

Betrayed by her boyfriend, Alina became aggrieved by her heartbreak, eventually leading to her own traffic demise. But as the coldness of death crept towards her heart, she swore to change and turn everything upside down, if she were to be given a chance.

Htk_Kksh · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: The Arrival

"What? My novel?"

「Yes, Host」

"Oh, you can converse with me huh"

Alina was confused, not only at this game-like feature in front of her face, but also at mostly everything she is currently seeing all around her.

However, she knew well that questioning too much would only raise several more unanswered questions, which would only result in her wasting time thinking about her situation.

And so she composes herself by doing a breathing exercise.


She exhaled for the last part of her breathing exercise.

"Ok, so what I can infer from my situation, I have died, and somehow, you, whatever you are, you transported me here... "

Her way of speaking was a little bit robotic, as if this was her first time speaking after a month without doing so.

「Host, We understand your initial confusion, but we can assure you that you are now somewhere where you can start life afresh」

Hearing this, Alina had some of her questions answered.

"Ok, so what can you tell me about this place? And my novel? I don't think I remember ever writing one"

She asked in a casual way.

「Host, you have indeed laid down the foundations of this world you are currently in, please remember that you wrote this novel during a novel writing contest back when you were still in your eighth grade in middle school」

Alina could not help but put her fingers on her chin.

"Aha! Yes I do remember now!"

She exclaimed.

She now remembers entering a writing Contest back in middle school.

It was all mostly because she wanted to try everything she could at that time. And so with a bit of encouragement from her friends, she entered a writing contest and won third place.

The novel she wrote at that contest was titled 'The Stereotypical Hero', it was a novel with the typical fantasy/romance genre.

A young man named 'Blake' set out for an adventure towards the capital of the Holy Roman Empire of Victoria, which was several thousands of kilometers from his hometown.

During his journey, he encountered people that either helped him progress his strength and character or aided him towards the dark side.

What she wrote was a simple semi-realistic novel where the main character encounters both the bad and good side of life, where in the end he will find his happiness before he dies at the hands of the demon king.

Yes, the main character dies at the end, that was what sets her novel apart from the other contestants'. It was not the typical happy ending where the hero kills the demon king and saves the world, it was the happy ending where the hero forced the demon king to realize his wrongdoings through his own death.

A happy ending nonetheless for everybody, even for the dead hero.

The novel wasn't that immersive and detailed when it comes to worldbuilding. Heck It was not even that long for a fantasy novel, only reaching chapter 72 at it's conclusive ending.

And it was actually based on some historical facts and events, but due to copyright and controversial reasons, she deviated the elements a bit and added the 'Magical Fantasy' cherry on top.

So in the end, she did not win first place, because she lacked originality in both the Realistic and Fantasy aspects. Though, she did not really bother getting sad over it, she was happy overall that she at least won something out of trying.

But now faced by an unbelievable situation, where her rushed creation was used as the foundation of her quote on quote, current world, she was beginning to doubt her own sanity.

"Look here, I do hear you there Mr. Blue Screen, but I find everything I'm seeing and hearing hard to believe, heck even the Woody smell all around me was not spared from my doubts"

She responded with a sarcastic but polite tone.

But before she could hear the blue screen's response, the door of the room she was currently in barged open.


A woman came in, a woman with an unnaturally colored red hair.

As she walked towards Alina in a rushed manner with sweat dripping across her forehead, one could see that the woman looks to be in her forties, like a loving mother.

"Oh my! Young master! you're finally awake!"

The woman yelled in disbelief and relief as she settles herself on the bedside.

Both of them were shocked at seeing each other, one was surprised that the other was finally awake after a long time of coma, while the other was only shocked at identifying the other's identity.

(Miranda! Miranda Passion!)

Alina yelled inwardly.

The woman right in front of her was Miranda Fireheart, the very mother of the main character of this world, Blake Fireheart, the one that was destined to die along with her husband and village due to the fall of the Wall of Euclidene when monsters rushed from the east and ravaged everything westbound.

"Young master? Are you still in a daze? Wait let me get some water for you"


"Wait! Ma'am!"

Alina called out for Miranda, causing the latter to turn around in a hurry.

"Young master? Did I upset you in any way? Please forgive me if I did!"

Miranda was frightened by getting yelled at by 'Alina'.

"Wait! young master?! Im a woman-"

'Alina' was about to refute Miranda's words but was caught by surprise as she accidentally glanced at herself on the medium-sized mirror.

A young lad with golden blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes with a fair skin, perfect noseline and sharp jawline. His facial features were like the sea on a daybreak, with the golden sky above entrapping the ocean blue below.

But along with the outstanding looks, she could also see that the young lad was frail, as if he has been starved for years on end.


At first she was not aware of the person on the reflection, but after a while of silence, she realized.

"Adrian..... Adrian Lionheart!! Why!! Why him!?! ".