

What in the world did I witness this was not said when I signed up here the basement had not been used for the past month because of the stairs which had to be constructed. while my eyes were witnessing something even horrible to watch my ears were experiencing the torture of the sirens of vehicles that were invading my space to clear up the mess which was there I have no idea why I couldn't take my eyes of the scene even though what I witnessed was the murder of a dear student in my college, who went missing for the past week laid down there, it felt like a masterpiece created by a painter in which he described his emotions. It just felt heavily calming as I thought this, I shook myself of this imagination to my reality to only understand what I witnessed was reality. I was afraid and disgusted at the same time because the way the corpse laid made me feel calm, what the hell was I thinking is this who I really am! Is this what I think! As I was in this deep thought, I never realized that professor Johns was calling me so loudly that it caught the attention of the whole group. At last, giving up he came near me and shook me up, and asked "are you okay? you seem unwell" out of nowhere I smiled and said I was okay and left to home. On the way, I felt different something bothered me something that reminded me of my past I snapped out of my thoughts when Gracie aunty yelled at me cause I was walking through her garden and crushing her newly planted white daisy I apologized really quickly and went to the home and locked myself up I was confused and frustrated I took a bath and focused on my work since there was a lot to complete. My past was something which I always hated and I had tried my best to hid within the covers but sometimes my inner monster breaks open. Now when I thought of that kiddo he was really annoying to the core .he had been always lingering around me telling me the world was beautiful in every single way and view, what does he know? I smiled and went back to my work. but whenever I thought of the incident a faint smile appeared on my face


To be continued......