
Wedding Surprises

" The f*** is up with these Orcs." Rae yelled in fustration.

This battle was turning into a fight of attrition. The Orcs were beating them down into a corner. Rae was watching his team weakening with time and effort. He also realize how bad it was for Nova to have just up and leave. How it left the team unbalanced and vulnerable. Rae didn't calculate for this situation. He didn't adjust for the lost of a team member and he was over confident (prideful). He just took his missions like usual. The person who posted this mission lied. He didn't say that there was hundreds of evolved orc or even that most of the Orcs on this one stretch and land were mutated orcs rarely seen in nature. This went from a B rank mission to a A/S mission and it was absolutely frustrating. He didn't forget to collect the bodies as proof As well as to sell. Despite the orcs being humanoid they were also the best pork product. the

[I couldn't help but be resentful of Nova leaving. But I had my hand in that too, so I might as well laugh at myself for this.] Rae thought as he fought for his life and the life of his team.

As my dull sword slam into the neck of this mutated orc, it got stuck in the spinal bone. I had to rip my sword out. Blood chunks of flesh few in random directions But I didnt slow my pace down. I didn't even think to bring extra weapons. My sword which usually cut through things like butter was now a blunt weapon. I had no choice but to continue using it like a bunt weapon until it broke.

The battle went on for the next couple hours till their were no more grown up orcs. We took whatever treasures, loot, and remains of victim from random villages. Females were used to breed. Males became food or slaves. This type of life was a fate worst than death. Most females committed suicide, some went crazy. The men usually commit suicide or killed. The men usually ended up in the belly of that pig faced humanoid creature either way. The only thing they had left to do was to destroy the nest and that's what they did imploded it buried it smoked and poison out every nook and cranny of that nest try not to leave trouble behind to breed in the dark.

In the West they're said to be a community that is more sophisticated. The orc's trade and have merchant businesses. They communicate with words. They are still warlike in their demeanor but they will protect their Villages.

But that situation wasn't found in the wilds and in the mountains of the north. They tend to be hella worse than Bandits. They could be cannibals eat each other when hungry. But they start to organize to survive. The orcs stop cannabolizing each other and start looking for free gathered food. They start observing and imitating. What they can't do, they kidnap and enslave races that can do it. One doesn't find a mate, rape is imminent. It's a whole process of their development.

We went to our guild after we had our battle in the mountains. It took one week to return to the city. Entering the guild my team went straight to the bar. They didn't bother thinking about a bath or comfortable. They wanted a drink. While I went to request the present the guild master and the patron of the request.

I revealed the orcs in the warehouse. The many evolved and mutated orcs dead bodies in piles to the right of the room. The dead bodies of slaves, rape victims, bones stripped clean of flesh (mutilated and mangled) laid to the left of the build. The bady half breed orcs, baby orc, and human babies laid center.

The guild master saw the problem. Evolved and mutated orc and half breed orc. This was a guild sweep request (consider special request A+ class) but it was posted as a B class request.

"What the meaning of this?"

"He handled the request. Although this was more than I expected." The man threw the money down to the floor, while smirking. "Where is the liquid mana?"

"The source was underground. I didn't put the effort in to go mining that wasn't part if my job."

He removed a tiny pearl orb full of liquid mana It was half an inch in circumference. He passed it to the man. Picked up the bag.

"There was more. I know it."

"Then go mine it yourself. You selfish piece of shit. The only reason my team of 4 survived is because I carry the hero's mantle. Normal B rank team would have been saughtered. But you have achieved what you want."

"I can give you more. I'm a noble of the house Flo'Set. I'll put in another request to get the liquid mana source."

Rae look at the man in disgust. Noble, huh? More like a pile of shit.

"Do it yourself ?" He said calmly, "Guildmaster, I'm selling the orcs. Can you take the processing fee out of the sales? Also, pay for the cremation cost?

"Yes." He replied.

I walked away. While I secretly held onto eight large mana source stone pieces. I didn't reveal them in front of this shitty noble man. I would give each of my three other team members one each. Nova lucked out.╮( ˘ 、 ˘ )╭

I will be sending one to the King. I will be giving one to the Guildmaster in private. I'm keeping two large mana source stones for myself and family. And the last one goes to the temple of the Gloddess.

While that noblemans' pride seemed to have taken a hit. Also, when ever this specific Noble man from Flo'Set house post request , they will be marked as possibly untrue and in need of the investigation before teams go out to fulfill the request. Showing that he isn't trustworthy.

The team met up at my new house after getting tipsy. I gave them their share of money, treasure, and mana source stones. They went to their homes fully satisfied with the out come of this event. They also didn't want to take on any more request for two weeks.

I went into a dreamless sleep, which, the goddess snatched me from.

"It's about time that damn mission was finished you're late." the goddess pouted.

"Well, why didn't you take me when it was time?"

"Your team wouldn't have survived without you. I'm not that cruel." .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·. The goddess replied.

The Goddess made a flicking gesture towards me. Afterwards, I was in engulfed in light and taking from a plateau. By the time I was aware, my clothes were changed and I was standing in a field of flowers. In front of me was a young woman. She was fit but had a smooth soft look to her. The dress was form fitting, satin and lace gown. Her height was five six. Beautiful tanned skin with black brown hair flowning from the veil.. I couldn't see her face fully because of the veil. She smelled fresh and sweet, almost fruity. While I looked over my wife to be, the Goddess had taken our hands and started the marriage imprint. The imprint were soul binding and could only be done in temple. Marriage imprint allows for connection to be enhanced, the souls would be mated to each other. There would be no other for persons for them in life or death.

She was unmoving, like a statue. She didn't make a sound. I felt that something was off.

I was here because of a bet but I wish it was different. I was drawn to her and I never met her. But how did she end up in this situation?

As the Goddess finished the imprint. I truly touched her hands. They were unbelievable smooth and soft, almost fragile. I was afraid I would injure her if I grasped her hand too hard. I started to remove the veil. I could see that she was crying. There were several trails of tears running down her face. She had a oval face with a button nose and full lips. Her eyes were dark brown with hints of gray.

The she yelled out "I'm pregnant!" Just before fainting. She must have reach her limit with her fear.

My mind took me back to what she said.

[ALL I DID WAS TOUCH HER] As I slid to the floor holding her. The goddess released up from what ever realm this was.

I was back in the house I just recently bought.

where was she. She's alone and scared in this world. He checked his imprint to makes sure it was real.

[Congratulations on marrying Lydia, Rae]

[Where is Lydia?] I asked quickly. But the Goddess was gone.

All I could do was wait. And I waited. I could feel waves of sadness wash over me. And I knew Lydia was crying. At that moment my heart was broken.

This wedding surprise from the Goddess was beautiful, sad, and full of unknown issues.