

Two's POV

Oh I know that purr very well. That's the one that says that he isn't about to show me any mercy at all. I turn the shower back off and pull him towards an area that is curtained off with an old beat up couch. Beggars can't be choosers after all. I pull him behind me and grab a new bottle of lube from a drawer on my way before slouching onto the couch and slowly rubbing myself looking up at him.

"How do you want me?" I am biting the inside of my cheek now as I watch him sink to his knees in front of me. He took my rock hard length into his mouth looking up into my eyes as he did. His hot mouth almost burned me compared to the freezing shower we just took.

It wasn't until around my second or third climax that we heard movement from the other side again. One's cock fully sheathed inside of me, my ankles around his neck as he sent me into oblivion again and again.

Blob was awake but we were not ready for him yet. One's growls erupted into snarls and my screams tore through the air. But I still wasn't done yet. Somehow I didn't cum when he filled me, that is a first. I took deep breaths and told him, "My turn!" Before switching places with him and slamming into his hot ass. I almost came on the spot but One took this moment to hiss at me making my eyes snap open. If he wanted it hard and rough then so be it.


When we finally got dressed and made our way back to the table we were grinning like loons. Happily sated for the moment.

"Sorry we ran a little over. Are you feeling better now?" I asked as One kissed on my neck earning a low moan from me.

"You people are sick. I thought you were followers of Stain not, not..." He stopped talking there mainly because One had a blade pressed firmly to his neck not even bothering to turn around before doing so.

"Talkative, that's great news! That means this will go a lot faster," I grin letting One do whatever he wanted to me as I talked. If the man answered truthfully there wouldn't be a reason to torture him anymore.

"So if I remember right you said you were trying to piss us off, threaten us even. So tell me why would you go and do a silly thing like that? On purpose of all things." I waited for him to answer and I guess he didn't think it was worth it.

"I was ordered to," his voice was dry and cracking in places, but he answered. One let out a little coo and set his knives down again, snuggling into my arms.

"By a hero?" I asked, my voice dropping to a deep base as I started to reach for him.

"NO! No, not a hero!" He started crying again and at the sound of One's coo I relaxed again and instead wrapped my arms around my lover.

"Ah good then. Let's see the next question?" I rub my chin thoughtfully. One started nibbling on my neck again, Fuck he really is going to be the end of me if he keeps this up. I mean one day we will be returning to our real lives again.

"Why did you follow such a stupid order? You know what we are capable of even if you don't remember it you have the scars to prove it." I asked him looking up from my lover to do so.

"They said it was to scare you into becoming villains," Blob whispered and I let out a groan when One pulled away and cut off another chunk this time from his gut. I watched as he heated the blade and sealed the new wound shut. Blobs screams and apologies filled the air, begging for mercy.

When the process was done I just waited and when it looked like he would pass out instead I cleared my throat getting his attention. "She wanted to see what you could do," his wimpers almost overshadowed his words, but I heard it just fine. 

"Who is she? If you tell me it's fucking Toga I will rip you to shreds peice by fucking peice do you understand me?' I growled, I was growing more and more impatient by the second. How much could I ask without drawing attention to myself?

"Levy." He flinched away already knowing what was about to happen.

One started cooing and purring as if he could talk that way and I pretended that I could understand him. On some level I think I did. I listened closely and smiled happily. "You're so smart One. I love you," I pull him in and kiss him, pulling his tongue into my mouth letting him gasp for air in the process.

We seperated and I took one of his surgical knives and dragged it across Blob's stomach ripping it open, not letting the blade slice through it cleanly. Blob howled in pain and One stuffed a rolled up sock in his mouth.

"Hush now, how are we going to fix you if all you do is scream?" I whisper and move up to his right arm while One straps his legs down while I have him distracted. One had both legs pulled apart and tied securely before I was done carving rapist into the length of his bicep.

"There, so much better, now everyone will know without you having to say a word. It is better this way, right?" I asked, pretending to wipe sweat from my brow. Blob was sobbing through the entire thing unable to actually say anything with the sock in his mouth.

"Don't worry, that was just a bit of fun, One is going to be the one to fix you," I smiled while flaring my arm like I was presenting someone truly special. "He actually knows what he is doing after all." I laughed as Blob's eyes widened so far I thought his eyeballs were going to pop out.

"No don't worry this is free of charge," I grab a blade and quickly slice the material of his briefs off, leaving the filthy man bare to us. I watched as One hands me a surgical mask and puts one on himself and gets to work his latex gloves now replaced. He quickly and silently slices his sack open and removes the testicals before removing the excess skin, then he follows it up making an incision upwards and disconnects some things before I hand him the surgical thread and he easily stitches it back up again.

"Beautiful work, as always." I praised him once he removed his mask signaling that he was done and I followed suit.

I look at the man who was wide awake on the table, his screams frantic even around the sock. "Oh did I mention that there isn't anyone around for miles? We only used the sock because you sound god awful. I mean you lied to us and made me repeat myself, you really are not a good guest."

Blob was limp on the table, his tears flowing freely. I look at One and grin, "I'm kind of hungry, what about you? I'm sure Blob here will be more than happy to have a break." I motion to the man and see him nodding before looking back at One.

He frowned as if thinking about it and shrugged as if he could eat. We cleaned the blades this time letting Blob watch what we did and he saw his boys in a steel tray and burst into tears again. We finished picking up and walked towards the cleaning station and got ready to eat. I open a cabinet and pull out a can and look at it before putting it back.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked behind me while drying my hair again, like he was going to answer and I heard a sweet coo in my ear sending a shiver down my body as I did. "You are starting things," I warned him only to feel him reach around my waist sliding his hand down the front of my pants. I let out a low moan.

"So that's what you want to eat?" I asked already breathless just to hear him purr in answer. "Your wish is my command." I turn and he pulls my pants down letting me spring free and he picks me up and sets me on the counter. I am so glad the kitchen is in a seperate room from where we left Blob.

One happily took my length in his mouth again and I let out a string of curses about how little time we had and praised that One was so perfect in every way.


We came back out with One carrying me to my seat, I couldn't fucking walk to save my life at the moment. I looked at the man on the table who was looking at One like he was evil incarnate.

"One you do things that are just too wonderful for the place we call home." I let the purr come out caressing each letter as if they were all precious.

I heard him giggle in response, he looked at me and licked his lips, sending another shiver through my body. I blinked several times trying to focus my thoughts. I watched as One picked up his knives and twirled them deftly through his fingers. How often has he had to stitch me up in the past? I should be covered in scars yet with the exception of maybe a handful up until a couple months ago I really didn't have any.

Sure our 'playthings' had scars but that was only to serve as a reminder of what we did to them, of what we could do to them again. Once they are marked they will never truly be safe now will they?

"Now back to the questions!" I sigh as if it were a happy pastime, not that I could remove the goofy grin off my face anyway. "I look at our phone and see the time. "Wow, we've been here for 6 hours already. Time really does fly when you're having fun. Huh?" I giggle when I see One nod enthusiastically.

I hear Blob whimpering and motioning towards him and One takes the sock from his mouth. "Please?" He choked out.

"Relax Blob we are only getting started. Don't you remember how long it took last time?" I smile leaning against the arm of the old beat up recliner chair, who even knows when the last time it actually could lean back was?

He started blubbering how he will do anything, anything at all. I hold up a hand and One presses his knife against his mouth, silencing him.

"All we want is the truth. That isn't too much to ask now is it? Yet when I asked who, you gave me some random person's name didn't you? Lying is not very nice," I tisked at him, shaking my head no at the same time. I nod at One and he removed the blade from Blob's face asking him to talk.

"Now do I need to repeat my question? This is the last time I will ask," I warned him.

"No sir, I was ordered by Lucy. I don't know if that is her real name or not. I do know she sits above Chupika but maybe not so high as Toga. I understand you have been having issues with her," he whimpered when he saw One polishing his blade.

"See that wasn't so hard now was it?" I let out a gentle sigh relaxing back into my seat as I did. "What does this Lucy look like? Her name isn't familiar to us." I didn't have to wait long for an answer.

"I don't know a lot just that she has blond hair and brown eyes but her voice is as deep as any man's, I swear!" He flinched away as if expecting another punishment. One let out a sweet coo almost purring as he did.

I rest my head against the chair's arm, my legs over the other side. I hissed a little at the soreness of the movement and One came over and turned the chair around and moved me so I was leaning over the back so I was still looking at Blob. He pulled my shirt up and started messaging the tension out.

I let out a low moan as he started running his hands over my back using his quirk to stimulate the damage there. The feeling was so relaxing, I almost forgot about Blob.

"What is her quirk?" I asked just as One dug his elbow right next to my tailbone. I couldn't help the yelp that came out making Blob flinch before he opened his eyes again to look at me. I'm sure my face was screwed up in pain but it honestly felt so good. I could feel the pins and needles come to my legs and then fade away again.

"Her quirk? I don't know. I only know that everyone jumps to do whatever she says as soon as she says it, even Chupika." he whimpered out.

"That's unfortunate it would have been helpful but not really needed," I let out a content sigh as One cooed before moving on to my actual legs.

"You believe me?" He whispered shocked and wide eyed.

"Do you remember rule 1?" I waited and he nodded. After only a second he tried to look around for him but at the same time One hit a nerve that had me fall back over the chair and I glared at him. He smiled playfully at me and helped me to stand up again before turning the chair back around and taking his place by his knives next to Blob.

"Chupika? Why is everyone so impressed with him? I almost never see him around the base and the few times I have he was always nose deep in paperwork." I grumbled.

"He is just below Lucy who is just below Toga, anyone who makes him mad does not tend to have to worry about breathing long," Blob answered dutifully. Ooh so he is going to answer everything now is he?

"And what is his quirk?" I looked up from my seat.

"His right index finger turns into a viper and injects poison into people," that was actually something good to know. At least this wasn't a complete waste of time.

"Okay, do you have any last words before we are done?" I smile standing up stretching bored of this.

"Please I really don't want to die!" He begged, his tears flowing freely again.

"Well I mean none of us tend to but it happens anyway," I scratch my neck in thought before acting like I just realised what he meant. "Oh! We are not going to kill you. Not this time anyway. But there won't be a next time. We won't stop no matter how valuable the information you have is. You will die cursing your own name and thanking us for putting you out of your misery." I smiled again and his breathing stayed stuttering in his fear as I reached for him.

"Having said that, you won't remember any of this," I hissed as One and I. flooded his system, me with the drug that is my quirk, him with his violent green energy not that anyone could see that. It looked like he was just holding him down for me. Then it lights out for poor Blob.