
Unexpected Meeting: Trapped in the Charm of Grey Silhoutte

Leonard Fidel Christiano, the cold-blooded hunter who used to break many women's hearts in just the blink of an eye, was defeated by the grey-eyed woman who shattered his world. A brief but very memorable meeting brought him to his knees. Unfortunately, Calista's dark days imprisoned her among thorny roses, dragging her into a life full of pain. The love journey that wasn't easy made Leonard give up his company to save Calista from Jozh's clutches. Amid his efforts, Casandra, his ex-lover, came as a troublemaker. She has a thousand ways to get Calista out of Leonard's life. Could Leonard save Calista? Could he embrace his love again? Could he hug the woman he loves? So, stay tuned and follow the journey of Leonard and Calista's love that was full of tears. HAPPY READING !!

Yezta_Aurora · Ciudad
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167 Chs

Chapter 74

Camela refused Leonard's invitation subtly. "Uhm, no need. It's just a bruise." Then faint smile. 'He is so handsome and also considerate. I want to be his girlfriend.' 

"Ok, if you refuse to go to the doctor with me. is for you." Handing over the money, around 300 thousand.

Camela confused. "Why did you give me money?"

"You can use the money to go to the doctor." He said while providing a warm smile.

"Sorry, I can't accept this. It is too much. You should know, this is just a bruise. If my wound is severe, then I will sue you. ok?" Blinking one eye.

Leonard exhaled tiredly. "Severe or not, it still has to be treated, and one more thing, Mila... it's not good to refuse fortune." 

"But, I can't accept it."

"Well then, have you had lunch?"

Camela shook her head.

"Want to have lunch with me?"

Camela gasped. 'I'm not dreaming, am I? A handsome man took me to lunch. I can't waste this golden opportunity.'