

Fabi could sense something was going on with willy since that day he pecked her cheecks, he has been acting really weird,

"willy can I come see you tomorrow, I will be free at the afternoon so I was thinking if we can hang out it has been two whole weeks since I saw you",said Fabiola through the phone to willy.

No am busy but you can take Fabian he's free this week, give him a call am sure he would be delighted to spend time with you too.

"No its fine il take the guy next to us his name is Rodrigo he had mentioned that he's free and is okay to go hang out since you are too busy this days,, sorry if I disturbed your busy schedule" , then she hanged up.

Now what do I do, I can't let her go with any man she's my girl and what is wrong with her, when did she even get to talk with that guy to even want to go hang out with him.

Willy calls Fabiola back but she ignores his call he don't give up he calls four times without her picking the fifth time she picks up.