
Couldn't have been a ghost

Lin Hui inhales a mouthful of the tobacco and walks over to the row of bushes decorating the side of the driveway after sending Xu Long a silent glance.

"Man, I must have drunk too much tonight. I need to go do my business."

Xu Long doesn't question the man's intentions. If they were in a normal situation, he would have lectured Lin Hui for doing such an immoral thing in public when there is a bathroom inside the house.

He chuckles as Lin Hui's figure walks away then turns to the right. A devilish smirk curls on his face, and he walks towards the area the rustling sound had come from.

"I guess I should micturate too."

Both men walked in opposite directions with natural steps like they were oblivious to any of the sounds they had heard and the dark figures they had seen.

It didn't take long before Lin Hui stops in front of the bushes. He puts on the act of a man having to relieve his bladder. However, he doesn't pull his pants down.