
Revelation of Corruption

Weeks passed and Berengar was, of course, busy overseeing the construction of his grand city and also managing the affairs of the realm at large. Linde continued to manage her spy network, and Eckhard continued to train the troops. Everything was running smoothly as far as Berengar was concerned.

In this time nothing major happened, though there were some minor improvements to Berengar's overall plans. For example, today was the day Ludolf finally became an ordained priest. As such he was kneeling in the church at Innsbruck where the local Bishop conducted his ordination. The ceremony was nothing extravagant, and it was soon over.

When the Bishop of Innsbruck finished the ceremony he began to speak to Ludolf, having no way of knowing that he was already in Berengar's camp.

"Ludolf, I must say you have your work cut out for your working in that godless territory."