In this AU, Frisk is suicidally depressed, and it's up to Sans and Papyrus to restore his will to live. Just a heads up. Frisk does try to take his own life. Things get dark, so I'm warning you in advance. Also, spiritual themes! Created by: InGodzHandz all rights belong to them
Frisk and Calibri finished performing, and the whole studio erupted in applause. Frisk looked up, smiled shyly, and took a bow with his head. He smiled at Calibri who gave him a thumbs up and walked away as the ratings went up by 100 points.
"Darling, that was magnificent," Mettaton said walking over with the mic once the applause had died down. "You're quite the virtuoso. Wherever did you learn how to play like that?"
"My mother," Frisk replied.
"Hold on, dear," Mettaton said before he extended his arm with the mic until it reached Frisk's face. "Could you say that again?"
Frisk tensed up at the microphone in his face for a second before he replied, "My mother, she taught me how to play the violin and the piano. She studied the instruments her whole life. The nuns at the orphanage gave her lessons when her parents died. My father taught me the acoustic and the electric guitar. He taught himself how to play those before his family even died…"
Without warning, Mettaton pulled the microphone back and posed dramatically.
"So much talent for such unfortunate lives," Mettaton interrupted. "If only they had someone rich and famous to nurture their talents and give them opportunities. I just know they would have been superstars. But instead, they were poor…Frisk, what did you say your parents did for a living?"
Mettaton shoved the microphone back into Frisk's face as Frisk visibly panicked and looked askance to Papyrus and Undyne for help. Undyne shook her head as quickly as she could. Papyrus pointed to her and nodded. Their actions were not lost on Mettaton, but he ignored it for now.
Frisk looked back at Mettaton and replied, "Uh…My parents…They were part of my city's law enforcement…kind of like Undyne…"
"So, kind of like the police?" Mettaton asked projecting his voice without the help of the microphone.
"Yeah," Frisk lied more confidently. "Exactly like the police…"
"A career they doubtlessly took to survive after they outgrew the orphanage and continued to support you after you were born," Mettaton said continuing his dramatic shtick again as he pulled back his arm until the microphone was hanging above his head. "Your poor parents, they never got to really follow their dreams…"
"Yes, they did!" Frisk yelled defensively. "They wanted to be happy and have a happy family! They got what they wanted! They told me so!"
Frisk's heartwarming words caused the ratings to go up by 50 points. Mettaton noticed and stood up straight. He knew just how to make the ratings go up even more.
"Darling, don't misunderstand me," Mettaton replied. "I never said your parents weren't happy with their lives. I just said that your parents never got to use their talents to their upmost potentials because they lacked the money and opportunity to do so. That must have been hard for them. Trust me. I know exactly how that feels. That's why I'm going to give that opportunity to you instead, Frisk dear. I will not let your talents go to waste as your parents had to. Your talent will be nourished, and you will have everything I'm sure your parents always wanted you to have."
Frisk glared angrily, took the bow and violin in one hand, and used the other to support him while he slid down the bone chair until he was back on the ground.
He walked back over to Papyrus and Undyne without breaking eye contact with Mettaton and finally replied, "I already have everything they wanted me to have! I don't need anything else!"
Mettaton simply rolled his eyes in response and said, "You'll never go anywhere with that attitude, darling. You must make some sacrifices to have it all."
"Like you did?" Frisk asked.
Mettaton tensed up for a second before his expression softened again and he said, "Exactly…"
Suddenly, Calibri ran on stage, passed Mettaton a message, and ran away.
"What's this?" Mettaton asked as he read the message written on the card. "Oh, my…This is unexpected. It seems that the audience is calling in and requesting you to perform more songs like the first one you sang. So, why don't we get you your electric guitar and have you perform again?"
"I'm not going anywhere near you," Frisk spat back.
"You don't have to," Mettaton retorted creating another trapdoor that brought the electric guitar and amp down to the stage.
He caught the items, walked over to Frisk, set the amplifier down, and held out the electric guitar to Frisk.
"Well?" Mettaton asked smugly. "Are you gonna take it or not, Frisk?"
Frisk scowled at him and quietly asked Papyrus to put the violin away.
When Papyrus nodded and placed the violin and bow back in their case, Frisk took the electric guitar from Mettaton and asked, "Do you have a pick?"
Before he could blink, a black pick with the pirate skull and crossbones was hovering in front of his face. Frisk grabbed the pick and looked around for the source until he saw Calibri standing off-stage and giving Frisk a thumbs up before he walked away again.
"What will you be playing for us, Frisk?" Mettaton asked.
"It's a song called 'Corduroy,'" Frisk replied. "It's from a band called Pearl Jam. It's my favorite grunge song of all time."
"Alright, then," Mettaton said as the spotlight focused on Frisk again and he placed the microphone on a stand that Calibri placed in front of Frisk. "Take it away, darling."
Frisk gave Undyne and Papyrus a quick wink before he began playing the opening chords. The riff was simple and straightforward but genuinely emotional. Hearing the sound of grunge from his guitar for Frisk was like reuniting with an old friend.
As Frisk played the chords faster in the lead-up to the opening line, he felt his heart brim with a defiant passion that hadn't come alive in a long time.
"The waiting drove me mad," Frisk sang out before glaring at Mettaton again. "You're finally here and I'm a mess. I take your entrance back! Can't let you roam inside my head!"
Then Frisk closed his eyes as he passionately sang the chorus, "I don't wanna take what you can give. I would rather starve than eat your bread! I would rather run, but I can't walk. I guess I'll like alone just like before."
Mettaton quickly realized that Frisk was singing to him and listened curiously as Frisk continued playing the guitar riff before he got to singing the next part. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that the ratings had risen by about 20 points.
Frisk opened his eyes, turned around, and took a step towards Mettaton as he played and sang aggressively, "I take the varmint's path! Oh, and I must refuse your test! Push me and I will resist! This behavior's not unique! I don't wanna hear from those who know. They can buy but can't put on my clothes. I don't wanna limp for them to walk. Never would have known of me before. I don't wanna be held in your debt! I'd pay it off in blood, let I be wed! I'm already cut up and half-dead! I'd end up alone like I began!"
Undyne and Papyrus looked at each other and at Frisk in amazement as he began playing faster and angry, passionate tears began forming at the corner of his eyes.
"Everything has chains!" Frisk sang out. "Absolutely nothing's changed! Take my hand! Not my picture! Spilled my tinc-TURE!"
While holding the last note, Frisk backed up until his back was against Papyrus' legs and sang the chorus, "I don't wanna take what you can give! I would rather starve than eat your bread! All the things that others want for me…"
Frisk glanced quickly at Undyne and Papyrus before he continued, "Can't buy what I want because it's free! Can't buy what I want because it's free…"
Frisk stopped playing and sang loudly for everyone to hear, "Can't be what you want because I'm…"
He then continued playing in full force and sang, "Ain't it supposed to be just fun? To live and die, let it be done! I figure I'd be damned, all alone like I began!"
Frisk played the outro while the entire studio watched in astonishment. He sang pretty well and played at a practically virtuosic level. That was impressive enough considering his age, but what really impressed them was his passion and his conviction behind every word and how every word was pointedly directed at Mettaton.
They all watched Mettaton and waited for his reaction against this brazenly defiant child. Burgerpants was so scared that he even started praying.
In the meantime, Mettaton stared Frisk down in annoyance for a moment before he gestured for his producers to cut to a commercial and the lights came up.
Neither Frisk nor his friends noticed, however. When Frisk finished playing, Undyne and Papyrus clapped ecstatically while Frisk stood there in amazement at his own achievement.
"WOOHOO!" Papyrus screamed. "Frisk, that was absolutely incredible! You're so cool!"
"Yeah, punk!" Undyne yelled while lifting Frisk up in her arms. "That was awesome! I can't believe how quickly you got a hold of this whole memory thing. I'm proud of you, Frisk!"
Mettaton's expression relaxed and he started strutting towards Frisk without anyone in his group noticing. The entire studio held their breath.
"I'm proud of me, too," Frisk said excitedly as Undyne put him down. "I can't believe how quickly I got a hold of it either. I can remember it all so clearly now. I remember all the guitar lessons my Dad ever gave me. I remember all the songs we learned. I remember all of it. Oh, my God. I can't believe it…"
"Frisk…" Papyrus said finally noticing the approaching robot.
Undyne defensively placed her hands on Frisk's shoulders as Mettaton stopped just in front of them and crossed his arms.
An awkward moment of silence passed between them before Mettaton finally said, "Darling, is that how you really feel about me?"
"Yes," Frisk replied confidently. "I have a family, and I would rather be homeless again than spend a second with you living as your cash cow."
"Frisk, dear, that hurts my feelings, but I suppose it can't be helped," Mettaton said before he simultaneously grabbed Frisk's arm and created a trapdoor under Undyne and Papyrus.
Mettaton just managed to pull Frisk away before Undyne or Papyrus could do anything. Frisk watched helplessly as his friends screamed after him and they were separated once again.