
Chapter 10

For a moment, everyone silently stared at Frisk who laid sedated in Papyrus' arms. They were catching their breath and coming to terms with everything he had told them.

Finally, Papyrus moved his hand revealing Frisk's stats.

"Strange," Papyrus said. "His health is only at 4. That's higher than it was before but still…"

"I guess the Almighty has other plans," Sans said dismissively while lifting Frisk out of his brother's hands and carrying him in his arms.

"Sans, what are you doing?" Papyrus asked as Sans turned away and carried Frisk up the stairs with surprisingly little effort.

"That weed dropped Frisk in the river when I stopped him from drowning him," Sans said stopping at the top of the stairs. "He's still cold and wet. I need to get him warmed up. By the way, this goes without saying, but stay away from Flowey if he ever comes back. He's a sadistic psychopath."

"Got it," Papyrus said sadly while Sans kept walking to his room. "Wait, Sans, let me help."

"I can handle it, Pap," Sans said stopping in his tracks while Papyrus bolted into his room to grab the heating pad and out again. "I'm his big brother too now, right? It's about time I took a shift. Besides, you've been watching Frisk all day."

"Well, in any case, take this heating pad," Papyrus said draping it over Sans' shoulder. "That should help."

"Thanks," Sans said before he made it to his door, turned open the knob, and pushed it open.

Before he could walk in, Papyrus suddenly asked, "Sans, why didn't you tell me?"

Sans finally looked his brother in the eye. Papyrus clearly felt sad, confused, and slightly betrayed.

"Why didn't you tell me about your research or about any of the multiple timelines or about anything?" Papyrus asked sadly. "Why did you think you had to bear that burden on your own? I could have helped you. I could have made it easier…"

Sans looked at the floor, sighed, and looked up again.

"Papyrus," he said. "I didn't want to burden you. I wanted you to be happy…"

"Well, I'm not happy now!" Papyrus yelled with angry tears going down his face. "You're just like Frisk. You've been depressed because you tried to keep a huge burden to yourself when you didn't need to! Don't do that anymore! We're not letting Frisk do it, so you can't do it either! We're gonna make things better together! You got that?!"

Sans smiled and said, "I got it. Thanks, bro."

Sans' HP then rose by one point.

"Sans, your HP…" Papyrus said.

"I've gotta get this human into dry clothes so I can get him to bed," Sans said quickly. "Go clean up the mess downstairs and get us all something to eat. Also, tell Undyne she can stay the night if she wants."

Sans then shut the door before Papyrus could respond.

"Hey!" Sans heard Papyrus say on the other side of the door. "This conversation is not over. We will talk about this again."

He breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Papyrus go down the stairs.

Sans picked Frisk up by his soul and looked him over for a moment as he hovered in front of him. His eyes were shut, and his head was hanging limp. His face was peaceful, but his body looked like it had gone through hell. There were scars and scratches all over his arms, his chest, and torso. Those scars left bloodstains on him. He was also still dirty from being dragged on the ground and had burns from whatever that flower had done to him before he arrived.

Sans smiled at his own amusing thoughts. Even though Frisk had restored his memories, Sans almost felt like counting the scars on his arms, so he would know just how many times Frisk had tried and failed to reset the timeline.

"Damn, kid," Sans said out loud with a slight smile. "You're a mess. Inside and out."

Sans pulled off Frisk's shoes and socks, and then he walked past him towards his dresser to look for some clean clothes to replace the wet ones he was about to pull off.

Meanwhile, Papyrus walked down the stairs.

"Can you believe him, Undyne?" Papyrus asked. "Undyne?"

Undyne wasn't there. Papyrus walked outside and called her name again. Just then, she walked around the corner with the bags of ginger ale she was carrying before.

"Here, you go, Papyrus," Undyne said handing the bags to him before she continued to walk away.

"Undyne, Sans said you could spend the night with us," Papyrus said. "I figured that would make you happy in case, you know, you wanted to talk while we wait on Frisk to wake up."

Undyne stopped in place, turned around and said, "I'd like that. I'll be back."

Undyne started walking again and Papyrus asked, "Where're you going?"

"I just watched myself die like 30 times and saved the suicidal human responsible for it all," Undyne said turning around incredulously. "What do you think I'm doing? I need a drink."

"Okay," Papyrus said while she walked away. "I'll be here cleaning up the mess. Don't be out too late! I'm ordering pizza!"

Back upstairs, Frisk was lying in Sans' bed wearing dry clothes with a heating pad around his torso. Sans was sitting on the bed to the right of him, watching and thinking.