
Underappreciated and Overworked

Hemma stood outside the headquarters of royal intelligence. In her hands was a cigarette, not of the hemp variety that had become widespread among the Kingdom of Germany's army, but instead it was a tobacco cigarette. Such things were a luxury as tobacco was currently only being grown in the colony of New Vienna, and shipments to the fatherland were in limited quantity. 

The women pressed her luscious pink lips against the edge before taking a long draft, taking the smoke in through her lungs before exhaling heavily. The rush of nicotine was something that kept her mind stable. After all, as the Deputy Director of German Imperial Intelligence, she had a very stressful job. 

With Linde gone, away in the new world on her honeymoon, more and more work had piled up on the Deputy Director's plate, so much so that she wondered how it was even possible for one woman to do all the work that her superior handled daily.