

going to the world of naruto given the best of two clans with the knowledge of the future he plans to survive this dangerous world follow him as he strives to reach for the top a/n I am not really the best when it come to writing but I will try my best note:I do not own Naruto and I don't own the picture too if it's your do tell if u want it removed https://discord.gg/rxShYJFZ

hamarmuky · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
47 Chs

Chapter 6



Hello everyone.

I'm very sorry for the lack of update. The reason was that my system were I was keeping all my written chapter was damage beyond repair. This meant all the ideas I had written down were lost.

it was really hard to sit down and rewrite the chapter that I had already written as I couldn't get back the inspiration I had then.

But luckily I had gotten it back so I back again.

so pls I will be looking forward to your support once again 🙇.


After Naruto and Kakashi left, Karin and the rest to confront Sasori.

"I heard you retired already" Sasori says to Granny Chiyo.

"I just wanted to see my grandson's face" she answers with a sad tone in her voice.

It suddenly turns very tense. Sasori look at Karin and Sakura, the pressure he emitted cause them to be spoked a bit.

Karin especially as see could feel his negative chakra.

"There is some wrong with him" Karin says "he doesn't feel human"

"Ho! What sharp senses you have" Sasori said looking at her.

The makes Karin sweat a bit as she moves back a bit 'what with this feeling I thought I would be able to handle this types of feeling, but this is on another level"

"Karin, Sakura don't fear" Granny said as she moves forward "I will handle this, step back"

She then attacks Sasori with several kunais coated with chakra. The causes large tears on Sasori's cloak causing him to revile his puppet like body"

Granny Chiyo explain that his real body was inside the puppet. That they had to destroy the body before they could reach him

"Are you sure he is human Granny?" Karin asks to confirm as she wasn't get the same feeling from Sasori like normal humans.

"That doesn't matter now we can deal with it after we defeat him"

"Like you can defeat me" Sasori mocks them

"Karin Sakura listen this is the plan" Granny Chiyo call them and whispers the plan in their ears

Sasori doesn't attack them as he was wondering what they had in store

"Alright let's do it" Sakura said accepting the plan Karin also nods by the side.

All three of them move to surround him. They rush up to him

But Sasori wasn't just to allow them do that


He fires out senbons that are laced with poison.


Karin creates a large water wall in front of her protecting her from the senbons. While Sakura and Granny Chiyo both dodge all the senbons coming for them.

He was shocked by the fact that Sakura could dodge his attack. As he was occupied by Sakura, Karin by the side finishes making the hand signs for her next jutsu.


Several rocks appear from the ground trying to attack him. He moves back avoiding the rocks.

Several chains appear from Karin's back. It moves as it try to bind Sasori but he nimbly moves away dodging them.

Sakura charges at him from another side as he was distracted. Seeing this Sasori was about to stab her but he is stopped by Granny Chiyo who uses her chakra strings.


Sakura smashes the Hiruko of Sasori while sending flying a distance away. The Hiruko starts to break apart reviling the true body of Sasori.

"What is going on here?" Sakura and Granny Chiyo were shocked seeing how young Sasori was.

Karin too was shocked but she remembers the feeling she felt from him

"he isn't human" Karin said with a grim look "not anymore that is"

"What do you mean?" Sakura asks

"I think he has remolded his body into a puppet" Karin answered.

"What!!!" Granny Chiyo was shocked.

"Oh~ looks like you found out. Impressive." Sasori applauded "Now let me show you something interesting"

He removes a scroll and summons a puppet.

"What the third Kazekage?" Granny Chiyo said.

"Now shall we start" Sasori said as he starts to attack.  

He uses the puppet to launch out more poison senbons at Sakura and Karin. Granny Chiyo had Sakura move away using her chakra strings, while Karin makes an earth wall.

The fight was at a stalemate as Karin and the rest couldn't actively attack Sasori because of the iron sand's poison but he couldn't break through as Karin was interfering with her chains.

Because of this they were not affected by the poison too much. Allowing the antidote that they made to be very effective.

"This is a pain' Sasori thought 'I need to go help Deidara. I can't take them down easily let's speed this up'

Several hand appear from the puppets and attacks Sakura.


Karin make an earth dome that cover Sakura from the attack while also sending her chains to attack him. The Kazekage puppet was able to block the chains not letting the pass it.

"Almost forgot about those chains of your" Sasori said "let's not waste any more time"

He then strips his cloak reveling his puppet body.

Opening another scroll he summon a 100 puppets.

"Let see how you deal with this much" Sasori said as he makes the puppets rush toward them

"This won't do we can't take on so many at the same time with the Kazekage's puppet." Granny Chiyo said as she summoned ten puppets.

"Granny, Sakura!! can you hold them back for some time?" Karin shouted out

"What are you going to do?" granny Chiyo ask but still proceed to block the puppet

"I'm going to use the technique that Ryu nii taught me" Karin said beaming with confidence.


"Huh!! how to use sealing technique in battle?" Ryu said

Karin asked him how she could use sealing techniques together with her other abilities.

"Hmm! I don't know how to answer that" Ryu thinks "Sealing technique are real hard to put use in actual combat but it isn't impossible"

Karin was excited hearing what Ryu said. It was she was tired of not being able to fight as most of her ability was for support.

Ryu explain to her "Like your teammate Sai he also uses a form of sealing technique in battle but they aren't suited for you"

Ryu closes his eyes in deep thought "Fine then, let me teach you some technique I invited during my Anbu days"

Ryu takes out a blank scroll as he explains "This is a technique that is at the stages of advance sealing. What happens is you make a sequence of seals one contains the seal for the element you want to use another for the activation when chakra is put in."

He then proceeds to make the seal on the scroll. "They are others seal needed but those two are the main ones."

This one idea that he had thought of, in an attempt to copy magic circles from 'Magic Fantasies'. He wondered if he could use a Justu using only sealing techniques.

"And done" Ryu puts the final finish to the seal.

"Now try infuse chakra into it" Ryu hands the scroll to Karin.

She takes the scroll and tries putting chakra in it. A small wind blows out from the scroll making her hair float up.

"Wow!!  Amazing" Karin said admiring it "and the seal is still there. That means it can be used multiple times before it runs out"

Ryu smiles "That is right not only that you can also use it on other materials although it is much harder. It also can't recreate Jutsus just the elements in some form but you can manipulate them to a certain extent"


Karin slams her hand on the ground.


Five large scrolls around her. They were colored red, blue, green, brown and purple. They also had a kanji of fire, water, wind, earth and lightning respectively.

"What is with those scrolls" Sasori narrowed his eyes while looking at Karin.

Deciding that he didn't want to wait he send the rest of his puppets at her

Karin pulls open the Green wind scroll. On it was a large kanji word 'STROM'.

Karin then injects her chakra into it causing it to glow.

A large 10m tornado appears in front of her and starts move towards the puppets. This was a larger version of the one that Ryu showed her.

As the tornado approaches the puppets it begins to draw then inside itself. Soon most of the puppets were dragged into it while the rest moved back not to be drawn in.

"Shit how was she able to use such a powerful technique without making hand seals" Sasori was shocked.

"I'm not done yet" Karin says as pulls out the Red fire scroll

This one the kanji 'FLAME' written on it. Put chakra in it large amounts of flame appear from it.

The flame goes towards the tornado and combines forming a {FIRE TORNADO} burning the puppet inside.

"Damn I'm down to less than 40 puppets" Sasori looks over to Karin "Have to deal with her"

His puppets start to move again. Several puppets open their mouth and spray water on the {FIRE TORNADO} cause a large amount of steam to cover the cave.

Sasori takes the chance and tries to ambush Karin using the low visibility. However, his plan was to fail as Karin could sense all his moves.

She processed to put out the Blue water scroll. This had kanji word for 'OCEAN'

Massive amount of water appear from the scroll as Karin forms hand signs


Using the water that was summoned up formed a giant orb where many sharp whips of water emerge shooting towards several puppets.

The puppets react as the start to spit out fire to counter Karin's attack. This made more steam cause visibility to be near zero.

But this was to Karin's advantage as she was able to accurately locate a destroy his puppets with her {WATER DRAGON WHIP}.

While Sasori had an advantage of number he was finding it hard to keep up with both granny Chiyo and Karin who was using an AOE technique.

Sasori also moves in attempt to attack Karin with the third Kazekage's puppet but was stopped by granny Chiyo who was using the {MOTHER AND FATHER PUPPETS}.

"This is getting annoying" he comments as he moves to dodge the attacks from Karin.

As Sasori had himself occupied by Karin that he didn't notice someone approaching him, Sakura dashes out of the steam right next to him.

"What how did she get here?"

Sasori was shocked as he didn't understand how she was able to get to him in all this steam. Then he quickly notices a chakra string on Sakura but it wasn't from granny Chiyo but Karin.

'She was guiding her through the steam using a puppet string!!!'

"It's over!!" Sakura says as she throws a {LION HEADED KANNON} at Sasori who was too late to react as it pins him into an earth pillar.

The moment Sasori was sealed the remaining puppets stopped moving.

"We did it" Sakura smiles in happiness.

"it seems everything went according to plan" granny Chiyo said.

But before she could do react. A puppet that was next to Sakura stands up and attacks her.

"Sakura!!!" Granny Chiyo shout

Sakura turn around to see Sasori about to stab her. Seeing couldn't dodge she could only braces herself.

However, the blade stops a small distance from Sakura. Sakura looks over to see Sasori tied up by Karin's chains one of the chains was stabbed through his 'heart'.

 "How!!?" Sasori asked.

"I told you I can sense all your movement" Karin said.

"I see" Sasori said in an emotionless voice.

After seeing that it was the end for him Sasori decided to reward Karin and Sakura by telling them about the spy he had put next to Orochimaru.

After say what he had to say he shut his eye forever.