

Half an hour into the fighting and Michael is surprised to have no opponents left... He lowers Auriel's Bow and looks around the absolutely torn-apart room in search of any remaining vampires but finds nothing but blood spatters and ash piles.

He stands at the locked entrance to the main hall where Harkon should be hiding, waiting for Saeko and Serana to arrive from wherever they'd gotten off to. Thankfully, it doesn't take long, Saeko comes from the basement with her clothes torn and covered in someone else's blood, while Serana walks in from the shattered entrance after saving those she saw as redeemable.

"Anyone know where Kunkka went?" he asks, he knew he'd been desummoned but how that'd happened was another matter.

"He got backed into a cage too small to swing his weapon and was surrounded and torn apart." Saeko states.

"Huh... You 'avenged' him then?" he asks and she nods, "Everyone secure?" he asks Serana.

"They aren't happy about it, but yes."

"Good. Shall we greet your father then? Ask for your hand to take his head?" he jokes.

Serana sourly frowns, "He already gave me away once... Let's just end this."

They pull the lever to open the barred gate and enter through the double doors into the hall... Where an already transformed Vampire Lord Harkon was waiting in front of a fountain of flowing blood, a crimson glowing and shimmering katana resting in one of his clawed hands.

"So you've slaughtered our people with your pets, daughter? I would offer congratulations if it weren't for the fact that you've brought the device of the sun's end to me." he growls, gesturing to Auriel's Bow that was currently slung on Michael's back.

"Stop the bravado, father. We killed all your followers while you were cowering in here. You think we'll just let you take Auriel's Bow? You were barely able to defeat mother last time we saw each other, you must be senile if you think you're enough now."

Harkon shows a fanged grin, "If you think I've been doing nothing for all these years, you're a bigger fool than your mother ever was." he holds his unused hand out, "Give me the bow, and I may let you live. If nothing else, my daughter is required for the future as I paint it with her blood."

"Oh yeah, since you're asking I might as well hand it over-Not! Do we look like a bunch of fucking retards?" Michael drawls as insultingly as he can manage. "I'm the guy that had your rape-god fuck off out of Nirn! And you're telling me what to do!?" he holds his arms out hauntingly, "Well the bow's right here, come grab it you bottom-ass-up cock-sucking leech cunt!"


The duo next to him raise their brows at him, even Harkon was speechless at his vitriol...

"What? Too much?"

Serana sniffs and shakes her head, "No, you're right. Father wasn't even legible to receive Molag Bal's blood... Yet he still presented himself... Still sore, father?"

"QUIET! YOU DARE MOCK OUR LORD!? NO! No! You won't live to see the future, daughter! I'll harvest our Lord's blood from the body, then I'll send it right back to its rightful owner! Molag Bal!" he angrily hisses while preparing his blade for battle.

"No one owns me! I'm free of his grasp! He can't touch me now!" she shouts back, "It's you who's being sent back to him! IN PIECES!"


With that, the battle starts. Michael begins with Serana by launching a Laguna Blade to accompany her own lightning bolt, Harkon blocks it with a crimson shield of some sort, but is forced to parry Saeko's blade as she dashes up to him.

He is far stronger than the werewolf, even with Hircine's gift, allowing him to slap her aside as if she were a paper plane. This allows Michael's Spectral Dagger to fly straight at him.

He turns to bats and teleports to the side of the hall to avoid it, but the dagger turns midair and continues its pursuit, striking the surprised Vampire Lord in the chest and causing shadows to drip from his form, leaving a trail along the floor.

He teleports once more as Michael Blinks towards him, appearing and positioning himself with a large stone pillar between them... He's taken aback however as Michael literally jumps through the pillar, using the trail left by Harkon to slip through solid matter.

"Hit him Derf!"

"Got it, Partner! YOL TOOR!" the sword shouts, cutting it short since Harkon was already moving.


Harkon raises a hand and brushes the flames away with yet another crimson shield before pushing his sword behind him to block Saeko's slash at his back.


A lightning bolt from Serana strikes his arm and he hisses in mild irritation before teleporting back in front of the fountain. "Is this all you have!? WEAKLINGS! LET ME SHOW YOU MY EFFORTS, MY AMBITIONS! MY-"

"Shut up and fight already!" Serana's angry shout interrupts him.

"FINE! DAUGHTER. SU GRAH DUN!" he shouts, using the thuum and causing bright lights to envelop his monstrous form.

"I know that shout! He'll be faster than the wind until it ends, partner!" Derflinger helpfully announces.

Harkon just sniffs derisively however, "KNOWLEDGEABLE, BUT NOT SMART! TIID KLO UI!" he roars, his voice distorting as his perspective of time slows to a crawl.

In an instant Harkon, zips forwards, bypassing Serana's frost storm with ease and approaching Michael who's the only one present who could actually track him.

His katana-like blade darts for Michael's throat but it's slapped away by Derflinger and retaliated as Michael returns an attack to his neck, attempting to behead him.

"VAMPIRES RULE TIME! WE ARE ETERNAL!" Harkon roars as he clashes with Michael, his words sounding oddly high-pitch due to how much his time was sped up.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts