
Stay still


The crowd gathering the street seemed to have gotten worse. People were shoving and shouting.

"Why are you hooligans always coming here?"

"Leave her alone!"

The food stall owned by the old lady was flipped over with all the food scattered on the ground.

Lu Tian felt another sudden push. He frown in thought about his pregnant wife. Pulling Yue Ling from behind him, he wrap his arm around her. That way, when the people bump, they'd bumped into him and not her.

"Stay still."

Yue Ling did not answer as her eyes remained locked on the old lady. She was crouching on the ground and crying. Standing in front of her were three hooligans. One had his fish in the air, while his other hand grabbed hold of the old lady's shirt.

"Please let my grandmother go! She has Alzheimer and forgets. I swear we will pay you guys. Please don't hurt her anymore."