
Uncanny X-men: Elemental Trio.

Cyclops breaks off and forms his own school for mutants to realize his revolution. He seeks out three brothers with the power to help him realize his vision. Blaize! Tremor! Rain!

Thomas_Hodge · Cómic
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11 Chs

Issue # 5

" X-men we've got an alert from Young Jean she and young scott are on the run. We're going to go help them."

Scott explained to the uncanny X-men.

" Alright everyone all aboard the Magik bus."

Illyana joked as she teleported the group.

" Where are we?"

Blaize asked as he looked around the ruined island.

" Utopia. Former home of the mutants before it too was destroyed."

Scott explained.

" I see, I am sorry for bringing up old pains."

Blaize apologized to the man.

" They should be arriving soon."

Scott spoke.

" Speak of the devils."

Rain said as he felt the boat the two younger mutants were on stop on the beach.

The team all walked over to the boat to greet their new arrivals.

" Oh, you've got to be kidding me."

Young scott said as he looked up to see who it was, they were meeting.

" Oh, don't be so dramatic. you called us."

Emma said as she greeted the young boy.

" How long have you two been on the run?"

Older scott asked.

" Not long. Wolverine and hank are very hard to shake."

Younger scott replied.

" I know the feeling. X-men meet two of the originals. This is Jean Grey and well, there's no other way to say this... That is sixteen-year-old me."

Scott explained to the group.

" Wow."

Fabio said.

" Sixteen-year-old scott summers? Is this cosplay or something?"

David asked.

" No, they are one and the same."

Rain said to the boy.

" As the boy said. These are the original X-men displaced in time."

Magneto added on.

" Brothers."

Tremor called out to his two brothers drawing their attention.

" What is it?"

Blaize asked

" I have a bad feeling about all this time stuff. I know we aren't exactly your textbook definition of normal. But this is nuts."

Tremor said to his brothers.

" I agree, but what are we going to do about it? We aren't going to make them go back are we?"

Rain asked.

" The X-men from the past can stay if they want. but those from the future must return. If the X-men from the past were to die, then those around right now would cease to exist as well. We saw this happen firsthand last night. but every moment those from the future are here something else changes."

Blaize explained to his brothers.

" Do we fight them? They haven't exactly done anything to make them our enemies yet."

Rain said.

" We'll wait and see how things play out."

Blaize said to his brothers.

" Agreed!"

The two replied. They then turned back to meet the others.

" I've made my decision. We help them!"

Cyclops said to the X-men as he agreed to help the young X-men. The three brothers simply nodded

" No. NO!"

Emma said in disagreement.

" Told you!"

Celeste said

" Emma."

Scott called out as he turned to face the woman.

" They have to go back."

Emma argued

" We're going to help them."

Scott declared.

" Scott!"

Emma yelled.

"They're mutants that need help and that's what we do."

Scott explained.

" No. Say it for what it is."

Emma argued.

" What is it?"

Scott asked in confusion.

" It is a big get for you. The only thing you love more than the faded memories of Jean Grey is yourself. Now you get to have both."

Emma yelled.

" Emma!"

Scott yelled back.

" Scott, young scott... If I may. Though Emma is being quite rude... This is ill-advised."

Magneto explained.

" I have this under control, Erik."

Scott said to the man.

" I could only begin to understand the emotions that are driving your decision."

Magneto stated

" Erik..."

Scott warned.

" You are still grieving the loss of Charles Xavier."

Magneto exclaimed.

" Erik!"

Scott yelled.

" But you are the leader of this group, and you need more than your lost innocence driving you-"

Magneto was saying before being cut off.

" You need to think with your head and not with you know what, is what he is trying to say."

Emma explained.

" I don't tell you enough but damn you are the best."

Celeste said to her mother in praise.

" Thank you."

Emma replied.

" That's Enough!"

Warren yelled drawing everyone's attention.

"It's time to go home! We don't belong here. We never belonged here. I was outvoted and I'm stuck here, Fine. But now you're telling me that the future gets screwed up because of us being here and we're still trying to stay?"

Warren asked in anger.

" That is unknown Warren. The future is always changing constantly. There is no telling whether or not these events will transpire in our future or not. Time is constantly flowing, changing. It will never be exactly the same."

Blaize explained.

" Listen to him warren. Let them do whatever they want. You go and let them stay."

Eva said to the man.

" The problem is that they came as a group. So, they have to leave as a group."

Christopher explained.

" Exactly. Thank you, Christopher. If I go back by myself that will just cause more trouble than we're already causing and..."

Warren was explaining before freezing in his place.

The three brothers looked up to see they had guests arriving.

" Warren?"

Jean called out in confusion.

" Jean what did you do to him?"

Young scott asked just as confused.

" This isn't me."

Jean said.

" That's not exactly true."

A voice called out drawing the groups attention to them.

" You are going home. It has been decided."

The future Jean Grey said as she and the rest of the future X-men and present-day X-men arrived.

" Scott, we have to... Scott? What are you doing to them?"

Jean asked as she looked around at the frozen Uncanny X-men.

" A little something you'll figure out when you're older."

The older Jean Grey exclaimed as she attacked her younger self. Beating her into a psychic submission.

" Neat trick. Too bad it doesn't work on us."

Blaize said as he and his brothers stood in front of the young Jean grey. Protecting her from the future Jean's Psychic attacks.

" Or us!"

Emma and her daughters said as they pushed the woman back again.

" I called you future X-men over here to come and get them and send them home. Because Cyclops is wrong and that is that. But no one said anything about a metal-masked Jean Grey from the future and no one said anything about you beating the hell out of yourself. You want to psychically battle someone. Pick on someone who absolutely despises you. Too bad the others aren't watching. Make sure to remember this boy's it's a rare occasion. Black Queen versus White Queen. The message boards would love this."

Emma Explained as she and her daughters faced down the older and stronger Jean Grey.