
Type of Joke

"And what exactly is it you want to finish with my girlfriend," Nathan's voice said.

James flinched turning to see Nathan, being short compared to him, James looked up fear instantly filling his eyes.

Nathan passed by him to where Roy and Alex were standing. Roy stepped back giving him access to her.

He could see the nervousness in her eyes even when she tried to smile upon seeing him.

"Nothing, I was just trying to make conversation," he said.

"Really, then I would like to know what it was you were talking about," Nathan said holding Alex by the waist. "Is it about that time you both danced together in college?".

James's eyes widened, "That was nothing, we barely even danced"

"But something else happened" Alex let out.

Nathan turned to her interested, "What?" he asked.

James laughed nervously, "Nothing happened, she's just messing with you"

"Alex does just joke around, if she says something happened, it did happen" Nathan smirked.

She gazed at him and then back at James.

"James tried to...." Alex wanted to say but James intervened.

Cynthia and Becca had gotten closer.

"Stop playing around Alex, you might not know but your boyfriend doesn't like such jokes," he said.

"What type of joke, Alex let me hear it," Nathan said.

"It's about James," she said with a smile. He could see she was enjoying seeing James scared like that. She was taking her time.

James's eyes opened wider, "Me,?".

"Him? Okay tell me" said Nathan.

"I guess he was drunk that night so he might not remember it, but I do cause I was involved," she said

James moved back trying to catch his breath, seeing Nathan's face change.

"You were involved? He repeated. Alex nodded glancing at James.

"He and his friends took advantage of my sister's disappearance that night and..... "Alex stopped, James had dropped to his knees.

"Stop there Alex, am begging you "he yelled.

Alex and the others all looked at him with astonishment. Only Nathan looked unfazed.

"What are you doing James, did you do something to her that I should not know, "he asked.

James could see the frostiness of his anger in his eyes, as he asked the question.

"It was just a joke as she said and I didn't let it go that far "he stammered.

"Get up, "said Nathan.

James slowly got up," If you did something to her and I don't care if it was long ago, I want you to apologize right now and I want you to mean it, "Nathan said.

James could feel the eyes on him, he didn't even know how it led to that. He thought he was going to mess with Alex and leave, thinking she could not tell anyone what happened but it seemed she was bent on getting her revenge now that she had Nathan's backing.

He walked to Alex," I know what I did to you back then was wrong and I was foolish to have done it, my apology might be late but am so sorry Alex for what I did to you "he said.

Alex stared at him," You don't seem to be sorry "

James moved almost touching her but Nathan stopped him," Don't even dare, and I thought I said to mean it "

James nodded," If there is anything I can do to make it up to you, please tell me now so I can do it. But now am sorry "