
Unexpected Meeting: Trapped in the Charm of Grey Silhoutte

Leonard Fidel Christiano, the cold-blooded hunter who used to break many women's hearts in just the blink of an eye, was defeated by the grey-eyed woman who shattered his world. A brief but very memorable meeting brought him to his knees. Unfortunately, Calista's dark days imprisoned her among thorny roses, dragging her into a life full of pain. The love journey that wasn't easy made Leonard give up his company to save Calista from Jozh's clutches. Amid his efforts, Casandra, his ex-lover, came as a troublemaker. She has a thousand ways to get Calista out of Leonard's life. Could Leonard save Calista? Could he embrace his love again? Could he hug the woman he loves? So, stay tuned and follow the journey of Leonard and Calista's love that was full of tears. HAPPY READING !!

Yezta_Aurora · Ciudad
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167 Chs

Chapter 22

So far, he has always played with many women's hearts. However, now, he was being played with, being played by Calista Earle Kafeel.


Two days passed, but Leonard's anger didn't subside. He still ignored Calista even though she tried to talk to him.

His attitude showed that he didn't care for Calista at all, even though he constantly monitored every movement of the woman he adored so much. Not to mention he monitored her lover's move to the apartment.

Not wanting to keep thinking about Leonard, Calista focused on the pile of documents until she realised that it was lunchtime.

Hearing footsteps approaching, her heart skipped a beat. She was sure that the one who was now standing next to her was Leonard.

Her smile instantly expanded but not long after, that happy smile disappeared somewhere after finding that it wasn't as she expected.


"Why do you look so surprised, hum? Who do you expect to be in your room? Don't tell me what you think… Leo."

Finding Calista ignored him, Matius asked her another question.

"Do you still have a lot of work to do?"

Instead of answering, Calista gave a disapproving look as if to say, 'why don't you knock on the door first?'

"What's wrong if I don't knock on your door? Leo usually doesn't knock on the door and you don't mind either."

"What do you need in my room?" Calista cynically asked.

"Let's have lunch together. Kiara is already waiting for us, and it looks like there's something she wants to talk about."

Calista's eyes glanced at the clock on her wrist, which was already pointing to the number 12. Not wanting to make Kiara wait, she rushed to the lounge followed by Matius.

"I thought you won't join us, Calis." Said Kiara.

"Why do you say that? I'm very hungry, of course, I'm here. Oh yeah, Matius said there's something you want to talk to me about. What is it about, Kia?"

Kiara immediately locked Calista's gaze, observing her co-worker plus her best friend's beautiful face.

Calista felt uncomfortable as she was being stared at like that, so she immediately asked. However, instead, she received an answer, she was attacked with questions that pierced the depths of her heart.

"Are you guys fighting?" Kiara asked without further ado.

"Of course not," Calista replied.

"Don't believe it, Kia. These two must be fighting." Matius added.

"Why can you be so sure, huh?"

"Of course I'm sure," Matius replied.

"Why do you guys like gossip so much? I think it's normal for Kiara because she's a woman. But you..." Calista's gaze fixed on Matius.

"You are a man but you like gossiping."

"We're not gossiping, Calista. You know why?" Matius paused for a moment.

"Because we talk about it in front of you," Matius added.

"Matius is right," Kiara added.

Calista felt upset because the two co-workers seemed to be deliberately cornering her.

"Now tell me, you fought with Leo, right?" Kiara insisted.


"But I noticed that you two don't talk to each other. Leo is also often angry and unclear. Isn't that right, Kia?"

"Then, why don't you just ask him directly, why do you ask me?" Calista cynically asked.

"His attitude has changed since seeing you being picked up by your boyfriend at that time." Matius added.

Kiara aghast, her gaze sharpened on Calista.

"Oh yeah, so you already have a boyfriend?" Kiara asked.

"Don't heed what Matius says. He is weird, likes to gossip about unclear things."

"But I saw it myself, Calis. No need to hesitate to admit it. Btw, Leo is really far from your lover."

"Seriously?" Kiara's gaze sharpened at Matius, then turned to Calista.

"Is he a foreigner too? Just like you, hum?" Kiara wondered.

"You guys like to gossip a lot. It's at the office so please talk about office matters."

"Okay, Ms Calista, but it's still break time. So, there's nothing wrong with that, right?"

Fed up with Matius and Kiara's behaviour, Calista immediately got up from the sofa.

"Hey, where are you going? Wait a minute, Calis." Kiara tried to restrain Calista after catching Leonard walking closer.

"I go first. You guys just continue talking," said Calista, leaving them.

When she turned around, she felt that she had hit something very hard, which she believed was someone's chest. She then looked up to see who the owner was.

The grey-eyed woman immediately widened in disbelief when she met a pair of black eyes that stared at her with an unreadable expression.

"Sorry, please!" Said Leonard while tilting his body to make space for Calista. After making sure Calista left, he then sat down next to Kiara.

"Ish, why don't you greet her? How long are you going to fight with her, hum?" Kiara asked and then her gaze was fixed on Calista's back which was getting further away.

"You should greet her, don't ignore her. You guys aren't kids anymore." Kiara added.

"Forget it. Have you had lunch?" Leonard replied.

"Ish, you're stubborn. You're annoying."

"Oh yeah, Matius said that Calista already has a boyfriend, do you also know the news?" Kiara wondered.

Leonard just glared at Matius. His blood immediately boiled, remembering what had happened two days ago. The incident has sparked a rift in his relationship with Calista.

"Hmm, your behaviour clearly shows that you are jealous, Leo. You better find another woman. Don't bother a woman who has a lover. I don't want you to be a homewrecker.

Matius, who heard it, immediately frowned.

"A homewrecker?"

"Destroying other people's relationships." Kiara added.

"If you don't know anything, you better shut up, Kia. Your babbling has spoiled my appetite," Leonard irked while slamming the spoon on the plate, making a loud sound.

"I'm just reminding you, is it wrong?" Kiara defended herself.

Leonard's appetite was gone entirely, so he immediately walked away from there with a loud rumbling chest. He felt like the stupidest man in the world.

Usually, he was the dominant one, controlling everything. But now, he was powerless because of Calista Earle Kafeel.


They have been silent for 4 days.

Calista walked towards Leonard's room because she was unable to bear it. However, the owner wasn't there.

The security informed her that Leonard had left the office an hour ago. She then instantly glanced at the clock on her wrist that showed 07 in the evening.

'He's gone home at this hour?' Calista thought, wondering.

Not wanting to be drawn by various evil thoughts, she immediately walked back to her room, immersed herself in work.

"Good evening Ms Calista, do you want me to bring you a coffee latte or dinner menu?"

"No sir, thank you."

"Then I'll excuse myself."

Calista didn't answer. She just smiled as if to say, 'please.'

As Calista was too focused on her work, she didn't realise that the time was getting late.

Because she didn't bring a car, she decided to order an online Grab car. However, after 10 minutes passed, the car hadn't come yet. She then walked along the road on foot while waiting for the car.

However, the street seemed deserted. she thought that maybe it was late at night therefore no one was seen passing by.

'I should have just taken a taxi. There are many taxis at the hotel. Should I call the office driver so he can take me home?' Calista thought while glancing around.

Meanwhile, the cold air started to pierce her bones, and the silence was getting tenser.


Next chapter ...


Hugs and kisses for my beloved readers!

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