
Ultimate Antihero

Ultimate Antihero is a light novel written by Riku Misora (author of Chivalry of a Failed Knight and High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even in Another World). Synopsis: Kamishiro Homura is a hero who once by himself exterminated the another world invader that destroyed the military all over the world. However his extreme strength made the influential people ostracized and exiled him from the society with false accusation of [Traitor] attached to him. A few years after that, for an unspecified reason Homura entered the magician academy and he looked after the girls that were ridiculed as the [burden platoon]…!? This is the raise of the curtain of a fantasy tale of the unrivaled and invincible young man where not a single ally or enemy can keep up with him, the young man who sooner or later will be extolled as the messiah by the whole human race!

Light_Novels · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: Part 3

Part 3

Let's rewind time back a little.

The Kamishiro Homura was living in the slums of London life sphere until yesterday.

A shabby, run-down apartment that had wind blowing in from the gaps.

The place was really wretched for the residence of a hero savior.

But, there was a reason for that.

He, who alone exterminated that even the gathering of the battle strength throughout the world couldn't even scratch, was ostracized by the due to that too extreme strength.

Well, that could also be said as natural.

Establishing vested interests for themselves using all kinds of methods.

A ruling structure for the sake of exploiting the people.

If there was a human that existed that could possibly blow away all that they built right from its root, there was no way it would be something pleasant for them.

It felt like a swelling above your eye.

That was why the made use of all kinds of methods and tailored the into the .

―Homura could become that strong because he sold his soul to demons.

―Sooner or later, Homura would become the demons' pawn and bare his fangs at the human race.

Such things were whispered to the people as if they were true.

And then there was also the cooperation of the that was ruling over the populace the most right now, making the propaganda a great success. The human race that survived the feared the hero that saved them as a [traitor], the messenger of demons, they rejected him from human society. ―His nationality was taken away from him, his power was taken away by that was performed on him, all his rights as a human were stripped off.

There was no way such a Homura could live in a proper place.

But, Homura didn't dislike that life as much as one would believe.

In the first place he didn't have any interest in social status, for his lifestyle of [killing as many demons as possible] too, a position where he wasn't tied by the stupid rules of human society or country borders was convenient.

Everyday he passed his time however he pleased without worrying about anyone's eyes. Occasionally, he hunted demons that threatened the life sphere and received bounty from the world government as his daily earnings.

Due to that sealed his power, the publicized to the domestic and foreign that the [traitor] had been tamed as their [watch dog]. Homura himself was understanding of the existence of such a system, but for Homura it was only something trivial that only provoked a little sympathy from him thinking [Keeping up honor is also pretty troublesome huh―].

He freely killed demons as he pleased, and protected what he wanted to protect.

He was not adhering to anything, it was a pleasant life that was quietly and comfortably free from worldly cares.

But, on a certain day where he was spending such easygoing days.

The currently nonexistent that Homura was once a member of, it was a group that didn't question one's country, country border, or faith, a mercenary organization with mission to protect the people of all countries from the threat of sorcery and demons, the ex-leader of such an organization contacted Homura.

The contents of the contact was extremely strange.

[I registered your name into the 101st trainee platoon of the New Tokyo Sorcery Academy. Come to Tokyo life sphere right now.]

That was what he said.

He wondered whether he should just slam the phone off. He would be troubled if he was just called carefreely from the other side of the earth only to ask him to go drink.

―But, what was truly annoying, that former superior of his that was right now the board chairman of New Tokyo Sorcery Academy, Onjouji Kai was not someone that would contact Homura without any reason.

Generally there were two patterns of situations when this man contacted Homura.

There was a human that was about to die, or the world that was about to die.

That kind of evil omen really resembled the trumpet of the Apocalypse.

And then there he would without doubt get entangled with the existence of a powerful demon.

The demons, were enemies that he had to kill.

That was why Homura decided to go to Japan even reluctantly.

In a certain meaning, that was also Homura trusting this man Onjouji, perhaps.

And then, the time returned to now.

Homura who dynamically entered the New Tokyo life sphere illegally from the height of 10000 meters, was now sitting on the sofa in the New Tokyo Sorcery Academy's board chairman's room with his legs outstretched while waiting for the arrival of his ex-superior that called himself here.

Before long, the double doors of the room were pushed open and a tall and lean statured gloomy man entered the room.

"It has been five years, my friend."

The heavy and gloomy tone really suited the external appearance of the man―Onjouji Kai.

But, there was an intimacy in that voice.

"How was it? Was the air travel enjoyable?"

"Just whose mouth is saying that kind of thing."

"You didn't like it? Even though I have prepared the first class for you expressly."

"Certainly the food was delicious. The seat was also so comfortable it couldn't compare with the bed of my ragged apartment. But you know, do you think suddenly getting a call saying [my student is in danger so help them] and made to jump down from 10000 meters is something fun?"

Homura glared in protest. But Onjouji didn't seem like he would apologize.

"Fufu. Regarding that you really helped me. That Ichinotani girl was also completely healed by your healing sorcery. Let me say my thanks once more."

"…Well, it's fine. After all, thanks to that those gays from London also got shaken off me. Really, when those guys turn up, they are gonna chase my ass even until the inside of the plane. Scary country."

"Unfortunately they are not shaken off yet. If it's those MI6 bunch then there are also some in Japan."

"You serious?"

"Coincidentally CIA and KGB, the Inquisition agents of the , on top of that the military satellites that float in the sky are also observing you. Of course weJapan too."

"Just how much are you guys engrossed in me."

"It can't be helped. After all, you are a human that truly merited all that."

Homura heaved a deep sigh in resignation.

A human that merited all that.

It was a fact that even Homura himself was self-aware.

"However, …five years already. Thinking back again, since you were gone the time had already passed that long. That child has grown really big now."

"Not having awareness of time is the proof of old age yeah."

"Your lack of love is just as usual."

"I didn't happen to have any love on hand for a geezer as my company."

After saying that bluntly, Homura corrected his seating posture a little.

And then he inquired Onjouji with a serious expression.

The question was of course, the reason why he was called here.

"Putting aside the useless talk, let's move on to the main topic. What in the world is your reason for calling me here?"

"What I want to request from you is just as I said. I want you to enroll into this academy and look after the 101st platoon. The document of the members' details should have reached your place too―"

"Stop the joke."

Homura scornfully laughed from Onjouji's answer.

"Even I know just how risky it is politically to make contact with me. You are also not someone that is going to brave that kind of risk just for something like having me protect some trainee. Entering the 101st is just the front. The real reason is something else. Isn't that right?"

"Actually that's a correct assessment."

"Then talk quickly. What is happening? What kind of trouble are you going to make me shoulder that you called me here?"

But, Onjouji slowly shook his head left and right in rejection towards Homura's hurrying.

"I can't say it right now."


"It's not my role to talk about this. In the near future the story will come from the person who should actually talk about this."

"So you are just the go-between, and the one that called me is another person then?"

"It's like that."

"Who is the person?"

"I can't say it right now."

Onjouji repeated the same sentence once more and lowered his eyes.

Homura who knew him from a long time ago understood.

It was impossible to drag out the circumstance from Onjouji with his attitude like this.

"Chih-. I got it already. I'm not gonna ask. But the talk is really going to happen in the near future right?"

"I'll promise that."

"…Then, maybe I should waste my time strolling around for awhile in the hometown that I hadn't seen for five years."

"Wait. That's going to become trouble."


"You laughed at the front that I prepared but, I really wished for you to seriously train the 101st. I want you to do me the favor of looking after those girls for this one year until their graduation."

But Homura amazedly shook his head hearing those words of Onjouji.

"That's a joke ain't it. Just why I gotta look after some trainee this late…"

In a certain meaning it was a natural reaction.

Homura was a magician that possessed power to the degree of saving the world once.

The person who pushed around the and even mastered all the existing thousand sorcery, the .

For that kind of person to mingle with trainee magicians and did [practice make-believe], that was really something ridiculous.

But, Onjouji just threw a single sentence towards that unamused Homura.

"This is something that none other but you yourself said. [Take responsibility] you said."

Hearing those words, Homura's eyebrow moved a little.

"You have the duty to take responsibility and watch over the [girl]'s future. Am I wrong?"

"...You still remember an old story like that huh."

"Even if memories grow dull, but a promise won't fade. You too should be the same. That's why even with dissolved, you still continue to fight alone like this."


Homura reclined his body even deeper into the sofa and gave a long sigh.

What a really old story.

It was a happening far older than even Homura being bathed in the world's attention as the .

It was a really really old promise, that even the person he made that promise to had gone already, just a single promise…

But, just as Onjouji said, no matter how old it was and even with the person he made that promise to gone already, that promise still existed, inside Homura.

That's why―

"…I've never gone to school or anything before so I don't know what I gotta do y'know?"

"I don't plan to tell you to be some kind of teacher. Just become support as one of the platoon members of the 101st, that's all. The platoon has difficulties communicating with the surroundings and it didn't produce good results, so it is ridiculed as the [baggage platoon], but the girls of the 101st have a bright future. Someday they will become a support to this world for sure."

Homura didn't show any signs of affirmation or denial hearing those words of Onjouji.

But in regards to the responsibility that he shouldered, Homura gave his answer back properly.

"…Got it already. It's also not bad to just laze around at the place where the light shines after a long time."

"I owe you."

At that time, the door of the board chairman's room opened quietly.

Feeling a nostalgic scent from the slight wind that flowed into the room, Homura directed his gaze towards the entrance.

Over there was a tall girl standing with a stance so beautiful that it made one wonder whether there was a wire going through that straight back.

Captivating black hair that grew out until her hips.

Her face that didn't hide her intelligence really suited her adult looks.

And then Homura knew the face of that girl.

The last time he saw her face was five years ago, but he didn't overlook the vestiges of the past in her face now.

"…Yo. You have become an adult, Shiori."

The girl's name was Onjouji Shiori.

The of the 101st platoon.

She was also the daughter of Onjouji Kai, and she also knew of Homura, an old acquaintance of his.