
Unbound Familiar

An avid gamer nerd's dreams come true in another brutal yet lucky? fashion. Follow him as he does his best not to die in laughably humiliating ways, all while trying to escape his abrupt and unwanted servitude. Will his knowledge of the world he finds himself help him succeed? Will he return home? Will evolve past his title of 'Dog'? Read and find out! This will be another multiversal world-hopping story, similar to my other one, EBW. I'll not spoil the surprise of the first world, but Skyrim will eventually be involved... And no, I'll not be adhering to plot, instead destroying it and hopefully not butchering the original story in the process. Feel free to join my Discord : https://discord.gg/EJxRKkwtDm Also, if you enjoy my stories, want to read ahead, and or support me. Take a look at my Patreon : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross Also, I've 'borrowed' the picture from : greenmapple17, on Deviant Art.

Niggross · Derivados de juegos
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713 Chs

Daedric Wiles

Elsewhere :

Charlotte lets out a sharp breath as she yanks the strangely shaped ice dagger from the Noble's chest, allowing his blood to pool on the floor below him as death takes him. "W-why...?" he breaths as he looks up at her, his vision blurry from the poison and spells she'd employed.

Due to this, all he could see was a cloaked silhouette with the shape of ears protruding from the top of their head, similar to that of a Khajiit... Indeed, that wasn't accidental either.

"This one thinks you should already know, Councillor." she quietly says, the spell altering her voice making her feel odd when she hears her own voice.

The Chancellor coughs up blood as he struggles to get air into his lungs, "D-damn beasts!... W-we should have wiped you and your m-misbegotten kin out w-when we had the chance..."

Charlotte slowly nods, stabbing the claw-shaped dagger into the man's heart to finish him off, "Be at peace with your gods, you will find none here."

With that, she stands and allows the ice-shaped claws to melt away into nothing, removing all evidence of such a weapon existing. She had no idea why Clavicus Vile was having her perform these seemingly random acts, doing so all while impersonating a Khajiit assassin.

She'd gone around the capital stealing, altering records, assassinating, and even kidnapping in some circumstances, as per her 'Lords' orders. The Daedric Prince had seemingly no goal for any of this either, as she'd not only been harming the Empire's interests but the Aldmeri Dominion's as well.

From killing targets on the Elder Council in the Imperial city, to higher ranking Thalmor agents... Truthfully, she found it a little hard to care about most of her victims as they were usually the scum of the earth, but the chaos she was causing with her actions was also harming innocents, something she was acutely aware of.

"That's another down, let's hope our Lord is satisfied for the day... I can see that you're tired enough." a voice she'd become increasingly familiar with as she'd gone about her travels states from the rather gross-looking necklace hanging from her neck.

The cursed vampire had been her only companion during these cold and unforgiving days, the only sympathetic voice to her plight, even if he was heavily influenced by Clavicus Vile's will... Which was obvious seeing as the Daedric Prince was forced to use the necklace to communicate with her without using obvious or overbearing methods...

The capital of Cyrodil was no stranger to Daedric influences, so there were more a few defences against such things, especially inside the White-Gold Tower, and other longstanding structures that hadn't been torn down during the war with the elves.

"Hnn. Let's go, Arkmis." she says, conjuring a litany of stealth spells as she approaches the door to the room. Not forgetting to stamp the Khajiit footprint into the dead Councillor's blood.

She'd done everything that Clavicus Vile had requested, using the Khajiit ear hood, claw weapons, and applying the footprint. Obviously, he was meaning to implicate the Khajiit, but for what reason she still could not figure out.

"Have you remember all the spells? Muffle? Invisibility? Heat Neutrality? Obscure Air...? How about-" he lists off before being interrupted by Charlotte as she taps on the necklace with a frown.

"I remembered. Don't worry." she simply states before exiting the room and sneaking away.


Elsewhere Clavicus Vile grins to himself as all of his plans were steadily coming together. In actuality, he'd almost given up and accepted being almost entirely silent for the next couple of years until his mutt, Barbas decides to return.

All that had changed when a certain group of people had wandered past his hidden shrine. A strange kind of elf he'd never seen before, an even stranger feeling man, a girl that had the faint scent of lizards... Some Argonian descent?

And then there was the mother-daughter duo, the former of which had a completely shattered mind, something that wouldn't be recoverable without literal divine intervention... Anyone who could do so without that was already dead or lost, legends that only existed now in storybooks.

While the mother was useless to him as she was, the daughter was another matter entirely... The entire group lacked any indication of another God's influence, barring the man who had the slight scent of Hircine on him.

Of course, only the daughter could be drawn to him since she was the one with the most desire in her. Selfless desire, but desire nonetheless. Thus, he'd kept an eye on them throughout their travels, tampering with their attempts to garner the attention of those foolish 'Divines'. With the daughter's nonexistent roots in this world, it was incredibly easy to prevent contact from being made... Even if taking action within their temples took a great deal of his power.

After that it didn't take long to whisper promises into her ear, gaining himself a new, powerful, and uniquely 'transparent' servant to do his bidding, all without the other gods being aware of it.

Indeed, he couldn't help but imagine their faces when his plans reach their apex. It would be grand, grander than even Dagon's last attempt! It wouldn't fail like his either, as all the pieces had been moving just as planned.

"Hah, let's see what you'll do once I replace you, Barbas!" he laughs to himself, turning his attention to his couple slaves that awaited his orders in Valenwood. He may not have as much influence as Molag Bal with his bloodsuckers, Malacath with his orcs, Hircine with his wolves, or even Mephala with her schemes and secrets... But the few slaves he did have would allow him to change the balance of power in this world, permanently.

"Hmmm... Clavicus Vile, God of Pacts, Power, and the Twins... I do like the sound of that! Hahahahaha!"

I'd be surprised if anyone figured out my plans with Vile. I've laid hints but only true lore buffs would have any clue :P.

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