
Uchiha: Starting from Tobirama Jinchuuriki

Year 44 of the Konoha calendar. The Uchiha clan has a lane king. Qing Shui became the second generation Hokage Jinchuriki from the Senju Tobirama in the opposite body... [Let's go, Tobi Lama]! Everyone in Uchiha: I have such complicated feelings. Is this the reincarnation of patriarch Izuna, or the evil Thousand-Armed Demon? Uchiha Madara: Qing Shui must be the reincarnation of Izuna Chakra! As expected of my brother... Sarutobi Hiruzen: Teacher...is that you? The monkey recognized you! One after another, the heroes of the ninja world are dancing on this land. But in the end... they are just nutrients for Qing Shui to become the strongest!

Mike_8065 · Cómic
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40 Chs

Chapter 30 Senju Tobirama answers the questions seriously, Sarutobi looks forward to the judgment


  "Hey, isn't this the Second Hokage... I haven't seen you for a few days, why do you still want to answer children's questions?"

  Qing Shui looked at Qianju Tobirama with a smile, and shook his head: "Let's forget it, Tobirama, you said that if the time comes, your score can't be better than mine, wouldn't you look ugly? It would be so embarrassing if you can't show it on your face. ?"

  "Maybe you will be blamed by your beloved disciple at that time. If I indulge your willful thoughts, will I be sowing discord?"

  "You have been dead for so many years, and the ninja school you founded did not have a written examination. I am afraid you haven't even summarized the template...

  "Hey, forget it, it's really unnecessary. If it doesn't work, just criticize me..."

  In Qing Shui's words, he focused on being objective and impartial. He mentioned the different backgrounds of the Warring States and the War Era very thoughtfully, and gave Qianju Tojian a level of understanding in a very reasonable manner.

  But his tone was very fiery, and Qian Shu Fei's temples jumped. The wonderful feeling he had just had for Qing Shui was temporarily forgotten by him at this moment, and he gritted his teeth angrily:

  "Stop looking down on people. I am the second generation Hokage. If you can't even take the Will of Fire test compared to you, an Uchiha brat, that would be the most ridiculous thing in the world..."

  "Templates have never been the key to Will of Fire. The core and logic are the most important."

  "Don't say it's useless. If you can't do it for me to answer the exam, just tell me if you can't do it!"

  Hey, why are you still using the method of stimulating generals... This is because my answer is not bad. I am so happy that I want to try it myself?

  Tobirama, I'm reminding you, times have changed, and you don't have the will of fire or the mindset to prepare for exams...

  Qing Shui shook his head in a funny way, and did not judge Qianju Tobijian's agitation and wanting his apprentice to judge him. He said as if an adult was comforting a child:

  "Okay, okay, I really can't do anything to you, so I just promise you."

  "What's your strange tone? Do you think I'm making trouble unreasonably?"

  Qing Shui shrugged: "I didn't say that. I'm quite old, but I'm so sensitive. It's really..."

  "..." Senju Tobirama's face darkened. Why did he feel so strange when he heard what this kid said?

  The evil Qing Shui kid!

  Qing Shui slowly looked around at the students in the examination room. Many very young students were fast asleep.

  There was no way, this paper written by Sarutobi Hiruzen to identify Qing Shui's level was too difficult for them.

  Rather than scribbling on such a sensitive test question, it is better to hand in a blank paper, which is considered safe.

  "From a certain perspective, this is the wisdom of a scumbag..." Qing Shui thought as he saw Obito Uchiha writing furiously at the side.

  Even Qing Shui was very interested in seeing what kind of shocking answer Uchiha Obito would come up with after being taken away by Uchiha Setsuna.

  That would definitely be fun.

  Qing Shui stood up and when passing by a sleeping classmate, he bent down and patted his shoulder: "Classmate, did you drop this pen?"

  The classmate who was sleeping in a daze woke up: "Teacher, I...I really don't know how, it's not that I don't want to answer!"

  The whole examination room laughed, but there was a lot of resentment in the laughter. Which teacher asked this question? It is too difficult. Isn't this difficult for people...

  Even Umino Ikkaku on the podium laughed helplessly, thinking to himself:

  "Children, the teacher does not blame you. This is the third generation of adults to test Qing Shuijun... For the future of the village, please feel aggrieved for the time being. I will give you a few more lessons to compensate for your..."

  "Qing Shui Jun, this is not my pen, thank you..." The classmate saw Qing Shui's kind smile and scratched his head in embarrassment, with a look of reverence on his face.

  Qing Shui, who defeated the double magatama Obito in the Ninja School examination and was also kind to others, has become a legend in the Ninja School. His words of encouragement to Metkai inspired many unconfident Ninja School students to secretly Work hard.

  "Inada-kun, try to answer. You can do it. Don't be afraid of getting it wrong. This is a precious opportunity to learn the will of fire. This set of test questions is very good. It would be a pity if you miss it..."

  Qing Shui took out an expensive pen with the Uchiha clan emblem on it, handed it to his hand, and gave him an encouraging smile.

  Inada Kojiro took over the pen tremblingly. He did not expect that Qing Shui could actually remember his name.

  And the moment they looked at each other, Qing Shui's magatama under the Water Escape contact lenses slowly rotated, just like the fate of Konoha.

  "Qing Shui-Jun...please rest assured, I will do my best!"

  "Okay..." Qing Shui nodded with him, walked to the stage and handed the test paper to Umino Ikkaku: "Teacher Umino, I hand in the paper first."

  Umino Ikkaku happily handed over Qing Shui's test paper. Seeing many students who gave up answering hesitantly pick up their pens, a sense of pride welled up in his heart.

  Who said being a teacher has no future?

  Look, the good children of the Uchiha clan were taught by me. They are students in my class!

  I, Umino Ikkaku, have the teaching posture of the Second Hokage!

  In this classroom, the eyes looking at Qing Shui's back were complicated.

  Uchiha Obito pursed his lips, thinking about the idea of ​​family supremacy that Uchiha Setsuna had instilled in him. He snorted coldly, combined what he thought was the will of fire with Uchiha, and wrote on the test paper even faster. stand up.

  Sarutobi Asuma's expression was complicated. If he hadn't been in the classroom, he would have taken out the cigarette he stole from his trouser pocket and lit one.

  Nohara Lin chuckled, thinking about visiting Qing Shui's house on the weekend, and hummed a nice tune in a low voice.

  Metkai burst into tears and sighed from the bottom of his heart: "This is youth!"

  It wasn't until Umino Ikkaku signaled him to be quiet that Metkai turned his attention to the test paper and quickly wrote something about youth on all the questions...

  [Coming from the laning target Metkai, you get the Taijutsu Konoha Great Whirlwind! ]

  "It's so emotional, Kai..." Qing Shui listened helplessly to the electronic sound, sat down on a chair outside the classroom, and waited for Shisui's exam to finish.

  "Come on, respected Second Hokage Senju Tobirama-sama, just tell me what you want to answer. I have used illusion to control Inada-kun, and he will write your answer on the test paper..."

  "Write well and don't let people fail when the time comes..."

  Qianju Feijian snorted coldly, but instead of arguing with Qing Shui, he closed his eyes and started thinking.

  After a long time, he slowly said the answer to the first question, looking very serious.

  No one would have thought that in an ordinary final exam, one of the papers would be answered by the late Second Hokage...


  That night.

  Hokage Building.

  Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the test papers in Qingshui Examination Hall on the table, lit his pipe in anticipation, and started smoking happily.

  "Let me see how the children in the village responded..."