
A rotten allegory

Angel (white): pawn to E4, what are you trying to achieve, you can even see the chess board how to you expect to win, or are you simply trying to commit suicide?

Thanos (black): pawn to E5. Come on, isn’t this fun? I find this much better than going at each other, trying to bite each-other’s heads off.

Angel (white): Knight to F3, You really are just a suicidal maniac, you have no genuine emotions or desires, all you wish for is an exciting death.

Thanos (black): pawn to D6, Oh I do have desires and I have wishes, most of that interview is simply a lie. I told you; you need to open your eyes, your narrow perception of the world will be the death of you. Take things with a grain of salt.

Angel (white): pawn to D4, Do you want me to tear out your other eye?

Thanos (black): bishop to G4, Please do. Oh, and while you’re at it, why don’t you cut off my penis and push it down your throat?