?" I mumbled to myself as I sat my things down on the other side of the room. As I was looking around a person suddenly appeared behind me. "OH SHIT!" I jumped as he tapped me, "Hi roommate!" he greeted me in a happy tone, "hi' i replied in an uncertain tone, "My name is James, But you can call me Jamie." He said sitting down on the bed. "What's yours?" he asked, "Umm, Benjamin." I replied, "Ooo, nice, what's your pronouns? Mines are she her." she she told me. This person was asking way too many questions that I couldn't even answer. One thing about me is that I don't share personal information with random people, so I decided to just shove the questions off and talk about something else.

Camron's POV:

Everyone saw me leave the group first, due to us stopping right in front of the room I was assigned to. The walls in this room had been overly punk rock looking, two electric guitars were hanging from these silver painted withered wall mounted shelves, then the rest of the wall was filled with band names I could hardly pronounce because of their writing being all spikey and hard to comprehend. The huge blanket on this presumably short person had been decorated with lightning bolts and all kinds of music notes, but the amount of pillows on this tiny mattress had been even more of a shock. There were all kinds of pillows scattered around the whole bed, you could tell this girl had to be comfortable as hell right now. The only thing I knew was that I needed to try making my basic new bed become something tolerable for the night. My luggage had been pretty light because of me being quite underprepared, so I just placed it to the side of my bed and laid onto the mattress; suddenly making a loud sound as my back hit the semi-hard surface. "Who the fuck just got slapped?", I hear my roommate say in an obviously sarcastic tone, followed by a laugh and the girl sitting up from her bed to toss a pillow at me. "The names are Chara, but friends call me Charlie. Try not to lay down without somethin there for comfort." Chara exclaimed before laying back down and going right back to sleep like nothing happened. I happily took the pillow and placed it under my head before laying down and finally getting comfortable enough to fall asleep.

Oliver's POV:

Once I entered my room I was a little bit nervous to see my roommate but after I saw decorations in the room I knew that I and whoever lived were going to be good roommates. I knew this because the person had Stephnie Cashier's books filled on their shelf. I loved Stephnie Casher, her books were everything. "You like the book?" A voice suddenly asked, "Yes, I love this book. It's one of my favorite Stephnie Casher books." I replied as I turned around to look at the person. Once I laid my eyes on him, I knew we were going to be best friends. He looked so majestic with his slightly gray and pastel pink Fluffy curly hair, He almost looked like a celebrity. "OMG, who does your hair?" I asked curiously, "Believe it or not I do it myself." He replied, "No way!" I exclaimed, I couldn't believe it cause there was no way your hair could look that good if you did it yourself. "Omg, I love you already!" I remarked, "I love you!" he exclaimed as he both hugged each other. To be honest I couldn't remember the last time I was this happy, I loved being with someone who understood me for who I was and how I felt. That's why I was glad to meet a person like Quinn. We spent our nights obsessing over Stephine Cashier's books, And he also showed some cool things he owned. One cool thing that amazed me was a little robert that he created and programmed to cook his favorite foods. To be honest I was amazed by it, Quinn was not only majestic but he was also smart.

Isla's POV:

I was very hesitant to step inside of the room at first, But I saw some small decorations that changed my mind. There was some jewelry and candles that helped fill the room with a way more relaxing scent than the random smell of wood and sweat from the building's mainroom. I walked towards the side of the room that was now mine and sat down before seeing the figure of a person walking closer to the doorway before poking their head into the doorway. "You must be new here right?!" The mysterious person had started to speak in a slightly higher pitched voice than expected. My eyes quickly glance at the person's entire figure before smiling and holding out a friendly hand. "Yup! The name's Isla by the way.. What's your name, perhaps pronouns as well?" I have spoken with a bright sweet smile against my face so far, so the new person walked inside the room and happily shaked my hand with a more comfortable stance than before. "The name's supposed to be Tyler… However, I would like for you to call me Taylor instead! Between you and me, I go by she and her pronouns.. Heh." The woman had confessed in a very quiet tone of voice, but I could understand why. Taylor must be a trans woman, which is a great thing for her; bad thing for a place like this. I never dropped my smile before giving the shy woman a hug and simply pulled away when we both needed to head off to bed. I placed all my things inside a dresser drawer underneath my bed, only taking out a few pillows and blankets to have better support in than the uncomfortable bed.

To be continued