
Cross of Honour of the German Mother

Berengar sat in a booth in a restaurant in the city of Reykjavik. Everywhere he looked, men and women were wearing Mjolnir pendants. The Protectorate of Iceland had become a haven for Germanic paganism of all forms, which was undergoing a revival in the country. 

By the Kaiser's side was his unofficial wife, the Valkyrie Brynhildr, and the many members of their family. Siv was noticeably not present, as she had taken a liking to one of Berengar's sons, and had decided to stay in Kufstein as his wife. 

Instead, these were all of Berengar's children with the mature beauty, who never seemed to age, despite being millennia old. As for Berengar, he was in his early fifties, and appeared the part. Despite this, Brynhildr did not stop pumping out kids for the man, as she was eternally fertile.