
70. Lucky To Love Something That Loves Me

I hope that you guys like this chapter.

Flashback is in Italic.

Thanks for the reviews on the last chapter.


"Will you marry me?"

The question hung in the air as Olivia looked at Hank.

She'd never really thought about getting married before. For the longest time her career was the only thing that was even important to her. But then again, she never really thought about being a mother until Noah crossed her path. And now she couldn't imating her life without her son.

Just like she couldn't imagine her life without Hank Voight.

She really wasn't even sure how it happened. They'd started out as two people who barely got along and yet, somewhere along the way. She fell in love.

To say he wasn't a pain in the ass would be a lie. Because Hank Voight was, very much, a pain in her ass and in the ass of a lot of people who knew him.

But he challenged her unlike anyone she'd ever met. He could make her so mad that she wante to kill him, but then he'd hand her a beer and in those moments when they'd talk over a beer or a glass of wine that she'd feel most at home.

And it was a home unlike she'd ever known. She felt complete and for the first time in her life she felt what it meant to be loved. And sure, it had taken her a little while to get here. But she was happy and she knew the road ahead was going to be a good one.

"Yes" Olivia said with a smile.

Olivia watched as Hank released a long breath and he smiled as he knelt up and kissed her.

"I'm going to make you so happy, Olivia" Hank assured and he looked down at Noah.

"Both of you"

Olivia watched as Hank slipped the 1.5 carat Asscher Cut Engagement ring onto her finger and kissed her.

"I love you" Olivia said looking up from the ring on her hand to Hank. "It's beautiful"

"Noah helped me pick it out" Hank said as he stood up and reached for Noah.

"You did?" Olivia asked as she stood up and looked at her little boy.

"Me did" Noah said proudly.

"You did a great job" Olivia praised as she leaned down and kissed Noah on the head.

"Tank You" Noah said as he pointed to the swings.

"Wing?" Noah asked.

"After we eat" Olivia promised as she reached for Noah and took him from Hank.

"Ok" Noah said with a sigh as she sat down and started to plate his dinner.

"What kind of wedding did you have in mind?" Olivia asked as she picked at her dinner.

Hank shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever makes you happy"

Olivia nodded. "I was thinking the courthouse"

Hank cut into his food and nodded "If that's what you want"

Olivia looked at Hank and gave a small smile. "It is. I was thinking you could invite Justin up and we could just do it at the courthouse. With your son and his wife, and Erin and Jay. Something simple. I mean you've already done the big wedding with Camille and..."

"Liv" Hank said as he reached across the picnic table and took her hand. "The courthouse is perfect. If you want something small, then that's what I want too"

Olivia smiled and looked at Hank and then at Noah. "It's just. I never really thought this would happen for me. It scares me to be happy for too long"

Hank nodded and looked at Olivia "I understand that. But nothing's going to happen"

Olivia wanted to believe Hank, she really did. But her life had always proved otherwise.

"Yeah...happy mama" Noah added as he looked at Olivia and smiled.


Jay frowned as he thought back to Kim and Erin's conversation through the door. He knew he owed Erin a better explanation than the one he gave her and he hated that he was the reason that she was distant.

"Just come sit down" Jay said as he set Everly down on the kitchen floor and took Erin by the hand and walked over to the table.

"Jay, I have stuff I need to finish" Erin said simply. "It's not important. And I don't really feel like talking right now"

The doorbell rang just as Erin and Jay were walking over to the table and Jay quickly walked over and answered it.

"What's up?" Atwater asked as he walked into Jay and Erin's place.

"I appreciate you taking Ev for me" Jay said as he knelt down and picked her up.

"What's up, stink face?" Kevin asked as he reached for Everly.

"Go to Kev, bug" Jay encouraged Everly.

"Kevvy" Everly said as she reached for him.

"There's my favorite toddler" Atwater smiled and took Everly from Jay.

"Jay...what are you doing?" Erin asked "We don't need a sitter"

"You and I are going to talk. It's only for an hour" Jay said as he looked over his shoulder.

Erin shook her head and walked out of the kitchen. Jay followed her out into the living room and he watched her walk up the stairs and shut the bedroom door.

Kevin walked up behind Jay and tapped him on the shoulder. Jay jumped and sucked in his breath.

"Whoa, man, don't do that. You'll give me a heart attack." Jay gasped.

"Sorry man, but I gotta ask what were you doing with your ear plastered to the door of the Ruzek's?"

"I, um," Jay stuttered for a minute before sighing in defeat.

"I was listening to Kim and Erin talking."

"You were eavesdropping?" Kevin asked amusedly.

"Yes," Jay admitted sheepishly. "I didn't mean to, I walked over to get Erin so we could go to the store and I heard their voices and viola, there I am eavesdropping on my wife's private conversations. What the hell am I doing?" Jay asked as he shook his head.

"Well, what were they talking about? I hope is was worth risking a heart attack for." Kevin teased.

"You don't want to know Kev. You don't want to know." Jay sighed. "Tell me something. Do you think it's wrong of me to have Allie in my life?"

"What do you mean wrong?"

"I mean wrong. Inconsiderate of Erin's feelings?"

"Ahhhhh," Kevin nodded his head in understanding. "So that's what you were listening to. They were talking about Allie."

Jay frowned.

"There's no right answer to that question Jay so don't kick yourself about it. But let me just say that you have one incredibly understanding wife"

"Too understanding" Jay said looking up to the bedroom door.

"I'll take this one so that you two can talk" Kevin said gesturing to Everly.

"Thanks man" Jay said as he handed Atwater, Everly's diaper bag.

"That's what I'm here for. Just gonna add designated baby sitter to my resume" Kevin joked as he walked to the front door.

Jay walked up the steps just as the bedroom door opened and Erin walked past him.

"Dinner will be ready soon, Ok?" Erin explained as she walked down the steps and into the kitchen.

Jay nodded and followed Erin down the steps.

"I got a little behind tonight. I'm sorry" Erin said as she walked over to the kitchen table.

Jay walked up behind her and slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his chest. He clamped his teeth lightly on her neck and licked her sweet skin.

Erin relaxed in his embrace for the first time in days, her talk with Kim having cleared her mind a bit. Now she just needed to tell him how she really felt about Allie and hope that he would understand her reasoning.

Jay sucked on her warm skin gently as his fingers caressed her stomach softly. He lifted his lips to her ear and kissed the sensitive spot behind it.

"I'm sorry Erin." He murmured against her skin.

"What are you sorry for Jay?" Erin asked through her sigh as her head tilted back against his shoulder.

"For being an inconsiderate jerk." He said around her earlobe which he had since taken into his mouth.

Erin pulled out of his embrace and turned to look at him. "What do you mean?"

He took her face in his large hands and he pulled her closer to him, his eyes never leaving hers.

"I mean for agreeing to go to Rockford with Allie. For letting her kiss me. For not talking to you and asking how you felt."

Erin stepped back with a confused look on her face. "Jay what are you talking about?"

Jay took her hand again and led her to the couch. He pulled her down to sit next to him and held her hands in his.

"Er, tell me about your dream?" Jay asked softly as Erin's eyes widened.

"Were you eavesdropping on Kim and I? Is that why you were outside the door?" Erin asked, her voice accusatory.

"Erin, I wasn't spying on you. I was coming over to get to you so we could go shopping and I heard you through the door. Once I started listening though I couldn't stop. Now why didn't you tell me about your nightmare Er? And why are you even having nightmares like that anyway?"

"I don't know Jay," Erin admitted angrily as she stood up.

"I don't know why I'm having stupid dreams and I don't know why I didn't tell you okay."

Erin walked over to the sink and turned on the water. She started rinsing the glasses that were resting in the bottom of the sink. Jay walked up behind her, shut the water off and spun her around, placing his hands on either side of her, trapping her in place.

"No, it's not okay Erin. It's not okay at all. You should have told me that you weren't comfortable with me going with Allie. You told me it didn't bother you."

Erin's eyes were blazing. There was a fight brewing here and this is exactly what Erin didn't want to do with Jay.

But that infamous Lindsay temper got the better of her.

"I was okay with it Jay until I saw her. Until I saw the way she looked at you."

"Erin what are you talking about? There is nothing special about Allie."

Erin's mouth fell open in surprise as she rapped him on the chest with her fist. "Don't you lie to me Jay Halstead. How can you even say such a thing?"

Jay leaned closer to her, his body pressing Erin against the counter. His body instantly reacted to the feel of hers and he groaned as he narrowed his eyes at her.

"Erin, I am not lying to you. I don't lie to you, ever." His voice was low and stern. "Yes, Allie is a beautiful woman, but she is nothing compared to you. She can't even hold a candle to you."

Erin felt her eyes begin to water. How did he always say what she needed to hear?

Jay's shoulders slumped and he stepped back from her.

"Erin, I'll cut her out of my life. I will."

Erin grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him back against her.

"No Jay. That's not what this is about. I trust you Jay."

"Then what is it Er? Tell me what you want me to do here and I'll do it. I can't stand to see you hurting and it kills me when you pull away from me."

Erin released his shirt and dropped her hands to her sides.

"I don't know if there is anything you can do. This is my insecurity. I knew she would be beautiful but I wasn't prepared for how breathtaking she would be."

Jay pulled Erin by her hand over to the bed. He sat down and pulled her to sit next to him.

"Erin, you have no reason to feel insecure. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known and you have been since the moment I laid eyes on you. Every time I'm with you, every time I see you, every time I even think about you, you leave me breathless. There isn't another woman on the planet who can do that to me."

Erin looked at him and smiled gratefully. She knew he was telling her the absolute truth but more than the words was the look in his eyes. The love she saw there was astounding.

"I still don't like her Jay. There's something I don't trust about her at all and I can't help the way I feel."

"It's okay Erin to feel that way. I don't completely trust her either. The way she looks at me sometimes makes me really uncomfortable but I only see her and talk to her when she comes around." Jay explained

"How do you know she won't move back here?" Erin asked softly.

"Because she's got too much going on in Phoenix." Jay grinned.

Jay laid back on the bed and pulled Erin down next to him so they were facing each other. He wrapped his arms around her and began nuzzling her neck softly.

"Erin, please don't keep your thoughts or your feelings or your nightmares from me. That's what I'm here for."

Erin arched her back slightly and tilted her head back, giving Jay better access to her throat. It felt so good to touch him and be touched by him again. She had missed him so much this past week.

"What? You're here to keep me from acting like a crazy jealous wife."

Erin giggled as he nibbled on her collar bone, his hand drifting lightly down her side to her hip.

"Yeah, and how do you suggest I do that? Any recommendations on how I can keep you in line Er?"

Jay mumbled against the soft swell of her breast as his lips moved lower to capture a hard nipple through the cotton fabric of her tank top.

Erin moaned softly as he bit her nipple gently before sucking it softly. Jay's hand moved from her waist down over her thigh. He slid it under the leg of her leggings as he cupped her ass, pulling her against him.

"I thought we were going to eat dinner Jay?" Erin asked breathlessly as Jay removed his hand from her leggings and slid it up under her shirt. He lifted his head back up to kiss her lips again before nibbling softly on he chin. He cupped her full breast in his hand, his thumb gently massaging her nipple.

"Why don't we work up an appitite, then we'll really need to eat." Jay teased.

Erin pulled his mouth to hers and kissed him hungrily. She arched her back, pressing her breasts against him as she rolled them over and straddled his waist, her hot core against his now extremely erect cock.

Jay rested his hands on her thighs and watched her through desire-filled eyes. Here was the only woman he would ever want for the rest of his life and she was sitting astride him with lust-filled eyes that matched his own. Could life get any better?

Erin lifted her shirt above her head and tossed it aside as Jay's eyes darkened at the sight of her breasts. Jay's breathing became labored as he massaged her thighs softly with his hands.

Erin reached down and unbuttoned his shirt slowly, making sure to caress his skin lightly with her fingers as she exposed each new inch of flesh.

When his shirt was completely opened, Erin bent her head to his chest and placed open mouthed kisses all over his warm skin. Jay thread his fingers through her hand, the silky strands tickling his skin as she slid down his legs and her lips made their way down to his stomach.

His stomach muscles clenched and Erin's name slipped passed his lips as she dipped her tongue into his belly button.

Jay released her hair and leaned up to shrug this shirt off, then settled back just as Erin's lips reached the waistband of his shorts. His cock jumped against his shorts and Erin laughed softly as she ran her tongue along the elastic of his boxer shorts that were peeking out above his shorts.

Erin stood up beside the bed and pushed her leggings over her hips and let them drop to the floor, stepping out of her sandals. She pushed her silk panties down her legs and kicked them off. She bent down and took Jay shoes off and then stood back up.

Jay lifted up on his elbows to watch her and she smiled seductively, loving the look in his eyes. She saw love and devotion and awe all mixed together and her breath caught in her throat.

Erin reached for the snap on his jeans and quickly opened them. Jay lifted his hips and she tugged his shorts and boxers down and off his legs.

His cock was hard and throbbing and standing straight in the air, reaching out to her, desperate for her soft touch.

Erin ran her fingers along his shaft and it twitched in response. Jay groaned and he slumped back onto the bed, his eyes slipping shut. Erin straddled his thighs again and licked his tip softly, her tongue stealing the bubble of liquid that was escaping his tip.

Jay's hips jerked and he moaned her name as he felt her lips travel over his stomach and his chest. She licked his chest lightly and he shivered in response.

Erin lifted onto her knees and perched her wet core over his tip. Erin braced herself on his chest and he opened his eyes again to see her beautiful face hovering over his.

He reached up and cupped her face in his hands, his eyes softening as he smiled lovingly at her.

"I love you Er," he whispered just as her mouth descended on to his. As her tongue slipped into his mouth, Jay felt her body surround him as she sat down slowly, taking him into her heat inch by glorious inch.

Jay moaned into her mouth as she began circling her hips against him. Erin rose to her knees again, allowing him to slip almost all the way out of her before she thrust back down on him, sheathing him in her heat completely.

Jay thrust his hips upward, burying himself deeply inside her as his tongue plundered her mouth. Erin scraped her teeth along his tongue and he moaned again.

Erin pulled her mouth away and sat up, raising her arms above her head and threading her fingers in her hair as she rode him slow and hard. Jay grasped her hips and watched her as he felt his balls tightening. He stilled his movements, wanting to prolong the pleasure but Erin kept moving and he felt his body explode as his cock erupted inside her. His legs shook and a harsh gasp of air escaped his lips as is cock pulsed and throbbed.

Erin continued to ride him, on the edge of her orgasm and Jay watched her through heavy lidded eyes.

"Come on, Er" Jay encouraged.

That was all she needed and she clamped down on him, her orgasm overtaking her body and she screamed his name as she collapsed on top of him.

Jay held her trembling body, kissing her ear softly as he whispered his love for her over and over. When her body stopped shuddering, Jay rolled them onto their sides and slipped from her body.

They were both covered in sweat, the hot evening sun streaming through the window glistening on their slick skin.

Erin rested her head on his chest as they held each other close. Jay bent and kissed the top of her head.

Erin closed her eyes and she spoke softly. "Jay?"

"Yes Er?" he murmured against her hair.

"Will you tell me about what happened that night? Please? I mean, I know you told me about the kiss, but I want to know exactly what happened" Erin asked.

Jay nodded and kissed Erin on the forehead.

Jay felt Allie's lips on his and he instantly pulled away from her.

"Jay? What's wrong? Isn't this what you want?" Allie asked pulling back from him. "You told me that you cared about me. We both know that I care about you"

Jay shook his head and pulled his head back as Allie moved to kiss him again.

"Allie" Jay said "I do care about you Allie. But I love my wife. There's a difference"

"No...that's why you came here...because you love me" Allie said shaking her head.

"Allie, I do love you. But it's a love that's tied to us being kids. It's pure and eternally innocent" Jay explained.

"No" Allie said her eyes welling with tears. "Don't say that. We are so good together Jay. You know that. And Erin...she's great. But I love you. And I know that you love me. I can do things that Erin can't do. Things that Erin won't do"

Allie stood up on her toes and moved to kiss Jay one last time.

Jay pushed Allie away and furrowed his brow. "Allie, stop. What's gotten into you?"

Allie shook her head and looked at Jay "Jay, why do you think I asked you here?"

"I came here for your family, Allie. I came to support people who are important to me" Jay explained.

Allie tilted her head to the side and looked at Jay. "You came here for me, Jay. Don't lie. Sure, this was for Ben. But you and me...it's meant to be. I know that and you know that. I'm going to move back home and I want to be with you. You, me...Everly. We'll be a family"

Jay held his hand up and shook his head "Allie, there is no me and you. I love my wife, I'm always going to love my wife. I don't know what you thought was going to happen, but it's not why I'm here. And I shouldn't have come"

Jay watched as Allie's eyes welled with tears and slid down her cheeks. "But..."

Jay shook his head "I'm sorry Allie. I have to go. Tell your parents I'm sorry"

Allie watched as Jay turned and walked away. She wiped her tears and took a breath and a small smile formed on her lips.

"This isn't over. You'll be mine, Jay. Just like we always planned"


"I know handsome" Kim soothed as she tried to calm a screaming Jackson down. It broke her heart that his ear infection was hurting him so much. She and Adam had done everything that Jackson's pediatrician had said to do the problem was that none of it seemed to work. The only thing that helped was Tylenol for babies and it wasn't time for his next dose. Adam was in the kitchen looking for anything that he could to help soothe the pain that his son was in.

"Here try this" Adam said walking into the living room from this kitchen, carrying a warm washcloth.

"Thanks" Kim took the washcloth from him and placed it against Jackson's ear. Jackson simply screamed and threw his body backwards his brown eyes clouded with tears and his face dark red as he cried in pain.

Kim's face saddened "I don't know what to do Adam…he's in so much pain…he won't eat… he won't sleep…it's like all he does is cry"

Adam took Jackson from Kim and ran a hand down his back before looking at Kim. "Go rest for a little while"

"No….I'll stay with him" Kim said as Jackson continued to cry.

Adam turned away from her "Kim go rest….you haven't slept just go lie down for a little while"

Kim was too tired to fight with Adam and she finally gave up and went into the bedroom.

Adam shook his head and looked at Jackson "I think we just need some guy time"

Adam took the warm washcloth and placed it against Jackson's ear again this time Jackson took it and his tears subsided.

"Well that's what you look like when you're not crying" Adam teased "I was starting to forget"

Adam sat down on the couch and cuddled Jackson against his chest. As he turned the TV on and flipped to the game.

"You think you and I should head to a Cubs game, Jack?" Adam asked as he looked down at his son.

Jackson's hand found it's way into his mouth and he grunted around his fist and Adam laughed and placed a kiss on Jackson's head.

"That's my boy" Adam praised as the door to the bedroom opened and Kim came back in the living room and sat down on the couch.

"Darlin' I got this. Go lay down" Adam said as he looked at his wife.

"I am" Kim grabbed the blanket off of the back of the couch and covered up with it as she laid down and rested her head against Adam's shoulder. "I just didn't want to be alone"

Adam smiled and raised his arm up so that Kim could lay her head on his chest.

"This is the life" Adam said. "Got my girl. my boy, the Cubs are winning. It's a good ass night"

"Adam" Kim gasped and covered Jackson's ear with her hand. "Stop"

"He is going to hear a lot worse as he gets older. At leaset he's getting it honest from his old man" Adam said with a laugh.

"That doesn't mean that I want it being his first word" Kim sighed.

"I'm sorry, Darlin'" Adam smiled. "And I'm sorry Jack's not feeling well and your parents called and we had to spend this morning at the ER"

Kim looked at Jackson and ran her hand over his cheek. "I don't mind it. I missed him"

Adam looked down at Jackson who was starting to nod off in his arms. "You know what? Me too"

Kim tilted her head up and looked at Adam. "I love you"

"I love you too, Burgess" Adam smiled and leaned his head down to kiss Kim on the lips.

Kim pulled back after a few moments and ran her hand over Adam's cheek and took ahold of his beard between her fingers.

"You need to shave. This is getting out of hand"

Adam frowned "Guess the honeymoon's over"


"Hold mommy's hand" Erin said as she pulled Everly's diaper bag up on her shoulder.

"Erk?" Everly said as she pointed to the building.

"Yeah, you get to come to work with mommy and daddy for a little while until Uncle Teddy is able to come and get you" Erin explained as she locked her car and walked towards the district with Everly.

Teddy was taking a final for his last college class before he completed his hospitality management degree. And wasn't able to pick Everly up this morning before Erin and Jay had to be at work. And since Erin and Jay wanted to limit Everly to day care three days a week, Erin decided to bring her to work for a few hours instead of finding a last minute sitter.

"Da-dee?" Everly asked as she held tight to Erin's hand as they walked along the sidewalk and up the steps to the inside of the building.

"Daddy's upstairs" Erin said as she opened the door and walked in and made her way up to the bullpen.

"Hey, Halstead?" Platt called as she looked up from her paperwork.

"Yeah?" Erin said looking back at Platt.

"This isn't Disney World, what's with the rugrat?" Platt asked.

"My brother's coming to get her, we're just doing paperwork today" Erin said as she looked down at Everly.

Trudy leaned against the desk and looked at Erin. "Ah yes, your brother. How is that ray of sunshine?"

"He's fine" Erin said "He'll be here after his final" Erin started walking back up the stairs and let go of Everly's hand to run her hand over the palm scanner.

"Tell Trudy bye" Erin said looking down at Everly.

"Bye bye" Everly called and waved at Trudy.

Trudy stared at Everly and Erin as the gate closed and she shook her head.

"Always thinking they can bring their kids to work. Turning this place into a damn zoo" Platt said to herself as she looked back at her work.

Erin held onto Everly's hand as they walked up the stairs to the bull pen and Everly smiled when she saw Jay at his desk.

"Da-dee" Everly called with a smile.

"Evie-bug" Jay smiled and dropped his pen on his desk as Everly ran to him.

"Hi" Everly said as Jay pulled her up onto his lap.

"Hi" Jay said as he kissed Everly on her head.

"Dat?" Everly asked as she looked at the paperwork on Jay's desk.

"It's daddy's work" Jay explained as he picked his pen back up and started writing.

"Down" Everly said as she moved off Jay's lap.

Jay let Everly slide off of his lap and she held onto her bear with one arm while she walked around the bull pen looking at everyone.

"What's up, munchkin?" Antonio asked as he knelt down in front of Everly as he walked out of the break room.

"Tonio!" Everly said as she took ahold of the badge that was hanging around his neck.

"That's me. You keeping your old man in line?" Antonio asked.

"No" Everly laughed and looked at him. "Pway?"

Antonio stood up and shook his head "I can't kid. I wish I could, but I've got to get some work done"

Everly watched as Antonio walked over to his desk and she pouted as she looked at everyone around her.

"Mama?" Everly called as she walked into the break room where Erin was opening and orange juice.

"What's the matter, bug?" Erin asked as she looked at Everly.

"Pway?" Everly asked.

"I can't play baby. I've got to work. But how about we go in Papaw Hank's office and watch a movie and you take a nap" Erin suggested.

"No no" Everly shook her head and backed away from Erin. "No nap"

Erin sighed and looked at her daughter. "Come out here with mama. You can't stay in here alone"

Everly looked around the break room and followed Erin quickly. Her dark pigtails bouncing as she chased after her mother.

"Hey kid" Olinsky said as he looked over from his desk at Everly who was running around the desks. "Come here"

"Albin" Everly said as she walked over to him.

Alvin reached for Everly as she came to him and he pulled her into his lap and stood up. "Let's me and you go for a walk so that your folks can get some work done"

Erin gave Alvin a thankful smile and he nodded as he walked down the steps as he passed Hank coming into work.

"Papa!" Everly said with a smile "Hi"

Hank smiled proudly at his granddaughter and stopped and looked at her. "Hi pumpkin. Are you hanging out with Alvin today?"

Everly nodded and laid her head on Alvin's shoulder.

"We're going to go down and run some energy off. Should be fun now that she's mobile" Alvin said.

"Alvin's gonna lock you in the cage" Hank teased as he reached over and tickled Everly's belly.

"No no" Everly said shaking her head and smiling.

"You better be a good girl. That better be the only time you're down there. You hear me?" Hank asked.

"No no" Everly said as she laughed.

"We'll be back in a few" Alvin said as he walked down the steps as Hank headed upstairs.


Erin walked down the stairs twenty minutes later to look for her daughter and Alvin and she didn't even need to ask before Platt gestured to the empty office across from the main desk and Erin walked in and saw Alvin reclined in a seat with Everly asleep against him.

"Al" Erin said with a smile.

"She was really underwhelmed with the tour. I think our jobs are pretty boring to her" Alvin whispered. His hand resting gently on Everly's back.

"Teddy's on his way. He's about twenty minutes away" Erin explained. "I can take her up to the break room and lay her on the couch"

"I got it" Alvin whispered as he stood from his chair.

Erin watched as Alvin walked past her and moved to go upstairs. "Thanks Al"

Alvin gave Erin a smile "You're going to miss this, Erin. I remember Lexi fit right in my arms like this. You're a great mom, Erin. You and Halstead are great parents and I'm proud of you"

Erin smiled and put her hand on Alvin's shoulder. "Thanks Al"

Erin watched as Alvin walked up the stairs and she turned her head and her smile fell when she saw her walking into the building.

"Hi Erin"

"Allie" Erin said folding her arms over her chest.

"Is Jay here?" Allie asked. "I really need to talk to him"

"He's working. It's really not a good time" Erin said.

"I'm sure he'd make time for me" Allie said. "I mean he was pretty happy to help me this weekend"

"Yeah?" Erin raised her eyebrow "I heard all about your night"

"You know he made a pass at me" Allie said "He loves me. I mean look at me and look at you"

Erin unfolded her arms and looked at Allie "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"I think you know what it means" Allie said "You know when he makes love to you it's my face he sees"

"I think you need to go" Erin said her voice filling with hate.

"Can you give Jay a message for me?" Allie asked

"What?" Erin asked as she raised an eyebrow at Allie.

"Tell him I'm moving back into town" Allie said.

"Good for you" Erin said as she started to back away from Allie.

"Yeah" Allie said with a smile. "But it's going to be sad for you. I mean former druggies don't really get visitation rights"

"You need to go" Erin said her brow narrowing at Allie.

"Jay and I will take such good care of Everly" Allie said her lips turning into a smile. "I can't wait to show her what it's like to have a good moth-"

Erin's fist connected with Allie's cheek and the sound of a punch filled the lobby of the 21st.

Allie grabbed her cheek "Oh, you'll regret that bitch"

"Get out" Erin spat as she looked at Allie.

Allie walked out of the district and Erin exhaled as she fought back tears and watched Allie walk out the door.


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