
Undivided (dropped)

We seek the monsters that you fear the most, We chase the nightmares that haunt your cowardly dreams. This harsh land breeds savages and we revel in it we praise the gods, Do you desire pride, pleasure? Do you want to rewarded for your ferocity? Do you want dominion of life and decay? Do you seek the ultimate truths? I don't own the image

Valentino_666 · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
13 Chs

Chapter 7 Return in Avelorn

Utvalde followed the figure in the dark, He saw the figure go on to a Black ark this Black ark was bigger than most Black arks, Utvalde went on the Black ark.

Days passed, and Utvalde managed to wire magic onto the Black ark and use it as an information hub. Utvalde could hear everything, and he has eyes all around then heard a discussion between the Dark elves speaking rumours, Utvalde also heard that the figure was a prince, a descendant of Aenarion his name Malekith.

Utvalde heard that they are going off, surprised he checked outside it like a land of chill; The northern plains, barren and windswept expanses, broken only by jutting outcrops of rock and magic-stained rivers, their waters sluggish and black, crisscrossing the ice fields, carving elaborate canyons and deep ravines in the frozen ground.

Further south, the thin soil is more fertile, allowing sparse pine forests to grow. Here, massive Dark Elves plantations worked to feed the cities, and slaves of many different races laboured until they drop dead, their bodies left to nourish the barren soil.

The Dark Elves lived in six heavily fortified cities, their innumerable towers built from black stone, rising like sinister pinnacles into the dark storm clouds.

All of these cities are evil places, steeped in death and agony. The lightless dungeons are crammed with captives whose wailings fill the air and whose moans seep through the thick walls of the high towers.

Saturating the soul with pain and misery, From the tips of the high towers, above the filth and smog of sacrificial fires, the Sorceresses cast their malign magic over the world, Utvalde stayed close to Malekith, to continue to spy.

They arrived at a City; Its outer walls form an imposing circlet of black stone, in no place less than a hundred feet tall. The ramparts are set a hundred towers, each rising as high above the battlements as the walls rise above the bare rock.

From these towers fly the Witch King's dark banners of flayed skin. Severed heads and raven-worried limbs rot upon spikes about the walls, grisly reminders of the price of denying Malekith's will.

They entered the city of Naggarond, behind its impenetrable walls, the city rises high into the foothills of the Iron Mountains.

The city is a jumble of mansions, barracks, temples, slave pits, and crooked alleys, all swathed in a perpetual pall of smoke. Through chill day and frozen night, mad elves worship Khaine and tear beating hearts and tangled entrails from their still-living victims and cast them into the flame pits to their hungry god.

This is the very air of Naggarond thick with the essence of murder, few walk carelessly through these streets. Those seeking sacrifices make no distinction for rank or loyalty, Murder and thievery of all kinds are rife, for the Witch King tolerates any deeds, save for those that inconvenience his rule.

At the centre of Naggarond stands the Black Tower. No mere fortress is this, but a city within a city -- a maze of palaces, ramparts and towers huddle within its curtain walls and jut from its sheer sides.

Utvalde continues to follow looking at the many rooms and passageways that lie entirely in the gloom, and others are dimly lit by the bloody glow of accursed sigils. Utvalde saw Malekith make a magic circle and brutally killed virgins.

Then slowly a shape rose out of a pool of blood in front of an altar it was a beautiful woman made from congealed red plasma snakes of hair, twirling from her impossibly lovely head she beckoned at Malekith in a lascivious enticing way her hip swayed sinuously in a way that promised great pleasure.

Utvalde realised who it was it was N'kari, the witch king has not even tempted the wards of his armour to neutralize the potent spells of intoxication his destroyed factory nerves were insensitive to the narcotic musk.

Seeing that the strategy was not working and clawed the blood congealed and hardened into a glistening carapace the hands extended into talons and claws the teeth great tusks and fangs this was more like its true shape if a greater demon could say to have any such thing.

"N'kari I name you and bind you Malekith," said he spoke the ancient words of ritual the demon resisted them, but Utvalde could feel the magic and resisted to remain hidden. Malekith could feel that It was enormously strong far more powerful than anything he had ever bound before for a moment and a moment only the possibility he might have encountered something too powerful for even his mighty will to dominate entered Malekith's mind.

Utvalde decided to disenchant Malekith's armour while they discussed; "It's not so simple little mortal," said the demon did a voice that was at once beautiful and terrifying "I am no mere demon-ling to be bound by a passing sorcerer," the demon said, "and I am no mere mage hellspawn I am an Aenarion's heir the witch king and you will do my bidding."

the air between them crackled with the force of their conflict an "Aenarion that is a name you should not have mentioned" N'kari said, "you shall for your presumption I know you hate him and all his descendants but I have summoned you to offer you a chance for vengeance."

The demon paused for a moment revenge "I shall have my revenge starting start with you" N'kari replied "that's not possible" Malekith said not letting any of the strain he felt show in his voice.

"But I will let you drink the blood of those who humiliated you a century will let you have all of the others who claim descent from an Aenarion" Malekith replied "l can take my vengeance," said N'kari "no you cannot, "said Malakith "l have wound you round with spells that prevent you from returning whence you came and while this avatar is trapped here you cannot bring another into this world I can keep you here until the end of time if I so desire and vengeance will never be yours."

The demon raged against the ever-tightening web of spells constraining it but they held and N'kari was trapped within. His appearance changed again becoming that of a seductive female elf his voice was the very essence of reasonableness "state your terms" N'kari said the demon considered the witch king as mortals went he was impressive his massive armoured figure radiated power and not unjustified confidence the spells he had woven were well constructed a trap.

That it might take and carry millennia to escape from he had spent too much time in this pathetic place bound into the vortex in a mortal form on we would press heavily on him.

As any other residents of this time and space, he felt sure that he could free himself eventually but it might be easier to appear to give the mortal what he wanted he was also sure that in the long run, he would find a way to turn the tables on the arrogant fool, he always did.

The Witch-king laughed triumphantly laugh away little mortal and N'kari thought to himself I will have the last laugh "extend your arm" said the witch king and N'kari complied perhaps his foe would be foolish enough to break the magic circle binding him with bracelets and chains snapped into place the most powerful binding spell N'kari had ever experienced snapped into place.

"with them now you are truly my servant," said Malekith unable to keep the satisfaction from his voice and N'kari wanted to howl with rage but the spell now binding him would not even allow him to do that the greater demon was now a prisoner of the witch king N'kari learnt much from malekith's side of the mortal world, then Malekith had to leave to discuss other things.

Utvalde revealed himself from the shadow and N'kari saw him "help me Utvalde", N'kari said Utvalde replied " can't unlock the chains, but l have disenchanted his armour so we can backstab him. When the time is right so play long l will be in your shadow okay."

Utvalde when inside of N'kari's shadow and soon as Malekith came back inside he told N'kari of what had transpired in the century of his absence including that the twins had gained great fame for their defeat of N'kari. A century ago and went by the names of Tyrion who was the warrior and Teclis the mage Malekith had been plotting an invasion of the isle of Ulthuan.

N'kari was bound to side now he was there when he briefed his generals when Morathi came to scold him for being so reckless that he thought he could control a being like N'kari the demon and the sorceress exchanging what could have been a look of recognition eventually.

Malekith's army was ready and they set sail across the sea to the isle of Ulthuan on board a black ark Malekith scarcely if ever allowed the demon to engage with him.

But on the crossing, he looked troubled "dwelling on the past" the demon asked, "that's my business demon" Malekith said, "for the moment your business is my business" replied N'kari it brandished its chains "you have made this very clear to me" "this does not mean l have to discuss it with you do not make me sorry I permitted you to speak once more" Malekith said.

"Who else are you going to discuss it with witch king those idiots out there on their pathetic ships" N'kari replied "I do not require to talk about it with anyone least of all you lackey" Malekith replied, "then you are most unusual amongst your kind always they need to talk to boast to want their pride they are worse than humans in that way you were thinking about life and death and the god," said N'kari.

"That shows no great gift of understanding" retorted mMalekith it is what most elves would do standing on these heights and looking at this view," Malekith said. "While engaged in exercise on this vastest scale," said N'kari "it is what you mortals are like", "I am no mortal," said Malekith.

"That remains to be proven," said the demon allowing for some malice to creep back into his voice by use Malekith allowed the contempt to show on his face the demon merely smiled. "my time will come if ever it does you will find me ready I did this once came back the demon sounded thoughtful.

"Invaded Ulthuan in the time before ever your father arose to oppose me" Malekith laughed the sound was iron and cold and biting as a blade "it seems mortals are not the only ones compelled to talk to boast to reminisce" Malekith replied "is a weakness of being bound in this form," N'kari said ambivalently "every day I become more like you I live I breathe the realm of my birth becomes an everything to memory but then you understand that don't you.

We have some things in common you and l very much doubt that you are attempting what I once did I suspect your result will be much the same" N'kari said in a mocking tone "I will prevail I do not seek to destroy the world and enslave my people I am merely reclaiming what is mine by right of birth."

Malekith said "are you certain of that of what that you are an Aenarion son your mother was, to say the least promiscuous, l lay with her myself many times in many different forms more than ever she is aware of ", Utvalde giggles quietly to get detected getting N'kari to grin a-bit.

Malekith knew the demon was merely trying to goad him he would not let it "the flame rejected you, it did not reject Aenarion" N'kari said mocking him further there was nothing Malekith could say to that so he let it pass he knew it was pointless debating these things with demons. "why do you think that was?" N'kari said trying to get a reaction.

Malekith exercised his will the bracelets that bound the demon pulsed with the energy it said frozen in place unable to move or speak until he willed it he returned to contemplating his fleet. Soon he thought he would be home and there would be a reckoning with this demon with the elves of Ulthuan and with their gods soon.

Arrived on an isolated shore of Ulthuan and Malekith walked and carried up to a waystone on the beach this is why he'd

been summoned and chained Malekith knew a century earlier he'd used some means of moving his army around off one and he wanted N'kari to replicate it to unlock ulfwan's defences and so N'kari stood on the beach in front of the way stone.

In the form of an armoured female parody of Malekith, the demon could tell the druchii where troops were nervous he could tell they hated him the demon nodded towards the witch king. "from here l can do all you require" N'kari said "then I suggest you proceed" Malekith said "the sooner you are done the sooner you can have your vengeance on those you hate" Malekith said "let it be as you say" N'kari said a measure of irony showing in its tone.

The demons set to work weaving a very intricate spell around the way stones that somehow tapped into its energies and the energies of something beneath it soon a shimmering gateway glittered in the air.

Before them the assembled ranks of dark elf warriors eyed it uneasily they did not quite understand what was going on here although they could see some powerful magic being cast malachite turned his cold gaze upon his army not a single soldier.

Present could hold his glance for more than a heartbeat and none of them there even attempted all of them were thoroughly cowed it was possible for one being such as himself to intimidate tens of thousands all it took was courage and iron will.

He raised his hand and gave the signal that the great phase of his great plan was about to begin. His generals gave orders to the officers his officers gave orders to their warriors one by one a unit at a time the soldiers advanced into the gateway.

The demon had opened and disappeared Malekith turned his glance upon N'kari now the great war had truly begun a delicious aroma of fear arose. From the assembled soldiery and their leader, none of them wished to invite or even give an excuse for punitive action many ways could be turned to amusing advantage in N'kari thought if he wished.

At the moment he did not want to Malekith had calculated things very finely N'kari did not want to interfere with his plans to ravage off. He wanted very badly to see that happen and he had made up his mind to do everything in his power to help in this one area.

He wanted to kill high elves and the best way of doing that was to see that their savage kindred was in a position to do as much damage as possible where they are all in one spot.

That was why he had spent the past few days in the ultimately tedious business of shipping the Witch-king's troops to various points around Ulthuan he paused for a moment wondering.

Where this sudden complacency had come from he examined the nature of the spells binding him for what felt like the millionth time there was indeed an element of subtle compulsion woven into them guiding his thoughts into these paths that increased his anger but even that was channelled he laughed and allowed himself to enjoy the mind-altering sensation.

All that was happening here was that a certain aspect of his mood and personality were being amplified it was strangely enjoyable a thing which was also a component of the spell in his deepest secret heart.

N'Kari understood the insult and resented it in one locked-off chamber of his mind plotted vengeance and began to muster its resources other chambers of his mind entered into the spirit of things and plotted how he could aid in this new rape evolved one a few days passed.

N'kari enjoyed a delicious aroma of fear that rose from the assembled soldiery and their leaders, N'kari continued largely just to shuttle the witch king's troops around the isle of Ulthuan and on one of his trips.

He set foot in Avalon which he had rampaged through all those millennia ago nearby, he could tell that there were two descendants of an Aenarion their psychic stench was quite an unmistakable one of them was the warrior Tyrion.

Just the faintest hint of that spiritual aroma was enough to get N'kari's hands to flex like claws and salivate at the thought of tearing up that particular prey. but Malekith was summoning him back and he had no choice but to obey throughout Malekith's campaign, victory, after victory came with the element of surprise and N'kari's portals, provided it seemed the druchii forces were unstoppable there was however a thorn in the Witch-king's side.

Originally planned to conquer a new Everqueen but after several attempts, his patience was running thin and he turned to the greater demon for aid the Everqueen was still alive.

Free she had been saved by the elf called Tyrion it was a name that N'kari was familiar with it was a name that most elves of Naggarond, were familiar with a rage burned within the demon's breast Tyrion and N'kari said the venom in his voice could have poisoned an army.

Malekith knew at that moment he and the demon were of one accord "you think you could kill him" Malekith asked "you jest the last time I encountered him only the god Asuryan saved him" N'kari said.

"He has grown more skill since then" Malekith informed him, "no amount of skill can save him from my wrath" N'kari replied, the demon knew that Malekith would be taking a risk if he allowed the demon to pursue Tyrion. As the demon was the only one capable of conjuring the portals but the campaign was going well and Malekith had confidence in the demon's abilities "go! N'kari use all your power to slay Tyrion and return here with the head of the everqueen as soon as possible", "I will place it on my standard and use it for my war banner it will be my very great pleasure" said N'kari for once the demon sounded entirely sincere.

His shape altered and twisted becoming once again the monstrous forearm being that malachite had first bound into his service it let out a roar of rage and pleasure.

It snapped one massive claw together " I will take the head of the Everqueen with my claw"; it turned and lopped from the witch king's presence without another and Avalon N'kari following a scent and a feeling came across a tournament

grounds head down tracking by scent like a hound it felt good to be wearing something like its normal battle form again. After weeks bound in the form of an elf maid, the chains were still there binding it but at least it was enjoying some variety it shafts its protein nature to be confined to one shape for so long.

Of course, it was not as powerful as it should be the chains bound it to this world but they inhibited its ability to draw on its full powers. It was far stronger still though than anything it was likely to meet in this pitiful plane but it only had a fraction of the strength it normally possessed even here.

It sniffed again the trail was an easy one to follow, It knew the curse sent it was following only too well it was Tyrion and judging by the faint tainted corruption in it he had been wounded and poisoned "good he deserved it.

Of course, it would be a pity if he died before N'kari could reach him and enact his vengeance there was another dissent of an Aenarion.

With him, a female one touched by a being, not unlike the god Asuryan this would be the Everqueen and N'kari had to give Malakith credit for something this was a task it was truly going to enjoy it did not mind being bound.

To complete it in the slightest the only thing that troubled it was the compulsion to complete the task and return as quickly as possible this was something he wanted to savour to derive the maximum possible pleasure.

From well no doubt it would find a way to do it and still stay within the letter of the command that malekith had laid down for a moment it was enjoying being free to hunt and prowl. It made a pleasant change from being a mere ferryman for the druchii armies that thought sent a ripple of fury through N'kari at some point it would find a way to take its vengeance on the Witch-king too.

With that thought it bowed down over the trail once more and scuttling along on multiple limbs began to follow a trail that might have baffled the most sensitive of bloodhounds the continued corrupting presence of N'kari in the sacred forests of Avalon.

Rippled through the world roots to atholorin ariel queen of the forest had no wish to be involved in the squabbles of their cousins but the forest had not forgotten what N'kari.

Had done to Avalon and would not allow him to roam the sacred grove unchecked as such ariel dispatched scarlock and a kinband of his scouts to put an end to the demon's presence in the sacred groves.

N'kari oblivious continued his hunt and soon came across the bodies of one of the parties that Malekith had sent after the Everqueen. The corpses were old and they had been left to lie a few had been bitten and chewed on by massive jaws and N'kari guests belonged to cold ones the scent of Tyrion.

Led to this place it had taken the demon a little time to pick it up when it had crossed the river but N'kari was using magic as much as its nostrils and it had found the scent again though a hound might not have it was obvious that Tyrion had passed this way.

Had been joined again by the Everqueen nearby he was curious though about what had happened here it was curious whether the one it hated was even still alive.

Utvalde tried something with the corpse, Utvalde extended his clawed finger and inscribed the sign of Slaanesh in the mud around one of the corpses it spoke the words of an ancient ritual and felt power flow from it into the body a sigh emerged not from the mouth but the gap in the cadaver's chest.

N'kari patted Utvalde on the head and smiled at him; as the lungs wheezed rotten air the corpse sat upright and its head swivelled until it looked at N'kari and Utvalde with empty eye sockets "what do you want with me why have you disturbed my soul's dissolution into the realm beyond" said the elven corpse.

Utvalde spoke up and asked "I would ask you three questions aloud by spell and ritual" "ask away then and let me fly back to the hell it is too cold for me here now," said the corpse begging. "Who killed you" Utvalde questioned "an elf with a flaming sword stepped out in the night and slaughtered us as if we were children why because we were enemies why else," the corpse said.

"is his soul with yours in hell now," Utvalde asked "not to my knowledge and I would know for he was my killer," the corpse said "then go you are dismissed," Utvalde said to the corpse.

It slumped and the witch fires died in its eyes and N' kari laughed long and loud its prey was out there still it was good to know and now it was only a matter of finding it soon Utvalde summoned lesser demons. To N'kari's side to aid in his cause and deal with any roving warbands at this time of conflict they helped as soon he found himself and his band of demons under near-constant attack.

Scarlock and his scouts forted the keeper of secrets as it hunted they did not seek to engage the beast directly but paralleled its path through the forest time and again scarlock and his comrades ambushed the demonets and fiends of N'kari.

Used as trackers filling them with arrows or luring them onto false trails this was deadly work for the demons were many and scarlock and his comrades fought worse the woods of Avalon were thick with dark elves and many times scarlock was forced to break from his mission to evade or eliminate nagarathi patrols despite these diversions.

N'kari soon came across the bodies of knight assassins Malekith had sent after the Everqueen and N'kari loomed over the dead bodies of the witch king's chosen assassins the stink of magic hung over the battlefield it had been unleashed here and quite strongly by the standards of mortals. It was enough for N'kari to recreate what had happened, Tyrion had been more than a match for Malekith's pet killers the boy had improved over the last century his wound had become worse though he smelled as if he was rotting away inside

fortunately, he was close now it would not take long to overhaul him and the Everqueen was tireless as ever and N'kari put its head down and followed the trail.

It moved with the speed of the storm wind lust for revenge made its bounding strides all the faster seemingly dismissing his lesser demons perhaps to move faster and stealthier at this point N'kari came face to face with his wood elf harassers only once and then briefly the scouts revealed themselves.

They stung him to wrath with a swift volley they lured N'kari onto a band of dark elves who panicked by the greater demons onset loosed a flurry of crossbow bolts and thus earned the keeper of secrets full measure of retribution as N'kari tore through the nagarothri ranks wood elves and the Everqueen, both temporarily forgotten scarlock and his band slipped away through the world roots, the last deadly chase had cost him many of his fellows and he judged that they must now attend to her fate.

N'kari resumed his search but something momentarily drew his attention and N'kari laughed aloud as it sensed the presence of the wizard who had banished it over a century before.

Of course, he would be looking for his brother briefly curry considered turning aside and swatting the troublesome mage but it found the compulsion laid on it. by the Witch-king was strong not that it mattered it was close to Tyrion now all it had to do was wait for a few moments and Teclis would come upon his dead twin.

Then and N'kari would take his vengeance on the mage as encourage you ever closer he could sense the presence of the blood of an Aenarion. More strongly one of the senses belongs to Tyrion the warrior who had done so much to help defeat it over a century ago.

The other scent belonged to a female it was a subtle scent and there was a suggestion of great power to it somewhere deeply hidden nearby there was a deity it was not quite as warlike or as potent as an Asuryan.

But it was or it could be very powerful this made him carry wary it moved carefully closer adjusting its shape to keep it camouflaged amongst the dense undergrowth padded softly closer.

Sniffing the air in reading itself for anything Tyrion's scent was ever more sickly and tainted the warrior was very ill of course it did not matter very much for his life was about to come to an end.

N'kari was pleased by the fact that it was not only going to be able to carry out its orders for Malekith but take revenge on one of its greatest enemies in this world at the same time it could sense the presence of Teclis.

Close behind it but somewhat muffled as if by powerful deceptive magic it seemed that fate or the dark gods had conspired to give it the perfect opportunity for vengeance. It was close enough now to peer out from the bushes and see the pair as they sat by a fire they looked comfortable.

Which was also a good thing it would take great pleasure in tormenting them these things always went better if the victims felt secure, to begin with, it listened to the conversation.

The two were having for a while it was the usual mortal trivia nothing very interesting to one of its age and predisposition it knew it could waste a great deal of time waiting for them to say something that piqued its interest.

Instead, it moved further away into the undergrowth and changed its shape again and went crashing through the bushes as loudly as it could determined to get their attention and unsettle them. Before it finally took its vengeance wanted to draw this moment out to savour it to feel the fear building in the minds of its prey.

It laughs softly to itself it had waited for this for a very long time what was that Alarielle asked Tyrion forcing himself upright his head spun dizziness threatening to overwhelm him.

He felt sick as he had never felt in his life and he felt something else something that was in its way as bad as the sickness he sensed the presence of something evil a faint sickly sweet aroma that reminded him of perfume.

It also brought to mind something else that he had scented a long time ago "I don't know but I don't like it one little bit" he said forcing himself to his feet as he stood there swaying with a worried expression fluttered over Alarielle face.

Tyrion knew he was the cause of it not whatever she had heard out there in the darkness that was wrong there was something that needed to be afraid of out there.

It worried him that she had sensed that before he did it was you who brought me this far Tyrion said I would not be here now and it was not for you we did this together and we will finish this together.

She leaned forwards and touched his hand her touch felt very cold but that was perhaps. Only because he felt as though he was burning up she leaned closer to him until their faces were almost touching her lips were slightly parted. N'kari found their love for one another almost palpable that you most assuredly will do said N'kari's voice from the darkness I will see to it emerging from the forest was N'kari's massive forearm figure.

One of those arms ended in a monstrous claw "N'kari", Tyrion said forcing himself to hold his blade level even though he was so weak he could barely stand. "I am glad you remember me," said the demon beckoning in an awful parody of an exotic dancer trying to entice one of her audience.

"I certainly remember you, blood of Aenarion!" without taking his eyes off the demon Tyrion shouted, "run!"

"Please do," said N"kari "I will enjoy it all the more once, I have killed this one it will give me great pleasure to hunt you down, I would be very grateful to you if you could prolong this for as long as possible."

Tyrion's blade's flames burned brighter as if somehow it recognized in N'kari and what it stood for "you're somewhat better armed than the last time I met you" N'kari said "this should make this slightly more enjoyable as well" "I see you are wearing chains" Tyrion said.

"You are your own master the last time we met now it seems you're someone's slave" Tyrion replied "I will have my revenge on the one who has bound me just as I will have my revenge upon you my vengeance will be as terrible as it is inevitable" N'kari replied.

"What is it like being a servant I have heard the followers of Slaanesh enjoy submission how do you find it" "if you're trying to convince me into initiating you into its pleasures it will not work I simply do not have the time I must kill you! I must kill her! and then I must return to plotting my revenge."

"It seems to me you spend more time talking about revenge than taking it" "it seems to me you're very keen to meet your death do you suffer so much does your wound pain you so," N'kari said "run" Tyrion again said to Alarielle "I will hold it for as long as I can I'm not going anywhere," she said.

"I would not give this the pleasure of seeing me run nor will I leave you," she said "how touching N'kari said, "don't you realize that your lover wishes to die he cannot live with that wound and he wishes to leave this world heroically.

I'm almost tempted to let him live and watch him die and slow agony it has certain advantages he can witness what I do to you before he goes do not be afraid there will be as much pleasure as there is a pain in it for you and you will come to enjoy both before the end!" N'kari said mockingly

Tyrion sprang forwards the blade sung fang flashing in a blazing arc he put all his remaining strength and speed into the blow. N'kari evaded it easily and I laughed "it seems I have touched a nerve Alarielle spread her hands and spoke a word a wave of greenish energy flowed towards the demon.

N'kari's hand made the gestures of the counter spell and neutralized it pitiful an apprentice could do better. Tyrion moved in close and struck again while the demon was distracted something bit into its flesh. There was a sound of sizzling as the skin burned away a faint sweet aroma filled the air the demon lashed out with its fist and batted Tyrion away like an elf tossing a small animal across the room Tyrion fell badly blackness swept over him as he tried to force himself to rise.

But could not he know his end had come and curry was now advancing upon Alarielle with something more than merely killing her on its mind for her soul would make the sweetest of meats?

N'kari had almost reached Alarielle it had stretched out its huge arm like a lover and was herding her towards a great tree Tyrion lay on the ground and did not move from behind him N'kari heard a word of power as a bolt of energy hurtled towards the demon and N'kari screeched for a moment it seemed to be outlined in fire and lightning it turned to face teclis

He roared "it seems I have your attention" teclis said "depart now and I will spare you" "little teclas my how you have grown," said the demon.

"I see you have not lost your taste the melodramatic dialogue" replied teclas "it seems your magic skill has greatly improved," said the greater demon. As it moved closer to teclis its movements were reminiscent of the stalking step of a great predator. Teclas worked the spell of the opening using his powers to undo the intricate magical locking mechanisms on the chains of binding they fell away to the ground.

N'kari surprised by this course of action spread its claws wide and laughed it seemed to expand with a new influx of power and evil "you have made a mistake little teclis" N'kari chortled as his power continued to grow tecla spoke words of banishment.

As N'kari's outline wavered without the chains to anchor him he was prayed to instability once more. Teclis manipulated the flows of magic around him adding to the resistance of normal reality and aiding in the mage's attempts to expel N'kari back to its natural home Utvalde saw this appear in the bush hiding "No!" cried and N'kari realised what was happening it strode towards.

Tyrion determined to take revenge on one of the brothers at least Teclis invoked another offensive spell an enormous blast of magical energy raven through his body and washed over the demon lining it with witchfire and N'kari faded away still screaming.

So N'kari was banished from the mortal realms once more with the banishment of the greater demon. the Malekith's armies were crippled Then Utvalde appeared behind Teclis and stab him with his axe The blade of the axe impacted Teclis's body blood leaked out and Utvalde started biting him savagely and he and Teclis fought tossing and turning; Teclis died and then he saw Tyrion and then threw the Teclis body near Tyrion's feet and Utvalde went towards Alarielle and gave her a mark she will always remember how defenceless unless she was disappeared.

Utvalde then appeared in a realm of chaos and saw N'kari, N'kari thanked Utvalde for his journey.

From what was left the three descendants of an Aenarion faced off at the battle of venuvial plain during the battle Malekith dual with Tyrion and in a bid to escape burning flames sent himself into the realms of chaos.

Although little is known about Malekith's time in the realm of chaos, Malekith saw N'kari and Utvalde and it is known that while there he was hunted by Utvalde and N'kari who as ever was seeking revenge for his enslavement as well as the mere fact that he was a son of an aryan.

The three clashed beneath the walls of the marcher fortress in the realms of chaos; The fortress is an unlovely thing, towering high into the sky and wounding the clouds and smoke with its piercing spires. Its walls are crafted from blackened stone, veined with pulsing, oozing colours, and mortared with the crushed bones and blood of spent revellers and those that fell in battle against Slaanesh's minions.

N'kari had been at the peak of his power, Whilst the witch king was near death as Utvalde was about to kill him by removing his eyes and torturing him, a portal was summoned under Malekith and he escaped.

Utvalde saw God look at him Utvalde went into a trance mode and she said to Utvalde "you done well my little tiny champion, here" she grabs Utvalde and places her finger on his forehead and parts of Utvalde changed as they evolved.

Utvalde then blackouts as if he is falling into a dark ocean and he sees a black coffin a tomb for a God and he hears whispers "In that dread desert, beneath the moon's pale gaze, dead men walk. They haunt the shifting dunes of the breathless, windless night, brandish weapons of bronze in mocking challenge and bitter resentment of the life they no longer possess. And sometimes, in ghastly dry voices, like the rustling of sun-baked reeds, they whisper the one word they remember from life. The name of the one who cursed them to their existence, more than death but less than life. They whisper the name, Nagash..."

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

just updated the chapter!

From Valentino

Valentino_666creators' thoughts