

going to the world of naruto given the best of two clans with the knowledge of the future he plans to survive this dangerous world follow him as he strives to reach for the top a/n I am not really the best when it come to writing but I will try my best note:I do not own Naruto and I don't own the picture too if it's your do tell if u want it removed https://discord.gg/rxShYJFZ

hamarmuky · Cómic
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47 Chs

Chapter eight

it been one and a half years since I graduated. They have done a lot mission during this time

They have completed 53 d-rank, 8 c-rank and 1 b-rank. Ryu has also gotten a lot stronger as he started using his Sharingan. His Sharingan has reached two tomoes

With the help of his Sharingan his progress in ninjutsu and Fuinjutsu has increased as he has already opened up most of the books that his father left for him.

Right now they were on a c-rank mission to escort a merchant to the hidden grass village they haven't had any problem in the way here .

Ryu have been able to improve a lot of his techniques and also learnt some new ones his body training' technique has reached 1000 pushup, 1000 sit up, 1000 squats and 100km dash around the village. he could easily raise a tons without breaking a sweat. So he started weight training using some weight seals on his arms and legs

He started training more, this make him always very tried and causes muscle tears after he finishes it. So I had to learn medic technique to heal himself every time.

it also mix well together with the breathing technique as now he can keep use it for an hour.

They finally reached their destination

"alright we will stay here for the night and go back tomorrow "Aizawa said after confirmation of the completion of the mission.

They booked a room in the hotel ,afterwards they went exploring the village.

As they walked around, something caught Ryu's eyes as he saw a child 3 years old standing in street looking very lost. He could feel her emotion she very scared but that's not what made him to stop.

"yo Ryu why did you stop" Kazuma asked after seeing him stop.

Ryu ignoring him and kept looking at the girl with red hair.

'is that not Karin' he thought

Yes!, it was Uzumaki Karin one of the few Uzumaki alive

' if I remember her mother should be alive as well. She is being forced to heal ninjas of the village in exchange they could stay. Causing the mother to die because of healing too many people after she died they made Karin take her place '

Ryu thought they should be more Uzumaki alive but he is not sure where they are. There is Nagato but that guy is far too gone with his god complex.

As if feeling some body watching her the girl turns and looks at him.

Ryu walked towards her 'I remember that her mother had the ability to heal any person that bite's her.'

"hi there, what are you doing out here on your own" I asked her

"I...I'm.. can't find my mom" she said as she started to cry

"ok don't cry let me help you look for her "

"really "

"yeah" he said with a slime okay let go"

He grabbed her hands as we walked back to where my team mate were.

"ne!! Ryu who is this?" Kazuma asked

"oh yeah I didn't ask for her name" Ryu said as he turns to her "so what is your name"

even if he know can't just come out and say it

"Karin... Uzumaki Karin" she said in a small voice

"oh an Uzumaki" said Mikasa in surprise, looked at me meaningful then at Karin's red hair

Ryu was not surprised she knows about Uzumaki she is after all a sarutobi

"she got lost so am helping her to look for her mother "

"okay we will help too" Kazuma said

and with that said they took off look for her mother around the village. As we were walking a grass ninja block our way

"hello is there something you need? "Mikasa said.

"yes we are here to take the girl to her mother if you would hand her over then we'll be on our way" the Ninja said

"no I don't think so" Ryu stopped him as he wanted to take Karin.

"what the meaning of this" The ninja said with anger on his face

"I should be asking you that why is there an Uzumaki in the village and hasn't been reported to Konoha" Ryu said back to him "you should know that the Uzumaki are Allies of Konoha right"

"that is none of your business"

"of course is by business is my family we're talking about"

"look here better give her if you don't want any problem" he tried to intimidate him.

"oh but we already have a problem" too bad for Ryu was not one to be intimidate easily.

Ryu was prepared to attack if needed. luckily Aizawa sensei came

"what going here?"

seeing that sensei came the ninjas knew that they couldn't do anything to them. Mikasa explained what happened.

"if it like that it good that you stood up for them" Aizawa nodded in agreement

He turned back to the grass ninja and said "we are going to have to take the mother and child back to our village"

they had no choice but to take us where Karin mother was. when we reach the we met the person looking after them his name was zosui.

Zosui had fair skin, black hair that was combed back and reached a shoulder length, grey pupiless eyes, wearing the Kusagakure forehead protector on his forehead, dark brown-grey kimono like shirt with cream outlines, black pants, a white robe tied around his waist, black socks, and black sandals

"what is going on here" he came out looking confused as to why a Konoha nin was looking for him

"we came to take the Uzumaki in your hands back to Konoha"

"you can't do that "

"we can and we will" Aizawa said "don't think because your an allies with Konoha we won't take any action against you".

in the end he reluctantly gave up and sent someone to get Karin's mother it didn't take long for them to bring her.

She was a fairly tall and light-skinned woman with grey eyes. Common among those of Uzumaki descent, she had bright red hair, which was straight and chin-length and parted to frame both sides of her face. the woman possessed countless bite-marks about her arm from repeatedly letting people feed on her chakra to heal. though she try to hide it with her long sleeve.

"mommy" Karin ran to her mother who took her in for a hug

" Karin where have you been I have been so worried"

"I got lost when I went out then nii-san help me find you" Karin pointed at Ryu.

"thank you for your help"

"it no problem where family after all"

"huh!!" she looked at him with confusion

I smiled an pointed at my reddish hair "am part Uzumaki too" she looked at me in surprise.

"okay let get going I doesn't seem that we will be able to stay here anymore" sensei said.

They went back to the hotel and got our stuff and left the village heading back to Konoha it took them two days to reach Konoha.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

hamarmukycreators' thoughts