
laugh all you want

Upon entering beyond the door, what came into view was a big and spacious room that shaped into a dome.

The ceiling was high and illuminating around were lit lanterns that gave off a ghostly vibe to the place.

To the right was a long table and two giant shelves on either side. On top of the table and filling the empty spaces on the shelves were different medical equipment.

To the left was a long row of wooden stands. Hung on it were all types of handheld weapons.

Flails, maces, daggers, hammers, kukris, short swords, long swords, bows, crossbows, axes, spears, pikes, all the different kinds of handheld weapon one can think of is in this room.

There was even a pair of metal spiked gauntlet that sat like a trophy at the very top of the weapon stand.

If one did not know, one would have thought this room to be some kind of mad scientist room. However given the weapons that await at the side to be used, it is more like a torture room.