
Unbearable Odds

Creed2020_ · Otras
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20 Chs

Chapter 1 The Hybrids Fight

The rain pouring, thunder clapping, and lightning striking around them Saku stands beside Creed just a foot behind him and the rest of them join. Fang, Midnight with her pack behind her, Elphia also with her pack behind her, Tuli and Keel Tulo along with her pack Sulci hiding behind a rock, then the rest of Creed's camp which counted about a little over two hundred seventy-five. That is well below the amount the king had the odds were against them by hundreds if not thousands " This is not how we are going to go out!" Creed said just loud enough for them to hear they all shouted " hoot'" in unison as the brutes get closer Creed plops down to meditate Fang looks at him with a surprised look on his face " Really Creed! Right now. You're going to meditate right now with these things running at us!" Midnight laughs, Elphia snickers. " Fang!" he glances at Midnight " Remember he does this then he becomes almost unstoppable!" she tells him. "Saku! Now!" a voice whispers, the sound of heavy feet pounds against the ground and Creed focuses and there you are he thought, the dust around him shifts fire begins to create an updraft along with the dust and small rocks Tuli sees this " Well that's new !" Saku draws a deep breath puts one hand on the bottom of the horn and the other towards the top he takes a deep breath and pushes the air through the horn, as it echoes across the plain, Creed stands up. One of the brutes stop [roaring] throwing his hands up with weapons pointed towards the sky. Lightning strikes the metal and one brute falls but then gets back up "Is there no way to kill these things!" Fang shouts waiting for Creed to motion the advance. Lightning strikes again, the same brute, this strike was brighter, stronger, and hotter. The brute roared and fell on the ground as if being burned from the inside out. " Saku! What the hell was that?" Creed asked he held up the horn and shrugged " Don't look at me, hell I can't control the storm!" Midnight disappears and Elphia growls as her blood begins to boil at the sight of the king's men. The king came out from the castle doors behind them and said " Ha it looks like I'm on the upside of all this now am I not Creed. You and your little group of freaks and dogs will not be around to watch me rule these lands with force. Be prepared to die beside your group." He turns looks at the king and smirks" If that's the way you want to play it. Saku again this time with power and put your gut into it!" About two hundred men along with five extra brutes stood in front of the king, he had a red cloak gold trimmings around it and a red and black crown the king asked him " Oh! Do you like my cloak? Brutes kill him first!" He looks at everyone else and Saku lets off a thunderous blow causing the ground to shake. "It's time Creed!" Midnight says silently when she looks at him " Midnight and Elphia take your packs and try to surround them, Saku and Fang..." he begins to say " Don't worry Creed we know!" as they take stance together as more and more of the kings' men come over the hill " Uh Creed! We are completely outnumbered here! What do we do?" Keel says as he begins to back away towards a boulder. When the ground began to shake with a rumble as if a very large stampede was just over the horizon, Saku noticed the clouds taking shape of one giant figure " Creed the ancestors will help us!" His cloak's runes begin to light up Keel noticed the runes " by the ancestral heavens it's true! Creed Wolfblood Shadorn favored by the ancestors!" he yells Saku heard this looked at Keel then Creed and saw five brutes surrounding him Yana, who was hiding looked around at the situation and yelled at Creed " Watch out!" Tuli hollered back "He'll be ok Yana don't worry!" Creed having five brutes surround him his hood over his face to where they cannot see the change that was happening causing him to get stronger. One brute charged him knocking him over then raising his sword over Creed swung it down at alarmingly high-speed barely giving him enough time to block with his own sword. As the two swords collided a bright light shined across the plain the king had to shield his eyes by the time the light faded the brute was on the ground headless and Creed standing tall " is that the best you got washed up king!" He saw his brute on the ground lifeless got highly upset " Brutes kill him! Kill him now! Kill him!" he yelled. A low rumble that grew louder by the second, war drums heard from afar with the sound of massive war cries and banging, Creed looked to the side and saw four massive spirit wolves two black two white. Midnight and Elphia also noticed the spirit wolves and grew stronger instantly. They looked at each other than at Tuli " hold on to your stance" Midnight said, Tuli dug into the ground to get ahold of the ground when they looked up at the spirit wolves and back down drawing in a large breathe. The war drums could now be seen over the hilltop a massive group of four hundred with ten holding drums Tuli noticed white trolls sitting on boars beside them. A thunderous howl rang across the fields knocking everything that wasn't rooted or grounded over, Tuli's eyes grew wide as a large number of the kings' men fell over and was pushed " This cannot be! How is this... The whole group is drawing power from somewhere!" after the force of the howl swept the plain the war drums began again and the group on the hill moves. " You and your crew of freaks and dogs will not win this battle, for I am the greatest king this land has ever seen and will ever have!" the king tells Creed. His sword now glowing white with flame sparkling off of it " Oh will you shut up and fight me already! Coward!" The after being insulted tells one of the guards "light it, Light it now!" he runs inside the castle wall turning left and up some stairs grabbing a torch on the way up towards a wooded pile inside of a metal frame, he put the torch just underneath the wood and the whole thing lit up being seen from as far as the eye could see. " ha! You are to late on killing me fool now you will never get the chance!" the brutes stepped closer one taking a swing with a large sword he ducks and spins out of the way swinging his sword upward at the brutes sword cutting it in half [angry grunt] the brute pulls out a mace with spikes on it and swings it at Creed.