
Chapter 48

"Now it's your turn," said Riftan.

Maxi tried to mask her anxiety. Riftan seemed oblivious to her agitation.

"I-I like what m-most people like, too."

"That's not a fair answer. Give me a proper one."

Maxi thought for a moment before speaking again. "A-As I've said before, I like a-animals. Dogs, c-cats, horses… ch-chicks and rabbits too."

"What else?"

"I l-like to read. At C-Croyso Castle, I spent m-most of my time in the l-library."

"Rodrigo did mention that you spend a good deal of your time here in the library."

"Y-Yes. Th-There are so many r-rare books here. Th-Though Ruth tends to use them as his b-blanket…"

"Shall I drive the rascal out of there?"

"I would n-never h-hear the end of it i-if you did."

A line creased Riftan's forehead when he saw Maxi's look of horror. He gave her a cryptic look.

"It seems you two have been getting along well."

"H-He helped me g-greatly with the r-refurbishments. H-He's fussy and he nags, b-but he's a g-good person."