
Familiar Troubles...

The Atronachs were actually the easiest to permanently summon, their requirements were literally just the dust of the element you want to summon. Fire salt for Fire Atronach's, Frost salt for Frost Atronach's, and... Void salt for Storm Atronach's...?

Ignoring the sudden annoying logical leap from Shock to Void, the amount of salt required to summon the Atronach was directly proportional to how powerful it would be. The salt would essentially become the 'skeleton' or 'backbone' of the Atronach, while the caster's and the Atronach's magic fill in the rest.

The salts had different effects depending on how much you used of course. Fire Atronach's got hotter the more salt you used, Frost Atronach's got bigger and their body's denser, and Storm Atronach's simply just become more powerful.

There was also another essential subject that had Tiffania looking a bit sheepish as she heard it. Conjured creatures would be forced under the caster's will, this could be from enslaving them, to altering their minds, to befriending them.

Apparently, there was also a way to do this without brainwashing the summon, but so few people had tried that it wasn't commonly known... As to why Tiffania was reacting weirdly to this?

"Doesn't this all sound... Similar to how Void Familiar's work?" she questions, eyes glancing between Michael's face and his hand which held the Gandalfr runes.


Did it? Summoning a creature from another realm and subjugating them through forceful or subtle means? Huh... It did sound quite similar.

Charlotte nods from where she was kneeling, "The rituals also looks similar." she adds, pointing at the most basic ritual circle. Michael and Tiffania wouldn't have noticed this as they had no knowledge of Halkeginia's ritual circles, luckily Charlotte was a veritable treasure trove of knowledge when concerning her home world's magic.

"So what does this mean then?... Because I haven't seen anyone summoning people from other worlds yet. Maybe Oblivion is blocking it?"

Charlotte shakes her head and points at Tiffania, "Void Mage." she states as if that was the answer to all the questions Michael suddenly had. To be honest, it actually might be

Michael remembers from the anime that Tiffania's Void Familiar was Saito, which meant that there was a high likelihood that Michael would take his place as her familiar... Still, it wasn't concrete, so he had no assurances on who would be summoned.

It wasn't like they were in dire need of extra firepower... For now. The Dragons would return eventually, maybe then they'd actually need the help. It wasn't like Michael could be everywhere at once, and having someone protect Tiffania didn't sound all that bad.

A memory of Saito flirting with Tiffania strikes him and has to force himself not to grimace. Yeah, probably shouldn't risk it until their relationship had 'progressed'... He'd been trying to go slow with it, as Tiffania was both naive and mature in different aspects. She'd been through a lot but didn't have much experience socially... That being said, he knew she wouldn't have resisted him if he dragged her to bed when he first saved her in Cendri.

"I think we should try the ritual. Having another Void Familiar around would be a blessing, but, we need to change a few things before that... First, we need to find a way to alter the ritual so that it only summons willing people or those in dire need of help." he says, scanning the girls as they slowly nod.

He thumbs himself, "I was one of those summoned against my will, so I more than anyone know how someone would react to it... Well, how they should, which brings me to the next thing. We need to remove the mental coercion aspect of it. The runes force feelings of affection and protectiveness for their 'master', while it might keep the familiar loyal, I doubt any of us want to enslave someone."

"Never." Tiffania affirms, Charlotte nodding along with them.

Micahel smiles and crosses his arms, "Good. I kind of also want to try summoning a familiar, but we can try that together."

With that all discussed and confirmed, the group begin practising spells, specifically, the easier and most basic Conjuration spell. Essentially, it opens a portal to a realm but doesn't summon anything... It's more to teach aspiring Conjurers the basics of building a portal and maintaining a link. It's the backbone of most Conjuration spells that summon something, as if you can't maintain the link or even properly open a portal while not summoning anything you'd stand no chance while also attempting to subjugate your target.

Michael takes a moment to work out the spell, creating the various formations within his mana, causing a purple glow to appear in his palm. It's small, but as he pushes more power into it, the glowing purple orb grows until it's slightly smaller than an apple.

With it prepared, he tosses it as the ground nearby, causing a sound between a crack and a chime to ring out, causing a 7ft purple swirling portal to appear. It dissipates soon after though, summoning nothing to Tamriel. "Nice, got it on the first try."

Next is the girl's turn, Charlotte going next but failing her first cast. Apparently, it was still awkward to cast magic without her staff, as that's how she'd done it most of her life. Still, her second try was a success.

Lastly was Tiffania, who easily conjured the spell and throw it at the ground with an ease that made both him and Charlotte look incompetent.


"I WILL DEVOUR YOUR HEAR-" a voice screams from the portal but Tiffanai quickly halts the spell before it could complete, the disaster that'd happened with her first Teleportation Gate making her prepare for a potential failure.


"Did you just summon a Dremora with a blank Conjuration?" Michael questions, as such a thing wasn't possible unless the spell itself was overpowered to all hell, sucking everything near where the portal in Oblivion had formed inside.

Tiffania sheepishly shrugs her shoulders, "Whoops...?" she jokingly says, the group only now noticing the half dismembered corpse of the Dremora on the floor... Which should have disappeared once the spell had ended... Which meant that Tiffania had not only summoned a Dremora with a blank spell, but bypassed the magic protecting Tamriel from another invasion from Oblivion... Fuck.

"We... Should lay off the Conjuration for a bit, at least for you Tiff..." Michael says, knowing that she'd be hunted to the ends of the earth if anyone found out about this... Huh, this was becoming a common theme nowadays...

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :




Jack Allen

Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts