
Chapter 14


My head was bursting with too much and many questions, alot of things were running through my mind, like why would my husband whom I love, cherish, adore and basically worship the ground he walks on do this to me I said to myself. Anxiety was dealing and having a great day with me, my throat was so dry, My hands were and still shaking. I brought out my phone and snapped a few of the messages, then turned off the laptop and I let the tears flow, I cried and poured my heart out, I wept like never before, I taught of all the love he showered me, the praises he renders to me, the sweet love making we always have when ever his back to Nigeria. I was torn apart I could feel my heart failing me, I could feel the knife that was pierced through to my heart. I couldn't wait for him to get back, I was going to blast him as soon as he walked through the door, I was eagerly waiting. As I was crying, I remembered there were still messages that I didn't check, I turned the laptop back on and continued to read other messages.

To be continued....