
Unexpected Marriage: The First Commander Becomes the Substitute Groom

In the prestigious circles of the Third District, everyone knows of the affection Amelia, the heiress of the Johnson family, holds for Alexander. They are childhood sweethearts from equally esteemed backgrounds. the bride, Amelia, is unusually excited! For completing this wedding means she can finally break free from an arranged marriage, fulfilling a promise to her grandfather. However, on the very day of their grand wedding, the groom suddenly disappears! People may express sympathy or wait for it to turn into a joke. Amelia, left without a groom on her wedding day, decides to randomly choose a replacement groom. Little does she know, this decision leads her into an unforeseen marriage with the Empire's top commander, Ethan. Although initially panicked, Amelia gradually discovers Ethan's extraordinary charm through a series of events. This story is brimming with humor and unexpected twists, while delving into the whims of fate and the wonders of love. As the relationship between Amelia and Ethan unfolds, they will face a series of challenges and adventures, embarking on a journey filled with passion and laughter, presenting readers with a unique love story.

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18 Chs

Aren't you his wife?

"It might, but I've thought about it, Charlotte. This time, Alexander saved you. Shouldn't you repay him with your body? Otherwise, you can marry him, and our relationship between the two families can still be well maintained. Isn't that a win-win?"

Watching Amelia's sincere smile, Charlotte took two steps back.

Why was the script different from what she imagined?!

Amelia shouldn't have been so angry that she scolded her, hit her, and then incurred the wrath of the Johnson family.

Would the Johnson family then collectively condemn Amelia?

Seeing the deep sisterly affection in Amelia's eyes, Charlotte was completely stunned, not knowing what to say.

In the end, it was because her leg hurt too much that she was supported back to her room.

After Charlotte left, Amelia's lips curled up in a scornful arc, then she turned and went to her grandfather's study.

"Grandpa, do you think the Smith family will cause trouble for us?"

Over the years, the Johnson and Smith families had always cooperated, mutually benefiting. But in reality, the Johnson family was the one making the most money, after all, the Johnson family had a monopoly on the entire interstellar federation's catering industry.

Transportation? The benefits they got were less than a third of the Johnson family's.

Over time, ambitious people appeared in the Smith family, naturally unwilling to accept this, so this wedding was actually a test for the Johnson family, allowing them to make mistakes.

Of course, Frederick knew the character of that old friend the best. He asked Amelia, "If they really cut off our supply of fruits and vegetables, what do you think we should do?"

"Be prepared in advance so that they can't completely restrict us. My dad told me that there was a time when a transport ship was intercepted by space pirates, and then a big shot helped solve the problem with the fruits and vegetables at the time. Grandpa, can we ask that big shot for help again?"

In the two years since Amelia woke up, although she stayed at home, she wasn't idle.

She naturally knew about everything that happened in the family during those five years.

So she knew about this.

Frederick rubbed his chin and finally said, "I don't know why that big shot helped us either. I only know that he holds a position in the palace, but I don't know the specifics. There's only one contact method."


There was no way around it. Now whenever Amelia heard the word "palace," she would think of Ethan.

She even had nightmares at night, dreaming of the adorable Ethan, kissing her with red eyes on one moment, and trying to strangle her with his tail the next!

Of course, Frederick didn't know that Amelia was recalling last night's nightmare. He continued, "The other party is a big shot from the palace, and it's uncertain whether he can help or not. I'll give you the contact. You'll be in charge of this matter."

Amelia fell silent for a moment before nodding.

But after obtaining that contact number, she always felt a bit uneasy.

She hoped she was overthinking it, and that the big shot in the palace had nothing to do with Ethan.

The grandfather and granddaughter chatted for a while, then Benjamin came back.

He had actually gone to visit the injured Charlotte first before hurriedly looking for Amelia.

"Amelia, come out, Dad has something to tell you!"

Realizing that her father treated someone else's daughter better than his own, Amelia didn't pay much attention to him.

She said seriously, "Dad, what do you have to say that you have to hide from Grandpa?"

Frederick looked at his son with an indifferent expression.

Benjamin hesitated, feeling it was inappropriate to continue insisting on calling Amelia out.

He frowned and said, "It's all because of the trouble you caused! Alexander didn't deliberately not come that day, and he also begged you, why didn't you forgive him? Now, they're reconsidering the cooperation between our two families!"

Amelia sighed upon hearing this.

"Dad, you really can't blame me for this. Charlotte and Alexander are in love with each other. I only hastily married someone to fulfill their wishes! Others may not understand my intentions, but how could you misunderstand me like this? Charlotte is so pitiful, I hope she can be with her beloved. What's wrong with that? Although I've lost someone, I can't let Charlotte lose her love."

Benjamin was stunned.

Frederick glanced at his granddaughter with a meaningful look.

It took Benjamin a while to recover. He said, "Really?"

Amelia nodded immediately, "Of course! Charlotte has liked Alexander for a long time, but because of my engagement to Alexander, she has always kept these feelings buried. And when Alexander risked his life without hesitation to save Charlotte when she was in danger, isn't that true love? I was moved by them and wanted to help them!"

Benjamin was confused by her explanation. "So, they truly love each other?"

"Yes, so let Charlotte marry Alexander. It's a win-win situation. Charlotte gets to marry her love, and our relationship between the two families can continue. As for me, enduring a bit of hardship is nothing. After all, Charlotte is my sister."

Benjamin looked at the emotion in his daughter's eyes and suddenly felt that he had been wrongly accusing her all along.

He said, "Amelia, I'm sorry. Dad has been blaming you all this time! I'll go talk to the Smith family."

Amelia nodded with teary eyes, "Go ahead, but don't let it affect our family business. Also, Charlotte might be a bit shy. She doesn't want me to sacrifice for her. So, it's best if you directly arrange the marriage between the two and then inform Charlotte. She'll surely be overjoyed."


Benjamin hurriedly left.

Amelia calmly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

Frederick's lips curled up teasingly. "Little girl, you're really willing to let go of people?"

Amelia said, "If it's a good word, I won't let go. He's just a worthless potato. However, whether Alexander will marry Charlotte or not is uncertain. The Smith family has finally found an opportunity and may not give up easily. We still need to be prepared."

"Alright, contact that big shot as soon as possible."


After returning to her room, Amelia clasped her hands together in prayer. "I hope I'm just overthinking it, and that this big shot has nothing to do with Ethan!"

AC didn't understand. "Master, if they have a connection, wouldn't it be easier for you to ask for help?"

Amelia sighed, "But I don't know where I stand in Ethan's heart right now."

AC said, " Aren't you his wife?"

Amelia was speechless. "I can't explain this matter clearly even to a single smart assistant like you. Forget it, there's no time to delay. We need to solve the fruit and vegetable problem first."

If they waited for the Smith family to act first, they would be at a disadvantage!

So Amelia dialed the communication provided by her grandfather.

Meanwhile, Ethan was in a meeting, his cold gaze sweeping over the attendees.

"This surprise attack incident proves that there are problems within each of our ten districts. From now on, each of you will be responsible for one district and conduct strict screenings. The spies must still be among us! If we don't find them, none of you will get any rest!"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded solemnly.

The fact that the other side had reached into their ten districts meant that unless they were eliminated, everyone would be living in fear!

Just then, Ethan's communication device rang, and he frowned slightly, showing his displeasure.