
Urgent Matters

News came the following morning that the Ming Dynasty had begun expelling all German citizens from its borders, while closing off maritime trade for the foreseeable future. At first Berengar was outraged at such an occurrence, and thus the first thing he did upon receiving this news was get in touch with his wife Linde, who would know more about the situation at hand.

Over the radio, Berengar voiced his frustration with the ongoing crisis, while reflecting on a similar turn of events from his past life, that would naturally occur in the coming decades if Berengar had not interfered with this world's timeline. 

"Just what the hell caused that old bastard to turn on me so suddenly? His nation was literally basking in the wealth the tea trade provided him!"

Linde sounded calm as can be while she properly explained the reason for this incident, that Berengar was apparently blind to.