
Frans(2/2)/MORE COOKING/Special Guests

(A/N: Hello there! I am in a mood to write in the middle of the night so here I am writing a new chapter. There was a guy complaining about how a harem ruins the story. Here is what I have to say.

1. There will be no r-18 scenes only r-13 which means there is only gonna be kissing

2. It is not really a harem... think of it as a group of people fighting for one guy(D)

Welp enjoy the story!

P.S. I really want to support D x Ink... but what would Error do then...

P.S.S. The body puppet is now gonna be called Frisk as it is controlled by Frisk currently. Chara will be on the side as a ghost.

P.S.S The main reason why I am not posting slot is because I am currently making a game with my friend. It is a roblox game based on undertale AUs and I was assigned to do all the modeling)


D unzipped his jacket allowing Frisk to crawl out. He then zips up his jacket and walked towards the kitchen. Frisk followed behind like a little duckling following her mother. When they reached the kitchen, Papyrus was already there fully suited in his chef uniform. It was about a weak before D's universe was attacked, D given Papyrus a chefs uniform to feel more... professional.

"Ok let's make a-" D stop mid-sentence as a sudden jolt went down his spine. The same feeling where his reality is being torn. D immediately teleported to the location and arrived at a large grass filled field, the same field he fought 'The Bad Guys'.

D cautiously looked around and quickly found a white circular portal that had a black rim. He stared into the portal waiting for the other party to enter and eventually 3 figures emerged from the portal. D instantly recognized them they are his 'comrades'.

"D!" one of the figures shouted, the figure quickly ran towards D and cannonball's into his stomach, not that he has a stomach.

"Long time no see Blue" D said, Blue however seemed to ignore as Blue seemed to be too busy indulging in his embrace. The two other figures also ran up to D albeit not ramming into him.

"It's has been quite a while huh D?" Ink said, Dream nodes with a smile one his face. D however just shook his head.

"It has only been around 1 day" D replied, Ink suddenly stiffens before sulking. Dream also started to put on a embarrassed face.

"Well... even though it has only been a day we wanted to check up on you, especially Blue" Dream said, D nodded which relieved some of Dream's embarrassment.

*D-D-d... I am hungry can I please have something to eat?" Blue timidly asks, D smiles hearing Blue quiet but cute voice.

"Sure thing little Blue, You, Ink, and Dream can have lunch with me and my bro" D replied, Blue started shaking in excitement as his grip became tighter then before.

"Ink, Dream, can you hold my shoulders or at least touch a part of my body?" D asks, they both nodded and each grabbed one arm. D then teleports back into his house but in the living room. It was a total mess however as the table, the couch, the TV, or any object was a used to make a large fort. The 3(Not Blue since he is doing business) looked in confusion at the massive disordered fort.

"Who goes there?" Papyrus's voice erupted from inside. Dream was still shocked at the massive but messy fortress infront of him.

"Pap it's me" D replied, There was a sound of shuffling inside as a long skeleton head popped out.

"Brother? is the danger finally gone?" Papyrus asked, D tilted his head in confusion.

"What do you mean Pap? I was just gone for like 15 minutes" D said, Papyrus sighed and replied.

"well... you left so suddenly as if something horrible have happened. So me and the human built this fort to fight the danger" D just smiled at his antics.

"Well you can come out now there is no danger only these skeletons" D said, Papyrus finally notices the 'Star Sanses' and open his mouth.

"A surprise guest!?!? No-no-no! This just won't do!" Papyrus then started to dissemble the first piece by piece. The furniture slowly fell apart and felt quite satsifing to D. It was like perfectly dissemble an impossible 3d puzzle extremely fast. In a matter of minutes the fort was dissembled revealing Frisk and a ghost Chara inside.

They both gaped in shock seeing the completely new skeletons, especially so since they appear to look like D. Papyrus started to move the furniture back into their places.

"Hey everyone! since it is about lunch time now. I will make lunch while everyone else organize the furniture" D suggested, everyone agreed including Blue who still in D's embrace giving a small nod. Everyone prepared to organize the furniture as Blue reluctantly slipped out of D's embrace to help. D entered the kitchen and pondered on what to make.

"Since Blue and the others are in my universe this time... let's make something new" D thought to himself, he then brought out equipment and ingredients as he prepared to cook.

"I guess burgers will do" D thought to himself as he takes out 6 large slabs of meat.

"It's Time to cook!"

1. D prepared the 6 pairs of buns, each pair is cut open and not attached.

2. D then used a prepared a cutting board and a sharp knife to cut fresh large slices of tomato's and lettuce into the size of the buns.

3. After that D grinded up the meat making it into minced meat.

4. D heat up the stove and place a pan on top.

5. He then proceed to salt the mince meat and shape it into a flat circle shape.

6. he then old the pan and place the five large circular pieces of meat as he prepared the seasoning.

7. After a bit of cooking D sprinkle the steak seasoning onto the meat.

8. After cooking for a bit more the meat is taken out of the pan.

9. D first added the lettuce on the bottom, meat after, a slice of cheese, a large slice of tomato, and then finally the top bun.

After D finished the burgers he wanted to set up up plates to carry the food. He then however found 5 neat and clean plates on the counter next to him. D looked behind himself to find Blue standing timidly.

"Can you help me with the food?" D asked with a smile in his face, Blue brightened up as he places burgers on two of the plates before taking it to the table. Blue came back almost immediately to take 2 more. D smiled as he takes the final plate to the table.

At the table the table trembled with excitement everyone stared at the new dish infront of them. D sat down on the last available seat with the plate his hand.

"You may now eat" D said, everyone instantly dug into the burger including D who hasn't had a burger for such a long time. The meat was juicy and the lettuce was crispy. It was a delicious burger for everyone. After around 10 minutes the burgers were completely eaten.

"Wow... that was almost as good as the pizza, what is it called" Ink ask, there was still oil on the edge of his mouth as he sucked his fingers.

"It is called a burger"


(A/N: I know it is a pretty bad ending but I am tried after modeling for several hours. I could barely make the chapter)

Hope you enjoy the book!