
Uchiha revenge DxD

Vasilli_niko · Cómic
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8 Chs

Poor Issei

Raynare woke up and she sat up on her bed. She stretched her arms out and yawned quietly. She lowered her arms and looked around. Everyone was still asleep.

She looked over to the clock and saw it was five o clock. "I must of slept like a baby then." She uncovered herself so she can get out of bed.

After a bit she walked out of her room or the girl's room and went to the kitchen to go get something to eat. There was some light in the livingroom making it a little easier to see.

She entered the kitchen and looked around. 'This place has nothing to offer. There's just water and Ramen this is not gonna fill me up.'

There was snoring out in the living room so she looked over and saw Freed laying there with his arm on the ground and his mouth open.

"What a pig." She whispered.

"Tell me about it." Madara said as he was reading his book. Raynare jumped almost falling over.

"W-What are you doing?"

Madara flipped a page of his book. "I am sitting and reading what else does it look like?"

"I'm not talking about that I mean why did you not sleep at all?"

"there was no need to sleep." Raynare couldn't believe that he didn't sleep. If she remembered correctly he said to make sure to get a good rest and he didn't sleep at all.

"Why? Just why?"

"If I fall asleep there is a possibility that we might get attacked. And if we did my plan would fail and it would all be for nothing."

"Your crazy you know that? Who would be stupid enough to attack us in the first place?"

"There are many people in this world that would attack when you don't have your guard up. Like the Devil's maybe or the Angel's. Or your kind as well you never know."

Raynare sighed and left the kitchen. As she left the kitchen another Madara popped out of the hallway making her fall to the ground.

"It seems that it's all clear." The shadow clone disappeared and Raynare slowly got up.

"How do you do that? And what is all clear?"

"It's just one of my abilities. The aparment is clear and there is no one around it that looks suspicous."

Raynare just couldn't figure him out. "So when are we leaving to go meet the Devil Princess?"

"When everyone is awake. I did tell them to have a good nights sleep because today is gonna be a long one."

Kalawarner came out of her room and stood at beginning of the hallway a

little tired. "Mmmm, Master i'm in need of help."

Raynare turned around and saw Kalawarner standing there in her

underwear. "What in the hell are you doing?"

Madara looked up from his book and saw her. Kalawarner walked a little closer to Madara and bent forward exposing mostly all of her tits.

"Can you help me?"

Madara closed his book and placed it on his table beside him. "I do not have time for these pathetic little games. If you have time to complain then you have time to get ready."

Kalawarner pouted and stood straight up. "Your no fun you know that?" She went back to her room and started getting dressed.

"So why didn't you like jump her immediately or something? Because any man would take the opportunity to take that offer but your the first not to. So why didn't you?" Raynare asked.

"I don't have time to play around with women. Me getting a little nervous cause of some skin or taking up her offer is a sign of weakness to me."

"How is that a weakness? All your doing is making love."

"If a man took the chance to have intercourse with a woman all he would

think of is his lustful desire to satisfy the woman. While not realizing his surroundings that he could get attacked."

Raynare shrugged her shoulders and was a bit surprised to hear that. "Has anyone told you that you worry to much?"

Madara smirked. "I don't worry. I am simply taking defensive measures." "Enough talk about sexual intercourse. Go wake him up it's almost time." Raynare walked over to Freed and grabbed a pillow to suffocate him. After a bit Freed sat up quickly. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?"

"It's almost time to leave so get ready." She said as she went to her room so she can wake up Asia.

Kalawarner came back out fully dressed. "So when are we leaving?" Madara looked at her.

"Right when Asia is awake and ready to go then we will head to school."

"I can't believe this shit." Freed said as he stood up from the couch. "What are you so mad about?" Kalawarner asked.

Freed gave her a dirty look. "Well first, I nearly died from suffocation and second, I am going to be in a room full of Devil's and were just going to be talking. Do you see what's wrong here? were just talking."

"You just have to accept it how it is."

Freed smacked himself in the face and left it there.

Asia and Raynare came out and were ready to go. "We are all ready my Lord." Raynare said.

"Then let us go then." Madara turned around and opened his door leaving his apartment with his group.

Scene Break

Issei was gripping his head in frusteration.

[Your a complete dumbass you know that?]

"Ohh shut the hell up. Like you would know where Mr. Uchiha lives."

[Well at least I wasn't running around looking like an idiot in public.]

"So you want to play that game now do you? Alright, atleast I wasn't sealed away."

[Don't even go there you mother fucker.]

"What the hell are you gonna do about it then? I mean the last time I checked you you can't do anything except talk."

[And I wasn't the one asking if I should tell my Mistress that I unlocked my Sacred Gear or not.]

"If I could strangle you I would do it in a heartbeat."

[You can't even touch my neck let alone strangle me dumbass.]


[Do I hear anger from you?]

"I thought we were partners not enemies you piece of shit

[Well not when your being a dumbass.]

"I swear to God." Issei gripped his head. "What the hell? Why does it hurt?"

[Well maybe it's because you are swearing to God dumbass.]

"What does that even mean?"

[It means that your a Devil and your swearing to God. Do you see what's wrong with the picture here?]

"No, not really. What's so wrong about swearing to God."

[Yep, that confirms it, your a dumbass.]



Issei turned towards his clock and saw that it was seven o five. "Ohhhh shit." He jumped off his bed and started to get ready quickly.

After he put on his school clothes he ran down the steps. "Who were you talking t-" Issei flew right past his mother and out the front door.

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit."

[Hahahaha, you dumbass. Did you not look at the time when we were arguing?]

Issei clenched his fist. "I am going to cut my left arm off so that I don't have to hear your stupid ass."

[We don't want that now do we now?]

"I am going to be late cause of you. And if i'm late that's detention and I don't want that."

[Why are you complaining over that?]

"Well I don't want to be in school and let's be honest. Who likes school anyways?"

[I don't even know how school is in the first place.]

"I think your the dumbass."

[Are you sure about that?]

"A hundred percent. And I see the gates to the school." Issei ran as fast a he could.

As he reached the gate it closed on him on the last second. He fell to his knees on shock.

"Your late boy make sure to report to the Student Council President for your punishment." The gym teacher said.

'My life is ruined.'

[Yeaaaaa, I think your the dumbass.]

Scene Break

Madara was sitting in the Principal's office with his hands locked up witheach other and his eyes closed.

"So let me get this straight. This woman to your right is a excellent student teacher and you recommend her to teach here?" The Principal said.

"Indeed she is capable of teaching the students well." Madara said.

"What is your name Miss?"

Kalawarner stood up. "My name is Kalawarner sir."

"Hmmm, I can let that happen Mr. Uchiha if you recommend it. And besides,

your teaching is excellent as always. How do you do it?"

"That's a story for another time." Madara stood up and shook his hand.

"And may I ask who are those three then?"

Madara looked over to Raynare and Freed. "These two are student teachers as well but there here to observe only. And this girl here would like to join this school."

The Principal smiled. "Very well then. Please enjoy yourselves here."

Madara and his group left the office except Asia. They were all heading straight to the classroom. "So when are gonna speak with the little Devil Princess?" Raynare asked.

"After school is finished then we go meet the brat."

"I can't believe i'm in a school right now with a bunch of students." Freed said.

"I don't really understand any of this." Kalawarner was flipping through some of the books.

"Just improvise because that is what I have been doing the whole time."

"Wow" Raynare said.

They reach the classroom and stop in front of the door. "If a student asks you if your with me just say that you work for me." Madara opened up the door and walked in.

"Alright class we have three guests today and they are student teachers if you need help don't be a coward and not ask."

The three walked in and introduced themselves.

All of the guys raised there hands up to ask for help. And all the girls blushed when they saw Freed. Madara gave them all a serious glare. "Class hasn't even started and your asking for help you brats are annoying."

Everyone lowered became quiet and listened.

'This is disgusting.' Freed thought.

"Miss, Kalawarner here will be teaching today so don't make it hard on her because if you do I will make sure to make your life miserable."

Madara walked over to his desk and sat down.

Issei was walking back from the Student Council Office with a sad expression.

"Why did this happen to me of all people. Oh wait, I know why, it's because of you."

[Are we really going there again?]

"I don't know, are we?"

[Well if so, then I will keep going at it.]

"Now I have detention for an hour and it's gonna be boring."

[Well it's your fault for being late in the first place.]

"Whatever, I don't care anymore." Issei walked over to his classroom door. He had his eyes closed and he sighed.

He opened the door and walked in. He opened up his eyes and the first thing he saw when he entered was Yuuma standing beside a girl who hair blue hair and big tits.

"Will you die for me?"

Issei clenched his fist and he gritted his teeth. "YUUMA!" Issei charged at her.

Raynare turned around and saw Issei's fist almost coming in contact with her. She closed her eyes waiting for the punch.

Madara grabbed Issei's arm and looked at him. "What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? I am trying to hit her."

"Your trying to hit my employee? Well I think your stupid for trying to do that."

"Why are you protecting her? She will kill you." He looked at Raynare. "Where is Asia? Tell me."

Madara tightened his arm even harder. "Go sit down and we will talk after school. And if you touch her at all I will make sure to have you expelled."

He let go of his arm and Issei went over to his chair and sat down.

After a while the school bell rang for the end of school. Everyone got up an left except Issei.

Madara walked over to him and stared down at him.

"Now answer my stupid question. Why is she here in this school teaching? And where is Asia?"

"She is safe. She is in the Principal's office getting registered in this school." "S-So you didn't do anything to her?"

"No, I didn't even pull a single piece of hair out if your that worked up about her."

"Well aren't you a little agressive cutey." Kalawarner said.

"Cutey? Who are you?" Issei stood up and summoned his Boosted Gear.

Everyone had wide eyes except Madara. "This kid is holding one of the heavenly dragons in him." Freed said.

"H-How is that possible?" Raynare asked.

"Oooo, your even holding a dragon inside of you as well what a cute boy."

Kalawarner smiled.

"Enough, we didn't come here to look at his stupid Sacred weapon were here to speak with the Devil brat." Madara said a little annoyed.

Issei removed his Boosted Gear. "Wait, your here to talk with Rias? Why do you want to speak with her?"

"Well, the Master wants to know about strong opponents in Hell so he could meet up with them." Raynare said.

"Hold up, did I just here Master and you going down to Hell?"


"Did I miss something?"

"Yes you did. And I mean a lot you missed out on. But you would be of great help to us if you join." Kalawarner said.

Issei stood there confused on what she was saying.

"How would you like to join me in my journey to find peace in this world boy?

There would be no more wars no more hatred." Madara said.

Issei stood there thinking. "So wait, your the Master then?"

Madara didn't say anything.

"Alright alright. I will join your little party but just as long she doesn't do anything stupid. And as long you don't do anything to Asia." He pointed at Raynare.

Raynare glared at him. Madara motioned for everyone to follow and they did. "Let us go have a chat with the brat."

Rias was working on paperwork when she felt a big source of power coming there way. She looked over to Akeno and she had a worried expression.

"Kiba get ready to attack if they try to do anything funny."

He nodded and got his sword out. Koneko was ready to attack as well.

They were all ready to attack but after a while there was a knock on the door. Everyone looked at Rias. "Let them in."

Kiba walked over to the door and opened it. "Hello, is Rias here? We would like to speak with her." Freed said.

"Let them in Kiba." Kiba moved out of the way and they all entered.

Rias was a little shocked to see two Fallen's with him and a exorcist. She

stood up from her chair and glared at Mr. Uchiha.

"Why is there two Fallen's with you? Do you work for them?" Rias and everyone got ready to attack.

"No, I do not work for anyone. These two Fallen's work for me. And the priest

as well." Madara crossed his arms.

"Issei? What are you doing?"

Issei looked away. "He is with me little Princess. But enough talk about your brat. I came here to have a chat with you ""Then please sit." Rias made her way to the couches and she sat down in front of them. Akeno went over to the kitchen to make tea.

Madara sat down and so did the two Fallen's beside him while Freed and Issei stood behind them. "I came here to discuss about some strong Devil's in Hell that you can recommend to me."

"And why do you want to know about these Devil's?"

"Well little Princess. The Master want's to fight them of course." Raynare said.

"There is no way I can provide this information to you Mr. Uchiha. Because we don't know anything about you at all. So how can I give you this info if I don't know what your gonna do except fight them."

Akeno came out with a tray of tea and cups. "Please have some tea." Rias said.

Madara was starting to get a little mad. "I didn't come here for tea brat. I came here for business now if you won't provide information then I wi-" Madara got cut off when a magic circled appeared.

A man came out of it. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. "Ohhh Rias, I have come to take your hand in marriage."

"Riser? What are you doing here? And I am not gonna marry you."

"But you will my sweet Rias. We must continue the line of pure blood Devil's or we are going to be extinct." Riser walked up to Rias and grabbed her hand.

Madara's bangs were covering his left eye. Raynare and Kalawarner looked at there Master and they both scooted away from him.

"Is this world filled with nothing but sex, Prostitutes, war and pathetic beings like yourself?"

Riser looked over to the man that said that to him. "And who are you? Are you one of Rias's servants? Because if so, then Rias should take better care of you."

Madara removed the bangs that were covering his left eye. "I am not a

servant to no one." He stood up and glared at Riser.

"Do you even know who I am?"

"Yes, I do, your one of the fools that think they can do anything but in reality there nothing but a coward."

"No, this is Riser Phenex. He is a Highclass Devil and the third son to the Phenex clan."

Madara smiled. "So your a Highclass Devil? This is perfect no this is just magnificent."

Riser gritted his teeth and launched a punch a Madara but Freed caught his fist. "We don't want you attacking the Boss now do we?"

Riser smirked and got out of Freed's grip. "Then let's see how you stand against me with my full peerage." He snapped his fingers and his entire peerage appeared behind him.

Freed moved behind Madara. "Nothing but females as your servants. This world has nothing but perversion." Madara said.

Riser started to get mad even more mad. "Xuelan, kill him." She charged at Madara and tried to punch him but Raynare and Kalawarner stopped her. "We won't let you attack him that easily." Kalawarner said.

"Fallen Angel's? Why are they here Rias?" Riser asked.

Rias was gonna respond but another magic circled appeared and a woman came out. She had long braided silver hair with a big bust. "Grayfia? What are you doing here?" Rias asked.

"I came here so a fight doesn't break out between the two of you. And to tell you that your brother is giving you a chance at a rating game against Riser."

"And you have seven days to prepare."

"Now what is this game that you Devil's are talking about?" Madara asked.

"Well, it's a game where you fight to rank up and as well to show the underworld the strength of your peerage." Grayfia said.

"That sounds boring. I want to fight this coward right in front of me and prove to him that messing with a God is a big mistake."

"You a God? don't make me laugh human. I will gladly take your offer and fight you so I can make you cry for mercy when i'm done with you."

"Very well then. What will the two fighters give to the winner if they lose?" Grayfia asked.

Riser smirked. "I will cancel the marriage with Rias." Grayfia looked over to Madara.

"I will give you my eyes." Everyone was shocked to hear that especially Raynare and Kalawarner. "Are you sure?" Madara didn't say anything.

"But let's make this a wonderful dance. I want to fight everyone in your pathetic little group as well." Rias was a little shocked to hear that.

"Well if you plan to fight his entire peerage then you will have yo-" Grayfia got

cut off. "No, I will dance alone." Madara had a sinister smile.

"What's with him and dancing?" Raynare asked Kalawarner but she shrugged.

"Very well then, the fight will take place tomorrow. Any questions?" No one said a word. "Very well then. This meeting is dismissed."

Madara turned around and started to leave. "I can't wait for our little dance tomorrow." Madara left with his group. Riser made a tsk noise and left with his peerage.

Grayfia turned towards Rias. "Who was that?"

"That is Madara Uchiha. He is a teacher here as well."

"I sense something really dangerous from him Rias. Please be careful when

your around him." Grayfia activated a magic circle and left.

Rias went over to her chair and sat down. "I guess we will just have to see what he is capable of