
Brandial's Birthday

In Floretia the name of days was not the same as Earth. Not even the number of days in a week were the same. The only similarity was the number of hours per day. As for whether the time in Floretia passed at the same pace as Earth or not, was not known to Poltas.

Lisday, Porsday, Triday, Mearsday, Queday and Bellsday. Only 6 days in a week. 

Brandial's birthday was on the fourth Bellsday of the ninth month. If someone asked Poltas to recall this he would surely fail. Therefore, he had mentally converted it to 24 September to remember easily.

The whole town had prepared lights and decorations in celebration of their Keeper's birthday. During the day it had been less obvious, but at night the whole town was lit up.

The town oracle and head mage had especially organised a full city cover for the night. This cover wasn't visible to the naked eye of commoners, but it could be seen by anyone with magical potential.

Poltas was shocked to realise that he could see the magical shield. It made him wonder about his own identity.

'I had never been anything special on Earth, so how could I have magical abilities here'

He wrote it off as something the guardian had done for him.

The main feast was set up at the centre of the town in a circular sitting arrangement. The food was kept in a radial arrangement behind the seats so that seatless people could take some without interrupting others.

A stage was placed in the middle for citizens to perform. Since the morning various people had gathered to watch the performers or participate themselves.

As the guest of honour, Brandial was seated in a tower-like room without walls. There were pillars at the four corners holding the roof up, with a soft rug to cover the floor. She had been sitting there all morning to receive greetings from the townspeople.

Poltas would have refused to keep her company had it not been for Winzton. To help Winzton get a chance to confess, Brandial needed to be kept supervised. If Brandial sat there alone throughout and disappeared later, people would notice immediately. That is why Poltas attached himself to the Keeper and sat next to her since the morning.

Sitting for too long was very uncomfortable, and Poltas had definitely developed pressure sores all over his back. Still he stayed for the sacrifice, for the greater good.

"Are you okay? You can leave if you want to."

"Leave you alone here?! How could I do that? I have to make sure you don't get bored."

"Hahaha, how could I get bored with so many people here."

Poltas turned to look at the singer on stage. It was one of the post office workers, Anette. Her enthusiasm was mind blowing as she had been singing for 2 hours straight, but her singing itself was earth shattering with how bad it was.

'This could be considered a form of torture. Do these people know what a celebration is supposed to be?"

Other than him, everyone was encouraging Anette to keep singing, which only made the situation worse.

Even Brandial considered this painful experience as fun. Unable to leave and unwilling to tolerate, Poltas had covered his ears and started singing the alphabet song over and over again. Brandial assumed that he was not feeling well enough to accompany her, but he couldn't accept her kindness.

"I think we need someone else to sing now. I am tired of being tor- listening to the same person for so long."

"Hmmmm, good point. Let me ask if there is anyone else in line."

Anette left the platform after one final song, and Astoff took the spotlight in her place. The man couldn't sing, instead he had brought a knife sharpening tool. The music created by jamming different objects into the sharpener, could only be described as high-pitched noise.

Yet Poltas still found this more pleasing to the ear than Anette's singing. 

Soon after Lorun went up on stage to perform slam poetry. The whole piece could be summarised as 'Poltas sucks and got me fired' with a short birthday wish at the end.

Most of the audience had found it to be moving, but Brandial was holding her stomach after laughing too hard.

"It's not that funny."

"It is though! Who else can be the manipulative witch with a crooked nose and a foul tongue?"

"Are you implying that I look and act like that?"

"Not all. I just think the witch was villainized too much in this poem, her side deserves to be heard and understood too."

Poltas ignored the teasing remark which made Brandial giggle until she began to cough.


He had missed the introduction of the new performer but they had a pleasant singing voice, so Poltas joined others in slowly clapping along with the beat.

"Poltas, can I talk to you for a moment." 

The request came unexpectedly from Myx. According to Brandial, this whole festival was arranged by the oracle to ensure the citizens felt a sense of security. But Poltas had not even seen his shadow all day, only for the man to suddenly appear like this and talk to him.

"Uh me? Did something happen? Want me to tell Brandial?"

"No. I just needed to discuss something with you for a moment, if possible."

"Sure. Let me just tell the birthday girl I'll be gone."