
2: bickering

Right now princess y/n is in her bedroom lying on her bed like she didn't do anything she is a bit naughty kind of kid she is 17 years old and she likes nature, adventures doing new things

Y/n:argh this is soo boring I should get ready before my dad's maiden come

DM:Y/n baby

Y/n:Aish! Again

DM:where were you my princess

Y/n:none of your business

DM: don't be so rude to me I'm your dad's wife


DM:what did you say

Y/n: you're my dad's maiden for you guys maybe my mom died but for me she is still in my heart

DM:hahah baby! Died people don't come back

Y/n:*was controlling her anger because she can't listen one word also against her mother*

Y/n:and maidens can't take the place of a real princess

DM:how dare you say this *she was about to slap her when*

Y/n's eldest brother entered and her maiden mom's acting started

DM: sorry y/n I don't mean to do that with you *she put her hand on her face*

BigB: mom why are you apologying to her!? What happened mom?

DM: I was just asking her to come down and have breakfast and she started abusing me

Y/n:Wth! Are you serious right now

BigB: Y/n stop behaving like an aroggant kid come down right now and go and change your clothes it's stinks *he was ordering her*

Y/n:you guys don't have to order me I can do my work by myself and yeah I'm sincerely saying this you 3 brothers are just blindfolded infront of your mother

And you my dad's maiden don't you dare come in my room ever again*she sends death glare to her and to her bathroom to take a quick shower*

While bathing she heard some gossips like someone is saying something in her ears

Y/n:*she started shaking and shivers ran down her*

To be continued