In this AU, Frisk is suicidally depressed, and it's up to Sans and Papyrus to restore his will to live. Just a heads up. Frisk does try to take his own life. Things get dark, so I'm warning you in advance. Also, spiritual themes! Created by: InGodzHandz all rights belong to them
Burgerpants scrolled through his phone while waiting for Frisk to put his clothes back on.
Before he put on his sweater, Frisk said, "I'm surprised you're not asking about them."
"About what?" Burgerpants asked without looking up from his phone.
"You know," Frisk said nervously. "The scars…"
Burgerpants looked up from his phone, smiled, and said, "I don't see why it should be any of my business if you don't want to talk about it."
Burgerpants looked back down at his phone.
That acceptance gave Frisk hope.
He smiled as he pulled on his sweater and said, "I'm ready."
Burgerpants shoved his phone in his pocket and said, "Alright, let's go. Are ya ready?"
"I think so," Frisk said taking his hand. "I'm still praying."
"Good," Burgerpants said picking up the violin case that was sitting by his feet. "We're going to need it."
Burgerpants teleported himself and Frisk outside the fake newsroom where Mettaton was going to host the next challenge.
"Okay, we're here," Burgerpants said letting go of Frisk's hand without Frisk letting go of his. "I hope this works."
Burgerpants tried to walk onto the set, but Frisk wouldn't budge.
"Burgerpants?" Frisk said when their eyes finally met. "I need you to promise me something. If this doesn't work, Mettaton's could send me to the mental health ward for sure, so if anything does go wrong, I need you to promise you won't abandon me. Everyone else is scattered right now, so you're all I got. If you leave me, I'm done for."
Burgerpants was silent for a moment as he turned and looked over the set. The crew was running around setting up cameras, lights, and everything else they needed for the upcoming scene. Mettaton was straightening up his outfit and styling his hair from behind the desk. Burgerpants looked at that world and thought about how badly he wanted to be a part of it.
"Burgerpants?" Frisk asked. "Are you…?"
"Of course, kid," Burgerpants nervously replied. "I've got your back. You don't need to worry about anything."
"Darling, you're awake! How wonderful!" Mettaton said taking the violin case in one hand and scooping Frisk up in the other. "Thank you so much for helping me out, Burgie!"
"It was no problem, boss," Burgerpants said. "He woke up pretty quickly."
"I'll say," Mettaton said turning away to walk back on set. "You can have the rest of the day off, Burgie. I can take care of things from here."
"Actually, Mettaton," Burgerpants began nervously. "Could I stay and watch the show? I mean, you might need help watching Frisk, and I need the extra money."
"Thanks for the offer, Burgie, but Frisk and I have come to an understanding," Mettaton said glancing at the child in his arms. "I think he's going to behave from now on. Enjoy your night off."
Mettaton turned around to walk away, but Frisk came up with a plan to change Mettaton's mind.
"Like that's gonna happen," Frisk muttered loudly enough for the two to hear him before defiantly hopping out of Mettaton's arm, grabbing his violin case, and trying to walk past them.
"What was that, darling?" Mettaton asked placing his hand on Frisk's shoulder.
"None of your damn business," Frisk said slapping his hand away with his free hand.
"Frisk dear," Mettaton said kneeling by his young charge. "We talked about this. You and I both know what's going to happen if you disobey your daddy."
"Only if I try to run away, that doesn't mean I have to be behaved like your stupid pet," Frisk said right in Mettaton's face before he defiantly walked past him and entered the set. "Besides, you're not my Dad, so piss off."
Mettaton scowled and said, "It looks like I'll need your help after all, Burgie."
"What?" Frisk said feigning shock as well as he could. "But I don't want a babysitter."
"That's tough, darling," Mettaton said standing up in annoyance. "I refuse to tolerate your tantrums anymore and I don't have time to prepare you to see the doctors, so you have two choices. Either you stay here and listen to Burgie, or he takes you to see those lovely doctors instead. What will it be?"
"Fine," Frisk said refusing to look at Mettaton so he wouldn't see that he actually wasn't upset. "I'll behave. Just leave me alone…Hey!"
Burgerpants picked Frisk up telekinetically and said, "You do not have an attitude with my boss, human! Simmer down, or I'll clean your clocks. You hear me?"
It was all Frisk could do not to smile at Burgerpants' good acting abilities.
"Okay," Frisk responded as meekly as possible. "I'll be good. I'm sorry."
Burgerpants put Frisk on the ground, and he started scratching his arms like he was afraid. Mettaton was eating it right up.
The latter smiled and said, "Good work, Burgie! I never knew you would be such a fantastic babysitter."
"Well, I do have younger siblings," Burgerpants bragged while Frisk pretended to sulk. "Where do you want me and Frisk to be during the show?"
"Oh, you two can sit in those conveniently-placed chairs next to the camera," Mettaton said gesturing over to the blue director's chairs by one of the video cameras before turning to walk away. "The snack table is close by, too. Make sure he at least gets water. I must go finish getting ready now. See you soon, gentlebeauties."
Mettaton walked away. Burgerpants and Frisk smiled at each other as they walked on the set.
"That was great, Frisk," Burgerpants said. "I can't believe we pulled that off. I was worried there for a second. Where did you get so good at acting?"
"I have a lot of experience when it comes to lying to adults," Frisk replied vaguely. "But you were good, too. You should be in the movies…"
"That's the goal, kid," Burgerpants said as the two of them finally reached the blue director's chairs by the camera. "Alright, I'm gonna get some snacks before the show. You sit here and act depressed. Got it?"
Burgerpants walked over to the snack table to get himself and Frisk some food.
Frisk climbed on the chair and took in his surroundings. In every run he got this far in, he would only see a large monitor appear with Mettaton as a news anchor and see the stage of bombs come out of nowhere.
Frisk rarely thought of what happened behind the scenes or all the production that must have gone into it. He was usually too focused on surviving the stage. But now that he was finally given a chance to look behind the scenes, Frisk had to admit that it was impressive.
Very quickly, Burgerpants teleported back with two hovering water bottles, two hovering moist towelette packages, and two hovering plates of hors d'oeuvres, including berries, a donut, a deviled egg, and so forth.
"Here, you go, partner," Burgerpants said telekinetically handing the plate and water bottle to Frisk.
"Thanks," Frisk said happily taking the refreshments as Burgerpants got in his chair.
Frisk didn't eat for a second as he continued taking in his environment.
"Are you nervous, Frisk?" Burgerpants asked.
"A little bit," Frisk replied. "I'm still praying."
"Good," Burgerpants said with a smile. "We'll need it, but don't worry too much. Okay? For now, focus on building up your strength. You'll need it. I, for one, am kinda excited…"
"Frisk, what are you doing? Are your hands even clean?" Mettaton interrupted as Frisk was about to drop a berry in his mouth.
"I don't know," Frisk grumbled before Mettaton snatched the berry and plate out of Frisk's hands and put the items in Burgerpants' lap. "Hey! What are you doing?"
Mettaton got out a sanitary wipe, grabbed Frisk's arm, and started wiping down Frisk hands.
"I'm making sure your hands are clean," Mettaton fussed. "I can't have you getting sick on me."
"My hands are fine," Frisk complained pulling one hand away before Mettaton started wiping the other. "Leave me alone. I washed my hands earlier."
"I don't know how long ago that was, Frisk," Mettaton replied as he finished wiping down that hand as well. "Now, let me get those forearms."
"What?! No!" Frisk said incredulously crossing his arms tightly against his chest. "I'm not a baby. You don't have to wash me in front of everybody!"
"Darling? What did I say about you misbehaving?"
"I'm not misbehaving. You're being embarrassing…"
"Mettaton," Inferno interrupted. "You're needed on-stage."
"Coming," Mettaton said before turning back to Frisk and dropping the sanitary wipe on his lap. "You win, darling. You can wipe yourself down. Enjoy the show."
Frisk angrily threw the sanitary wipe on the floor and glared back at Mettaton until he walked away.
When he was out of hearing range, Burgerpants handed Frisk back his plate of food and said, "I can't wait to see the look on his face when he finds out what we've done. You'll see, Frisk. It'll make it all worth it."
Frisk felt the adrenaline pumping as he took back his plate and ate the berry he was eating before he was interrupted. Burgerpants' words filled him with determination as he felt his HP rise by another point.
"You know," Frisk replied. "All of a sudden, I don't feel nervous anymore."