
Unexpected Meeting: Trapped in the Charm of Grey Silhoutte

Leonard Fidel Christiano, the cold-blooded hunter who used to break many women's hearts in just the blink of an eye, was defeated by the grey-eyed woman who shattered his world. A brief but very memorable meeting brought him to his knees. Unfortunately, Calista's dark days imprisoned her among thorny roses, dragging her into a life full of pain. The love journey that wasn't easy made Leonard give up his company to save Calista from Jozh's clutches. Amid his efforts, Casandra, his ex-lover, came as a troublemaker. She has a thousand ways to get Calista out of Leonard's life. Could Leonard save Calista? Could he embrace his love again? Could he hug the woman he loves? So, stay tuned and follow the journey of Leonard and Calista's love that was full of tears. HAPPY READING !!

Yezta_Aurora · Ciudad
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167 Chs

Chapter 06

"Promise me you will always smile. No more tears. You deserve to be happy, dear." Calvino then gently stroked the top of his sister's head and then guided her to his favourite car.


Jakarta, Indonesia

After a long road, the car that took them away finally arrived at a skyscraper owned by Bramantara, one of the buildings owned by Kafeel Group.

His arrival with Calista, of course, made the new employees of PT. Bramantara Kreasi Group wondered.

They all whispered to each other because Calvino had never brought a woman into the office before.

"Is that Mr Calvino's future wife?"

"Perhaps, her face is very similar to Mr Calvino's, like two peas in a pod."

"Yes, that's true. If a couple has similar faces to each other, they are supposed to be soulmates."

"That's true. Old people say that's what it is."

"Well, I lost my hope of becoming Mrs Kafeel."

"Wake up! Your dream is too high!"

"Well, let's continue working. If Mr moustache finds out, we'll all get sprayed."

"Mr moustache… who?"

"Mr. Pram."

The employees then ended the gossip and returned to their respective workrooms.

Calista tried to free her hand from Calvino's grip.

"Are we going to cross? Why are you holding my hand? Let me go."

"What's wrong? Didn't you see that the employees downstairs were looking at you like they were going to swallow you, huh?"

"But it's in the elevator, and it's just the two of us."

"You're fussy. Don't go far. Stay here." Calvino wrapped Calista's hand in his arm as if he wanted to protect her from the hungry stares of the men.

When the elevator door opened, the two of them were directly greeted by a beautiful woman in a super sexy cloth, smiling with flirtatious eyes.

"Good morning Mr Calvino." The woman greeted Calvino.

However, she instantly put on a cynical smile when she looked at Calista, who seemed to be wrapping her arms around Calvino's.

Without heeding the gaze from his secretary, Calvino immediately stroked the top of Calista's head affectionately.

"Please come in, princess."

Calista's thin lips curved into a smile as she scanned the entire decor, which was dominated by black, confirming that the owner was a man. She also saw that above the oversized chair was a huge family photo.

"Hey, what the heck is this?" Calvino's thumb stretched out to wipe away the tears.

"I don't wanna see you cry anymore."

"I miss those days."Calista's gaze was fixed on the family photo.

"We can do it again. If necessary, I will replace it with our newest photo. How?"

"After all, this is our childhood photo. Look, you still look cute." Calvino teased Calista while pinching her nose.

"I'm not a kid anymore, Calvin."

"What did you call me? Calvin? Hey, call me my dear big brother."

"We were born on the same day." Calista protested.

"But I was born first and then you. I'm still the older one." Said Calvino with a smile, then patted the sofa next to him.

"Come here! I'll show you some company documents."

"So, you're serious about what you say?" Calista asked.

"Of course, dear. I need your help. I can't run this company alone. You know right, dad often travels abroad to manage the company there."

Although Calista was initially doubtful, she finally accepted the offer. One thing she believed was that if she kept herself busy in the office, she could handle her sadness.

"Just study everything first. If there's something you don't understand, you can ask me."

It didn't take long to understand everything because Calista had previously been involved in Jozh's company until it grew rapidly.

"I didn't think you could understand everything so quickly, honey." Calvino was surprised by Calista's skill.

"It's easy peasy," Calista replied while snapping her fingers in front of Calvino's face.

And, of course, it made Calvino's lips carve a satisfied smile.

Time flew like an arrow. It was lunchtime, so Calvino invited Calista to have lunch at a nearby restaurant.

While eating lunch, he kept staring intensely at his beloved sister. It made her sister wonder with the look in her eyes asking why he did that.

"You look exhausted. I'd better take you home after lunch." Said Calvino as he caressed Calista's cheek affectionately


"You'd better rest. But there's no maid at my house. Sumi is returning home."

"I'd better come with you to the office. I don't want to be alone at your house. Your house is as quiet as a graveyard." Calista complained.

"You naughty girl," Calvino replied while pinching Calista's nose.


At first, everything went well until Calista had to face someone from the past, which shook her mind again.

Jozh came back to disturb her life. Her ex-husband wanted to get back after all his assets moved in Lana's name.

Inevitably, there were often clashes between Calvino and Jozh.

Of course, this made Calista sick. Jozh was obsessed with her. He could do everything he could to get Calista's love back.

"Calista..." A familiar voice made Calista shudder in horror. She then turned her body slowly.

"Jozh..." Calista whispered in a trembling voice.

It gave Calista goosebumps when she saw an unusual look implied in Jozh's eyes.

One thing she thought was how this man knew her current position. He must have been following her. That's what was lodged in her mind.

Calista's eyes glanced around. The road to his brother's residence seemed deserted. She regretted her stupidity. She should have contacted Calvino to pick her up instead of waiting for a tow car attendant.

"Your car broke down, huh?" A sly grin etched on Jozh's lips as he continued to walk until Calista's body was caught between the car, so she could no longer escape.

"Where are you running, honey?"

Calista was disgusted by the very close distance between Jozh and her as she felt a roar of warm breath. She then immediately pushed his shoulder.

"What do you want?" Calista asked in fear.

"I don't want anything, honey. I just want you." Jozh replied.

"In your dream!" Calista sternly replied.

"Unfortunately, I don't want to wake up from my dream."

Unexpectedly, Jozh dragged Calista's body into a car. Because Calista rebelled, Jozh then punched her until her consciousness was lost.

Calista was dizzy when she opened her eyes. She didn't know what was going on with her at the moment.

She glanced around and instantly widened when she felt both hands tied to the bed with her mouth gagged.

'Where is this?' Calista thought as she tried to free herself, but it was in vain because the bonds in her hands were powerful, not to mention the dim lighting that made it difficult to know her current position.

When Calista heard footsteps approaching, her heart was pounding so wildly. She then immediately shuddered to see the man who was part of her dark past now standing in front of her with a smile full of victory.

"What do you think, honey? Don't think you can run away from here because I'll never let you go again." Said the man.

"What do you want, huh? We're no longer in a relationship."

"No, honey. We're still husband and wife."

"Don't be crazy, you bastard! The court has already issued the divorce papers."

"It's a court. To me, you are still my wife, my beloved Calista." Said Jozh while gently caressing Calista's cheek.

Calista felt disgusted when the most disgusting man, Jozh Mandoze, touched her.

'Calvin, please save me.' Calista screamed in her heart.


Next chapter ...


Hugs and kisses for my beloved readers!

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