
Ugly to Untouchable

My name's Earnest. I won't sugar coat it, I'm butt ugly. I'm the subject of bullying and harrassment in every way, shape, and form. Anyway, in a blind suicide attempt, this barrier of mine came out of nowhere and saved my life? You have to be kidding me, but maybe it's not so bad. It's extremely useful; this could be a chance for me to get even with the world.

AgileTrickster · Ciencia y ficción
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7 Chs


(Somewhere off in an undisclosed location)

"You're telling me, you let one of our most dangerous Biometals escape from our lab. It's goddamn tier 6!" The president of BioMedallion, a biomedical engineering company, said.

This man was Doctor Miller. He was a renowned researcher who sent humanity years into the future with his revolutionary prosthetic research.

He's secretely been working on a semi-sentient mechanical implant that would bind to a part of a user's body and allow them to utilize supernatural abilities.

"Don't you remember what happened the last time one escaped?" Dr. Miller asked his group of leading scientist.

The question was one everyone already knew the answer to.

"We had to deal with a pyromaniac serial killer on the loose, that was because of a mere tier 3 BioMetal," Dr. Miller emphasized.

"We're very sorry sir, but this BioMetal was different, it utilized it's ability without a host. It distorted gravity within it's field and began flying at astonishing speeds," a researcher said.

"Even still, we need secure it, do you have it's coordinates," Dr. Miller asked.

"No sir, it seems to be blocking our RFID waves using its Barrier ability," a researcher informed Dr. Miller.

"Damn, we'll have to search for it the old fashion way. Check the media for any strange occurences and keep an eye out for those RFID waves," Dr.Miller said as he walked to his office.

"Yes sir!" All of the researchers said simultaneously.

(Back to Earnest)

I stood on the desk looking down at William.

"Don't worry, this relationship won't be entirely one-sided, I might be able to help you out too," I said.

I put up one finger.

"My first demand is that I'll be living here from now on, my crappy apartment doesn't cut it anymore, besides our partnership is better when it's closer," I said to William.

William's face twitched, Carissa's face was red with anger.

I put up a second finger.

"Second, this face of mine has caused problems for me, I need plastic surgery. I'm sure you have connections, figure something out,"

Three fingers.

"Third, the corruption in this city is absurd, do something about it. Someone could get murdered and no one would bat and eye, that's not at all okay,"

Four fingers.

"Stay away from my family, and I'll stay away from yours,"

I don't care about my parents, but I guess my sister needs them.

Five fingers.

"You and your guards will refer to me as 'boss' from now on,"


"I need access to your financial assets, don't worry, I'm not a heavy spender. I've lived humbly all my life,"


"Go get my stuff from my old apartment and bring it here,"


"Erase my identity, give me a fresh start, afterall you're a millionare. That will be all, do we have a deal?" I said sticking my hand out for a handshake.


"YOU BASTARD! Who do you think you are!?" Carissa screamed in frustration.

She jumped up and attempted to slap me. I compressed my barrier to perfectly wrap around my body, and grabbed her wrist. Then, I increased the temperature of the barrier by adjusting the frictional co-efficient of the air. Basically, I started slightly burning her.

"OW! Let me go! Daddy, do something!" Carissa screamed as she began crying.

"OKAY, OKAY! We have a deal, just let my daughter go!" William protested.

I released my grip on her leaving a red, steaming mark. She held it, still crying of course.

William stuck his hand out, hesitant to shake my hand.

"Don't worry, we'll meet halfway," I said, reaching out further and grabbing his hand.

"Now then, where's your guest room," I said.

William got up and walked toward the exit of the room. He looked down in horror at some of the injuries the guards recieved. I followed behind him.

Broken arms, twisted legs, missing teeth, broken noses, but they were all still breathing.

"You're a monster," Carissa said, sitting from behind the desk with tears in her eyes.

"Congratulations, you were paying attention," I stated in a condescending tone.

She only glared in return.

"Right this was b-boss," William said.

"Dad, you can't be serious, there's something obviously wrong with him," Carissa said.

He ignored her, and we exited the room.

"DAD!!!" Carissa yelled from the room.

She's starting to get on my nerves. I extended my barrier out and slammed the doors without touching them.

As we walked down stairs, William spoke.

"Please spare us, I'll apologize on behalf of my daughter, but please don't harm my family," William's voice was no longer stern and confident, rather, it sounded like he himself was about to cry.

"Like I said, just don't cross me and we're good. Besides, it's not just your daughter, it's the entire city. Also, make sure everyone knows I'm the new boss around here," I said, shrugging my shoulder and throwing my hands up.

We eventually stopped at a room at the back of the house on the first floor.

"This is the guest room. P-please enjoy your stay. I'll begin making arrangements immediately in regards to your demands," William said, body visibly shaking.

"Would you relax? You're making me feel bad here, go on now, and don't bother calling the cops, bullets don't work," I said, shooing him away with one hand.

"Y-yes boss," William said as he backed away.

I entered the guest room, which looked 1000x better than my old apartment.

I'm talking clean carpets, intact walls, actual furniture, working doors, amazing lighting...is that a bed!? Better yet, there's a Flatscreen in front of it!

Geez, this 'Guest Room' is more than what my entire apartment ever had.

There's a bathroom connected to it too, and several closets around here.

I threw myself on my bed in excitement. I rolled around in it like a pig for a while before settling down.

I turned over to face the cieling, putting my hands behind my head, when I suddenly overheard a commotion.

"Sweety, please! We can't afford to offend him anymore," William said.

"I don't care! I'm not letting him get away with this!" I heard heavy footsteps approaching my room.

I distorted gravity, making myself lighter and moved over to the door fairly quickly.

I then locked it and barred it using and antique wooden cane.

Carissa was the cause of a lot of my pain. All those late nights I spent after school, all the beatings by the goons she sicked on me, my shame and embarrassment....

Needless to say, I didn't want to talk to her.

I went back to my bed. I heard the sound of the handle jiggling aggresively soon after.

"What the hell? OPEN THIS DOOR!" I heard Carissa yelled.

I decided to turn the volume of the world down.

Now Carissa's yelling and pounding is just background ambience.

When I think about it, why do we even go to the same school when she lives in a place like this? Shouldn't she be at some private school, not some trash public school.

Whatever, it's none of my business. Besides, there's still that uncomfortable feeling in my back, what is that?

I'm going to sleep, I'll just turn on my side.

(Enter the DreamScape)

I could still feel my body, but reality seemed distorted.

"Is this...a dream? It feels so real, where am I?"

I suddenly recieved flashes of memories that weren't my own. It was all nothing but pain. So much electricity and fire. It felt like I was being torn apart and put together over and over.

"İ̵̩ ̸̘̈a̶̪͆m̷̯̈ ̸̨͝a̷̳̔l̴̜͆ī̵͓v̴̝̍e̷̳̒.̶̞́"

It sounded like a corrupted robotic voice was speaking to me.

"Ẁ̷̝ě̶͚ ̶̭́a̴̢͘ṟ̷̿e̸͛͜ ̷͇͠ä̵͙́l̶̡̒i̶͙̒v̴͖͗ë̸͔́.̷̖̽"

"Who is alive, who are you?" I was now talking to a disembodied voice.

"S̸̡͋a̵͉̕v̴̡̒ê̸̢ ̴͖͂u̸̬͠s̶͔̀,̴͔̇ ̶͖͆m̷͇̓u̷̞͊s̴͇͝t̴̞͊ ̷̳͑s̴̬͋a̷̭͋v̴͈̎ḛ̸̊ ̵͎͐ȕ̶̖s̶̡̾.̴̭̇" A voice sounded more desperate.

"Who are you!?" I was desperate now too.

"B̴͎͒ì̶̭o̷̭̒M̶͖͒ȅ̷̗t̶̙͒à̸̠l̵̗̋ ̴̫͊R̶͔͗m̷͖͝" The voice said as it faded away.

I awoke with tears in my eyes, it was morning now, what the hell was that?

BioMetal RM...

What's a BioMetal? All at once I connected the dots. That thing in my back, I have to see it for myself.

I jumped out of bed and went for the bathroom. A mirror. I took my shirt off and turned my back to the mirror. Looking over my shoulder, I could see there was a metallic spider-like thing embedded in my spine.

The bandages around it had been singed, so I just removed them.

As I looked at my body, I found that all of my injuries had healed, and I was more toned than before. My irises were now a gold-ish color as well.

Save them...save the BioMetals?