
World War D Day

The explosion in the sky is almost entirely ignored by the ground forces who were deep in the throes of battle. The sound of clashing metal, war cries, and wails of pain triumphing over the defeating event above them.

What was quickly noticed however was the dimming of the sun, and the change from warm yellow light to a bloody crimson. Some people even shrieked in terror and fled in the face of this, while others decided to just focus on their own battles.

The soldiers of Skyrim son learned that it was something in their favour when a wave of vampires suddenly leapt at the draugr's. They unleashed powerful spells, blood magics, and unique abilities, not to mention their raw vampiric physical capabilities, which overwhelmed most enemies they faced rather quickly.

Even the draugr forces armoured almost entirely in ebony had little chance against this. The archers and mages were too slow to strike the blood-suckers, and even their Thu'um failed to accomplish anything meaningful, mostly because the vampires had experienced it before at Harkon's behest.

Then, the Eredar joined the fray, Iraruis leading with his warhammer raised and almost blinding golden light pouring off of him in insulating waves. The paladin healed and imbued courage in those he passed, while also forcing the draugr to retreat due to his innate holy properties.

With the help of the vampires, the Eredar forces soon began their assault on the upper walls where the draugr's squishier units were positioned. Unfortunately, the tactic hadn't been an instant battle-changer due to how thin the pathways were, preventing them from bringing their full force to muster.

Aela the Huntress fires her dragonbone bow, nailing a draugr deathlord in the eye, most would have stopped there but she knew well enough by now that these creatures weren't so easy to kill. Her concern is validated as it stops itself from stumbling backwards and glares at her, only to receive another arrow that puts it down for good.

Her ears perk at the flapping of winds, causing her to look up as dragons begin approaching her and position. The dragons had taken some time to recover from the catastrophic magic that'd been cast in their midst, this had only been worsened when Paarthurnax and his kin had taken advantage of it and attacked with a ferocity most had considered lost from the old dragon.

"EYES UP! DRAGONS INCOMING!" she roars, prompting all nearby shieldbearers to push away their current enemies in favour of forming a makeshift shield wall to protect them from the inevitable dragon fire.

A dim orange glow encompasses the area, courtesy of some allied mages enchanting them with some fire resistance... Most weren't sure it would be enough, but it was better than nothing at all.

"YOL TOR-" the leading dragons starts, about to unleash dragon fire when a scaly blue bullet slams into it.

Illococoo throws off her wind enchantment in favour of blasting the dragon she was entangled with away and towards the ground. She follows it up with a short "FUS!" which slams the scaly beast head first into the ground, where the ground forces jump at it like ants on the attack.

"YOL TOR SHUL!" three dragons shout simultaneously behind her, changing their attention from the ground forces to the Rhyme Dragon.

Illococoo dives to the side, dodging past a fortification still manned by thousands of draugr. With supreme agility she folds her wings in and spins, rapidly increasing her speed with some wind manipulation. This allows the dragons behind her to blast their own undead soldiers with fire, allowing a mass of Nords to charge through the sudden vulnerability.

"Hahaha! You're so stupid! I could take you all alone you're so bad!" she lightly cackles as she drags her three pursuers further into the enemy side of the battlefield. "Watch your heads!" she mockingly warns, and only one dragons actually does so, allowing them to throw themselves to the side and avoid Durnehviir's huge body which slams into the other two.



Like a pair of skis the cursed dragon rests his limbs on the duo below him, pushing them heavily into the ground and dragging them for many meters, tearing up their wings and destroying a significant number of draugr in the process. "LIR! AND YOU DARE CALL YOURSELVES DRAGONS!?" Durnehviir exclaims as he flies away, leaving their heavily injured bodies lying in their respective craters.

"DIE TRAITOR! KRII LUN AUS!" a new dragon shouts from behind Durnehviir, blasting him with purple energies which causes his scales to become brittle and his flesh weak. He turns to retaliate but isn't able to as Illococoo does it for him.

"JOOR ZAH FRUL!" she shouts, her Dragonrend shout causing the dragon struck to spiral from the air and crash head first into a nearby cliff face, breaking their neck upon impact... They probably weren't dead, but the battle was over for them regardless.

"You have my thanks little one! But it seems we must increase our pace! Our numbers our dwindling too rapidly!"

"I got it!" Illococoo cries out, quickly flying upwards above the clouds and spamming Dragonrend at any enemy dragon in sight... This, of course, begins yet another chase as the enemy fully understands just how deadly she was with her ability to use the words of mortality.




Much to the concern of everyone with wings, the Crimson Demons had finished channelling their newest spells, filling the sky with so much fire and smoke that no one could tell up from down.

Many more dragons plummet from the attacks though, their falling bodies leaving black smoke trails as they dive weakly to the ground... Even then, those who survive the impact begin attacking the ground forces instead, evening the playing field which saw the draugr quickly losing ground.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts