

Michael wasn't really sure what to do here... Prince Wales was about to be executed and the city was in complete chaos... More importantly, he hadn't seen hide more hair of his target, Baron Jargkon. He knew the man must be inside the palace, but the many heavily armed soldiers with tower shields at the entrance, backed by luxuriously clothed mages made it seem far more difficult than he'd thought.

He'd made the mistake of thinking that Cromwell would try and heal his citizenry, instead of holing up in his palace while death and destruction reigned down across the city. Shows what kind of ruler Cromwell would have been.

Michael was tempted to go up and save the Prince to earn some browny points with the loyalists, but the ring sitting on Cromwell's finger made him incredibly wary of getting any closer than he already was.

If that man took control of him again, he'd undoubtedly be forced to butcher the loyalists and Tiffania... His hand clenches tightly around his sword, he couldn't let that happen. He wouldn't. If he was forced to, he didn't think he would remain sane after it.

"HAHAHHAHHAHA! WHAT NOTHING TO SAY? EVEN AS YOUR PRINCE DRAWS HIS LAST BREATH!?" the man maniacally laughs as he taunts the group, the loyalists all visibly shaking in utter rage.

"You evil, hare-brained, yaldson, DISHONOURABLE PIECE OF CUNTING SHITE!!!" Julien roars, his face almost glowing red as he stares furiously at Cromwell, his creative language almost making Michale gape at him. "YOU DARE PROCLAIM YOURSELF KING WHILE ATTEMPTING TO EXECUTE ONE OF TRUE BLOOD!? YOU DARE PROCLAIM YOURSELF KING AS YOU IGNORE YOUR CITIZENRY IN FAVOUR OF PROTECTING YOURSELF!? YOU LAY A BRIMIR-DAMNED FINGER ON THE PRINCE AND I PROMISE YOU NOT DEATH, BUT ENDLESS AGONY AS I CUT YOU TO BITS, PIECE BY PIECE IN A SALT AND LEMON BATH!" he screams, but Cromwell just laughs straight back, not taking Julien seriously at all.

"LET US SEE IF YOUR THREATS PROVE TRUE, TRAITOR!" Cromwell shouts as he gestures for the executioner to do his duty. The axe is raised up high, and a few loyalists charge at the palace's heavily fortified entrance to try and save their Prince, despite it obviously being too late to do so.

Julien knows this and just stands there, Michael and Tiffania observing beside him as the axe is about to be brought down.


A sound all too familiar to Michael, yet one he hadn't expected to hear here sounds out as a bullet fired from behind them. The musket ball makes a beeline for the executioner and strikes true as the man's brains are blown out the back of his skull.


Yet more sounds of gunfire go off, this time all aiming for Cromwell who barely raises a magical shield in time to avoid instant death. The projectiles cause the make-shift defence to ripple but they bounce off of it ineffectively regardless, not providing enough power to preach the man's defences.

Everyone turns around to face the now uncloaked figures, Michael's brows reaching his hairline as he spots someone he hadn't expected to see.

"Who are you!?" Julien demands, on guard despite his gratitude for temporarily saving the Prince.

"Captain Agnes of Tristain's Musketeer Knights, here to assist the loyalists under her Majesties command!" she states as she reloads her weapon. All too aware of the fact that she hadn't referred to which 'majesty' specifically. "We will talk later, focus now on saving your Prince!" she commands, causing Julien to nod and run to assist his men with the palace entrance.

Michael hadn't expected to see her here, one of Princess Henrietta's most loyal followers, one who probably wouldn't have a problem handing his head to her liege for the glory of it.

"You. False-Familiar Michael." she says, locking eyes with him, "Can you reach the Prince from here?" she asks, ignoring the fact that he was a wanted criminal and terrorist for some reason.

He shakes his head, he could probably get up there, but that'd leave him easy prey for Cromwell's ring. "No, it's too high."

She grimaces and lets out a sigh, "Then we may need to start preparing a state funeral." she morosely remarks, Michael nodding with her.

"FOOLS, YOU THINK THIS WILL STOP ME!?" Cromwell's voice echoes from behind him, drawing Michael's attention back to the man.

Cromwell points his wand at Prince Wales and begins chanting a spell, ready to end the young man's life before their eyes... But while doing this, he doesn't notice the shadow suddenly covering him.

A dragon flies over Cromwell while a figure leaps from its back, quickly falling towards the crazed tyrant.

"DIE PRINCE" Cromwell shouts and is about to swipe his wand at Prince Wales neck when who else but Ralf Mutha-Fuckin' Kaliker drops into the scene, his blade cutting Cromwell's arm off and sending his wand as well as the Ring of Andvari tumbling over the edge of the palace wall. Unfortunately, his spell still goes off, even if significantly weaker than it should be. A blade of wind strikes Prince Wales in the chest, cutting into him deeply and causing blood to spatter from the wound.

Michael's eyes widen, ignoring Prince Wales plight and running for the severed arm, hoping to gain the ring for himself. But he finds his hopes dashed as a hand made of shadow blurs into existence and snatches the dismember limb from the air.

Michael turns towards the source of it, and only manages to catch a glimpse of Sheffield's smug face as her form ripples out of existence with the arm.

"You thieving fucking bitch!" he shouts, gritting his teeth so hard that he almost draws blood from them. That fucking Sheffield had just stolen the ring! The one thing he was actually scared of in this shit anime world!

Michael's so caught up in his fury that he doesn't notice as Cromwell is kicked off of the palace roof.



It's only the sound of his enemy's body becoming mulch against the stone floor that wakes him up from his mental diatribe against Sheffield. Shouts of surrender and pleads of mercy immediately erupt from Cromwell's remaining guards, but Michael didn't think they'd survive Julien's wrath.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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Jack Allen

Faruk Ereng

Nathaniel Clayton

Niggrosscreators' thoughts