
Ultimate Power Holder

In every world we see that power is the source for everything Power is present in novels which have romance and power is present in novels and comics which are based on it. When power is devided it gave rise to certain loopholes. Those loopholes in terms gives rise to a a power check between the ruler and ruled. Everything the ruler says is right and the ruled are the ones to bow before the will. 'Secrets ' a mysterious word that is their in every world , the thing which make the rich more richer by giving them the power to control the rest . Planet Liva is no different from that game. The power abuse gave rise to a protestant class will their leader be able to turn tables or will he become one of them,The association that our protagonists will face and how their fate will entagle with each other further and many secrets will be revealed.

Meosi · Fantasía
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30 Chs

New arrival of Someone

(Roll Land,Royal palace.)

(Planet Liva).

Various noises were coming from that large banquet hall . It was like the whole planet had assembled into that hall. The hall was not only big but had several magic doors and rooms from which different categories of guests could enter and the rooms were there for the guests to rest and some were for secret guards who entered as guards and were controlling people's behaviour. 

"MY Dress !Is it alright?"somebody asked her friend. 

"You know, it's the first time civilians will meet the crown prince."somebody said in an excited voice while barely stopping herself from jumping.

"Somebody, please! Just tell me that I am not dreaming ." A girl wearing a red gown pinched herself while telling her mother this .

All the ladies were wearing some silky and beautiful gowns .

It felt like all the colours of the rainbow descended from heaven and were assembled into that beautiful golden lit hall.If that was not enough of a scene then when different types of light lit up upon the arrival of the nobles and made a light ,decent aura.

"Mill, you know that today not only the beautiful ladies assembled from the noble families  but also the most beautiful! Maidens of Liva without ranks assembled too."said a handsome boy while putting his hand on his friend's shoulder. 

"I know that . They are here to serve as the new maids for the crown prince."said the other one as he shrugged off his friend's hand from the shoulder.

"Come on ,don't be such a mood spoiler . You should know that all would not be selected and then the next turn of selection go for the nobles."He smirked as he looked at the girls.

One more person came and started laughing with them.

It was a custom that when the new successor of the throne gets their rank ,everything new is selected. All the old maids were to retire who had served the successor since his or her birth and new fresh maidens were to be selected. 

As more or less all the nobles were rank holders the minimum rank being three ,that's why their daughters were hardly sent as the maids but this doesn't mean no rank holding families sent their girls but usually they were promoted directly to low level female officer or assistant of the rank holder.

In Fact the common civilians can also get promoted but they have to be exceptional in everything and then only they would be granted magical weapons and can be appointed as secret guards . This custom recently evolved and earlier there were no such things , the crown prince himself started this custom and initially there were a lot of rejections but none could stop him from doing what he wanted.

Thence, forward their crown prince was given the title of 'undefeatable warrior ' .Even the senior ministers feared him and everyone wanted to ride his cocktail but to no avail.


Present moment -The party.

"Hey ,hey , the awakening ceremony started ." A girl shouted with excitement in her voice.

"Shsh","hmm", "yuppie " , many kinds of whispers were heard as soon as that ceremony started.The whole hall was talking about something but one thing was common, that is "the crown prince." That was the name which was echoed in the whole hall.

"So, The crown prince had started the power lifting."His Majesty asked his assistant while coming out and sitting on the hall's throne.

"All hail to His Majesty ," the voices shouted and bowed their heads . It looked like some pattern formed when they bowed down.

"Rise up, my dear citizens. " said His Majesty while preparing to sit.

"Thank you, your Majesty. "Said the voices in a monotonous sound while raising their heads up.

Although they were bowing to The King, all of them had their attention fixed on the chambers . They were all waiting eagerly for the rank formation.Not only that but they also had only one question in their mind and that was will The crown prince upgrade his power or will he get new powers because he was a natural power holder so there Hope's were high.

"Crown Prince, the stage is prepared. " said a guard while bowing before that supreme figure.

( 8 th Floor -A dark hall ,Royal palace.)

The hall was made according to the eight point diagram with sixteen hall stands , in the midst of the hall that is the power focus point of the hall there was a round stage with three stairs leading to the pivotal point of the stage.

A ray of blue light fell into the pivotal point , giving it some kind of mysterious sect vive.

"Now, I want nobody to disturb me."said the crown Prince in a cold voice and a piercing gaze.

"We understood, your Highness."said all the knights and kneeled down to give respect. 

Indeed when someone of the royal family is gaining his or her rank they have to be alone and with no disturbance because in this ceremony they connect to their ancestors power and absorb the 'thick mana ' of the meteorite. If any disturbances occur then the Rank getter can go berserk and kill anybody with the intense power not only that they can themselves dissolve into ashes .

The crown Prince stripped his shirt and inky wore a pants he sat on the pivotal point chanting some mantras and a fiery mana surrounded him . His pupils turned reddish blue and he could only sense the power, nothing else.

"Ah ,no capture him." The knights shouted.

Somebody broke in with a team into the palace and they were moving towards the hall where the ceremony was going on.

"Livioun , no knights stop him, he shall not enter the hall and disrupt the ceremony. " shouted Sein.

"Dh,","Dh" the door was ripped open.

It was late and the Assassin had already broken in.


"All of a sudden he fled towards the prince with a sword."

"Freeze ." Suddenly a voice said as he pointed his magic seer towards the assassin.

Too bad ,the Assassin tossed it and counter attacked the person . He was barely able to dodge but he was injured and still he shouted as loud as he could to alert the guards.

The assassin this time used his electric skill and targeted the prince. 

"No , how could you?" Said the Assassin. 

Actually before he could attack the crown prince already blew up his hand and it happened within some seconds.

"What do you think ?I am a fool who will not notice." Said the crown prince while coming down from the pivotal point.

"Sein " shouted Livioun.

Suddenly all the royal guards along with Sein entered. It looked like they were already waiting for this attack. 

"Sein, take him to the dungeon and don't kill him but torture until he spoke his purpose. " ordered the Prince while standing with a cold Gaze in his eyes.

"Yes." Nodded sein and they exict. 

The crown prince now looked at the mysterious person who tried to help him.

"Now , you wanna go to the dungeon or speak up." Said The crown prince to the Mysterious person as he sat downing his toes and looked at the man….


belive is the hardest thing one can do.

Meosicreators' thoughts