
Under His Temptation

Ansel Balder has it all. Good looks, wealth, and position. People considered him a helpful and kind man, not knowing the scandals he kept from the world. Ansel Balder loves his own employee's wife. When Matthew Tjia offers Daphne Tjia, his daughter in exchange for paying off his debt, Ansel Balder agrees. Not to make her his wife, but to make Daphne Tjia as bait for fishing, Rachel Colleen the dark lover, to be jealous and willing to accept his proposal. Then, will Ansel Balder be caught in a trap he made himself?

ry_santi · Ciudad
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131 Chs

Chapter 3


SOCIETY considers entrepreneurs cool. Dolce&Gabbana suits, sports cars, business class airplanes seem to be enjoyed at the snap of a finger. The media broadcasts a lot of lies about success. Only its beauty is reported for the sake of gaining public attention. Growing a business is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. If glamor were the endless sunshine, then there would be no bankrupt entrepreneur.

Matthew Tjia sat dumbfounded. Secretary Mr. Ansel Balder told him to wait alone in the super spacious meeting room. Alone he thought how to get out of debt. His citrus plantation produced a lot of harvest last year, but the juice company that used to buy tons of its produce suddenly stopped calling. Matthew Tjia ordered his confidant to check what happened. His business partner was taken by another citrus plantation with a lower price offer. The way to cultivate their plantations is also more modern.

Matthew Tjia does various ways to get his customers back. Starting from asking questions, ultimatums, to whining, but the customers stay on their feet. Matthew Tjia is looking for a new customer. Fruit juice companies, restaurants, to food flavoring companies. free. There have been rumors about oranges at Matthew Tjia's Royal Florida Orange Farm being sprayed with harmful insecticides. Where did the slander come from, his staff investigated and of course the investigation cost a lot of money. His business ran out of money to pay off the price of fertilizer it bought from Shining Urea Corp. Matthew Tjia was desperate. This was the last way he knew of to save the company.

The large wooden door opened. The figure of Franca Milligan, the financial manager of Shining Urea Corp. led the way. The proportions of her relatively petite body are outmatched by the two towering men behind her. Matthew Tjia recognizes Ansel Balder despite having only seen him in person once on Royal Florida Orange Farm's birthday. The profiles of these companies' shareholders and CEOs are popping up everywhere, most of them talking about how cool hands it is to manage businesses ranging from fertilizers to security services to private plane rentals to cruise ships. Not once did the media discuss Ansel Balder's personal life. Matthew Tjia is not the kind of person who wants to know other people's privacy. Alright, enough about Ansel Balder, then who is that burly, blue-eyed man who looks wary?

"Welcome to Athens, Mr. Tjia. Nice to meet you." Ansel Balder shook Matthew Tjia's hand firmly.

Matthew Tjia waited for the blue eyed man to be introduced. Instead of happening, they all just sat down.

Franca cleared her throat as Matthew Tjia's gaze focused on Alec. "Can we begin?"

Alec knew Matthew Tjia was curious about him. As a guard he was not allowed to open his mouth without permission. The reason Alec was involved in this limited meeting was just as a precaution. It is possible that Matthew Tjia would use a gun to harm Ansel Balder if his request was not granted.

"Go ahead, Franca," said Ansel Balder.

Franca pressed the tiny remote control that was pointed at the large television. The figure graph shows Royal Florida Orange Farm's fertilizer purchases. The red highlight on the dollar amount means that the debt is very high. Matthew Tjia gulped. This large room was air conditioned, but cold sweat kept running down his forehead. Matthew Tjia swept a handkerchief to wipe.

"You owe too much, Mr. Tjia. We've given a lot of leeway to pay off, not even giving interest," said Ansel Balder calmly. Two million dollars is not a small number.

"Our business is deteriorating. I'm here to ask for some relief." I don't know how many times Matthew Tjia has complained, lowered his self-esteem for the sake of business continuity.

"We have given you many concessions, including delaying debt payments for up to 6 months by continuing to send fertilizers. Do you still think that our tolerance is lacking, Mr. Tjia?" replied Ansel Balder.

Matthew Tjia's throat felt constricted. Shining Urea Corp is indeed very helpful. Fertilizer shipments are never late. Matthew Tjia, remembering all of Ansel Balder's kindness, became even more nervous.

"We will ask for help from lawyers to take this debt issue to court."

"Isn't there another way?" Matthew Tjia's voice trembled as he asked.

"Apparently not," Ansel Balder said coldly.

Matthew Tjia squeezed his fingers in frustration. What will happen to the farmers if the company is declared bankrupt? How did he himself, have to give up the plantation that was built with difficulty to be taken by another company? Oh no, Matthew Tjia couldn't imagine.

"I-I have a daughter!" cried Matthew Tjia as his clear mind clouded over. Ansel Balder and Alec were both shocked. Franca glared. The monitor screen was still on showing the debt burden that Matthew Tjia had to bear. They all sat down but didn't relax, waiting for Matthew Tjia's idea to continue.

"I know you have an orphanage and a school. Maybe my daughter will be useful if you work there. You don't have to pay her. It's free, just hire her."

Ansel Balder leaned back. "Are you saying you're selling your daughter to me as a slave?"

"N-not really. I was just thinking maybe it's a good thing."

"Since when is it a good idea to trade children for debt, Mr. Tjia?" Ansel Balder clasped his hands together.

Alec who was sitting beside Ansel Balder was still keeping his mouth shut. He had passed Rachel Colleen when she came out of the green house with messy hair and dirty clothes. Ansel Balder followed shortly after. Even fools could guess what they were doing inside, which was definitely not gardening.

"Can I hire your son for any position?" asked Ansel Balder after a deep thought.

"Daphne Tjia hates children, but it's fine if you hire her as a nanny."

"What if I require her to serve in bed?" Ansel Balder asked in a defiant tone.

"Mr. Balder," Franca's brows dropped sharply in reminder.

"I don't have a wife. Sometimes I think I need a sex slave for that one need. Make sure your daughter is vaccinated. I don't want her to transmit any disease." Actually Ansel Balder said it just to bully Matthew Tjia. Ansel Balder is still sane. He also only wanted Rachel Colleen.

Alec continued to stare at Matthew Tjia's hand. Ansel Balder's words were too condescending. No wonder Matthew Tjia went crazy and took out a weapon to kill Ansel Balder. Alec slowly fingered his coat. The 9mm caliber Glock which is always filled with bullets is stored waiting to spit out the contents.

"I think you mind. We don't have to go on. My lawyer will take care of everything." Ansel Balder ended the conversation.

Done, all done. Franca turned off the computer screen and got up to prepare to lead the way. He let Matthew Tjia and Ansel Balder and Alec out.

"No problem," said Matthew Tjia quickly.

Ansel Balder who had stood up, returned to his seat. "Can you explain?"

"You can make her a sex slave or some other servant."

Ansel Balder is not surprised if there is a father willing to sacrifice his daughter to pay off debt. To be honest, as a CEO, he often gets offers from young girls who are used as tools by his father to smooth his career. There is even a husband who has the heart to offer his wife so that the business runs smoothly. The world is crazy.

"You can't make consent for your daughter. Miss Daphne Tjia has to agree without coercion. That's how the law works, Mr. Tjia. I don't want to be dragged into court over this matter."

"Just prepare the agreement. Daphne Tjia will sign it," said Matthew Tjia confidently.

"I will hire her for 5 whole years without salary."

"And after that will Royal Florida Orange Farm's debt be considered paid off?" Matthew Tjia's eyes began to shine with hope.

"Yes." Ansel Balder turned to look at Franca, "Call our lawyer, ask him to prepare the paperwork. Make sure we don't get into trouble."

"Are you sure, Mr Balder?" said Franca with a look of disbelief on her face.

"Since when did I give you the right to question my decision, Miss Milligan?"

Franca was silent. She nodded and left the meeting room. Alec followed Ansel Balder who walked out of the room.

"Mr. Balder, are you sure about this?" asked Alec as soon as they got outside.

"100 percent sure, Alec. Prepare to pick up the girl."

"Soon, Mr Balder."


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